Returning Home

What appeared before her eyes was a familiar pond but the rest of the area had become full of overgrowth of the plants.

The previous home that she had was gone and it was replaced by the environment taking back what was once a part of itself that had been taken over and built to suit humans living there.

The home Blush lived in was long gone and the deep pond had no signs of life within so it meant that the large creature living within had either been taken, killed, died or moved to another place.

Blush walked forward towards another part of the area then waved her hand, a stone was moved to the side which revealed a hole in the ground.

She placed her hand on the gourd at her waist and everything that had been buried there was sucked inside. "Now that everything is completed I can leave here."

Blush transformed into a bird and soared through the skies once again but she did not get that far.

Her gaze was directed below all of a sudden when she caught the sight of someone being chased by a large creature.

It was a black panther that seemed to be playing around with its prey and the person it was chasing looked very tired or weak.

Blush was usually not a person that would intervene in things but she had started to pay a little more attention to the humans around her and had started to work on fulfilling her contracts so it had a little more of an affect on her than she thought.

It let her look around more and to value the lives of others more but her intentions were still not completely impure when she paid attention to everyone and she may not save someone without gaining something in return.

What had caught her attention the most was the state of the person who was being chased and that they were very unwell but could still move around.

It meant that they possessed a strong physique and had a strong will to be able to fight off the effects they were experiencing.

Blush rested down on a branch and transformed back into her human appearance then examined the body of the person with her magic. 'It really is that. Dr Gero, I guess even your inventions have their limitations but perhaps this may also be a part of your plan so you can buy more time to produce a set of failed products before the perfect one is created.'

Dr Gero would never create something perfect to be used right away even if he reached that goal long ago.

The more time and funding he received then the more time and funding he could devote on his own research.

If he just gave them what they wanted right away then they may no longer have a use for him.

The person who was below that was being chased by a black panther was infected with the same toxin that old man Arbor and many others were exposed to.

The main difference between other people and the girl below was that she was far healthier, younger and physically fit than others so she was able to still move around even if she had been weakened.

She looked around fifteen years old, tall, slender but strong looking physique, black skin with long dark blue hair with light blue eyes.

Her clothing was a simple brown dress, a headband with a feather on it, bracelets with animal claws or teeth and other belts and accessories made from animal fur or parts.

There were some markings on her clothing that resembled waves and sea creatures which would have something to do with her tribe or affiliation.

She carried a naginata type of weapon that was suited for longer range combat and occasionally looked over her shoulder towards the black panther with no visible fear in her eyes.

Just as Blush was about to raise her hand towards the black panther, she picked up on the determination of the girl that looked a little older than herself. 'She is brave. At a disadvantage and still has the will to fight on. Was there a tribe that dressed like that in these parts when I was here previously? I do not think so.. judging from the clothing, she could be a part of a tribe or group that moves around by the sea. They may have encountered trouble upon landing and settling here.'

The panther saw that its prey no longer ran away so it lost interest and decided to go for the kill.

It ran quickly and pounced towards the girl while the girl raised her naginata towards it. "Haaah!"

She put her life and whole power into her strike but it did not seem to have the right amount of force and precision needed to land a killing blow.

She was far too weak and her attack would only succeed in wounding the black panther.

Soon the force of the black panther that pounced towards her would let her lose ground then her life would be lost to the jaws of the black panther.

A strange change took place all of a sudden and the naginata in her hand seemed to move a little and no longer looked like it would falter in the face of the black panther.

The next moment, a cry came from the black panther and the girl fell to the ground unconscious after using up too much energy and from suffering from the effects of the toxins within her.

Blush jumped down from the sturdy branch and looked towards the corpse of the black panther that was pierced through the throat. "Hmm.. a good sample."

Her gaze turned towards the girl who had become paler and weaker with every passing moment. "I should really sage her before that worsens."

Blush quickly examined her body with her magic then put her hand near her storage gourd that was hung at her waist.

A small box exited her gourd and grew larger then rested in her hands, Blush opened it up and took out something that looked identical to what had been fed to old man Arbor.

It was fed to the girl and their condition began to show improvement so Blush began to take out other things to improve her health and to deal with the effects left behind.

The black panther was slowly dismantled after it had been fully examined by Blush so she gained a lot of data on its structure while she had collected some fresh samples and data from the moment that the naginata pierced it.

Some hair, skin and blood samples were collected during the treatment of the girl just to increase her data on the humans to see if she was missing anything related to their talents or other genetic traits.

Everything was stored away to be studied, used or sold at a later date then the girl was taken to a nearby cave by Blush.