Father and Children

Coral was not yet capable of facing off against demons and others with special abilities so Blush had left her behind and took on the dangers herself.

The countermeasures she put in place had proven to be very useful and saved her a lot of effort to fight back.

Blush knew that if she was to be tracked down then there would be a larger amount of psychic mages from her family to band together to suppress her.

Her own powers were weaker than her father or the family head so she would have to use dirty tactics or inventive ways to let herself survive.

The family head was dealt with quickly thanks to her preparations but there still existed an obstacle that was just as troublesome.

Her father had not been there that day so she had to come up with a way to defeat him.

Blush showed a slight smile towards her half siblings. "Greetings brothers and sisters. Father should be here very soon to join in this family reunion so if you do not wish to end up like your dead brother over there then you should think fast. All of you attack and suppress father when he arrives."

They looked conflicted upon seeing their brother dead but they did not have that close of a bond.

The only bond they shared was that they were all in a similar situation to each other and had a very low status in the family.

Their potential was low so they ended up with a lower status and would have to serve the family doing all kinds of tasks that may put their lives at risk.

They had lost other brothers and sisters that way so it made it harder for them to get close to each other unless a small number of them formed a closer bond in the name of working together for the sake of their survival.

One of them grinned crazily and started to release their psychic power and magic together. "I would rather die trying to take you down."

Blush showed no hesitation as she said. "It is a shame.. her hand pointed towards him and she said. "Kill em. Release."

It was unlike the others due to everyone being given a random capsule that was inserted into their heart.

Inside of his heart, a capsule opened to to reveal and small piece that separated the middle of the capsule.

Both sides had spilled out upon opening and came into contact with each other.

Suddenly the two started to mix and bubbled up very quickly while releasing a strange smokey gas within the heart. "Tss…"

It did not end there as it became far more volatile then created a small explosion that ignited the remained of the two substances.

Blush watched as the heart area of her sibling had suddenly exploded like a bomb had went off then he dropped down lifelessly. "Anyone else? Do you wish to die or are you willing to capture that guy for me?"


"I do not want to die."

"She has the power now."

"We have no choice."


"I do not like it but fine!"

The handsome demon had came closer and saw his children raising their powers together suddenly while trying to position themselves well. "Good job children. Capture her first and seal her powers. I want her alive for now."

He thought to himself. 'Finally they have been a little useful. It is a shame that none of them have interested me as much as this daughter of mine. It is a shame that that old man wants her dead.'

He thought that Blush could be useful if he had a way to control her and the old demon may have felt the same but Blush had greatly angered them and would have to face their wrath.

Once they gained the things she took back from her then they were prepared to torture her until her death.

He paused for a moment when he saw some already dead bodies and two of them were his own children so he decided that Blush may be more difficult to deal with than he expected.

He walked towards his children and started to show his own powers a little so that he could end things quickly but something out of his expectations happened.

His children that had their backs facing him and were aiming towards Blush had moved to the side to allow Blush a better aim while they turned to face him.

Each of them had invisible energies surrounding their bodies and the fluctuations given off had caused each of the pieces of clothing or hair on their bodies to float upward a little.

The handsome demon looked confused. "Children?"

He was fast to raise his guard as each of the energies were pushed towards him and crashed into his psychic magic barrier. "You traitors!"

His barrier was holding up when he supplied more energy to it but the multiple attacks on it had cause damage which needed to be repaired with additional energy.

The barrier was being repaired but attacks kept coming towards different areas until there was the voice of Blush that spoke among the noises created by the crashing of the energy. "Keep him contained."

Many small magic artefacts were summoned so that metal shards, kunai, shuriken, throwing knives and needles had floated up in front of Blush then shot out towards the demons that had escorted her father.

Her father was much too busy protecting himself so he failed to protect them.

They tried to jump or run out of the way but the weapons seemed to follow them like they were being controlled by someone. "This.."

"We cannot avoid it!"

Each of them were pierced by many of them and dropped down to the ground as they bled out.

Once Blush had removed any hinderances, she turned her attention to her father once again.

She reached into her gourd to take out several things that she thought would be useful.

Among them was a spear head on the top of a metallic pole that was pointed forward as she said. "Extend."

The tip of the spear on the end of the pole was pointed towards the barrier and as it had visibly weakened, the metallic pole had suddenly increased its reach all of a sudden once she thrust it forward.

The barrier broke apart and the point of the tip of the spear pierced into the shoulder of the handsome demon. "Urgh."

His body was pushed back into a tree behind him so he was pinned to it until Blush said. "Now! Retract."

Many energies wrapped around him just as the spear head retreated after retracting so he could not fight well enough when his focus was taken away by the pain he had to endure. "Argh. Urgh.. you damn traitors. I made you! How could you do this?!"

Blush walked forward and one hand was moving a little as energy gathered on her palm then was pointed towards her father. "This technique must have been something that the family planned to use on me or would use of to suppress others in the family. Who would have thought that it would be turned against you."

He struggled to unleash his power but he had already been weakened and his concentration had been lowered so he was not in the best shape to resist as energy poured into his body and suppressed him further.

A seal formed around his powers but it did not end there when a piece of cloth wrapped around his body then fit in place.

His upper body was restrained and what was restraining him was a strong straitjacket that would usually be used to restrain mental patients.

Even his physical strength could not be used to break out of it so the materials used to make it had high endurance. "This.."

He did possess more power than his children but he was not that skilled in combat due to him specialising in the altering or wiping of memories along with some illusionary or shapeshifting type spells that were no help to him against other psychic mages that could still sense his presence and could protect themself from mental attacks or manipulations.

Even as he tried to shield himself and pushed the joint attacks back, he found himself using up too much power and it became a game of who could hold out longer.

He could not maintain his shield perfectly so weaknesses began to show more often which led to several openings being created to allow Blush to pierce through his psychic shield where it was more fragile.

That opening created what was needed to defeat and subdue him so he and the children were left feeling very tired after going all out against each other so Blush felt very safe around her weak brothers and sisters who were still unable to attack her due to the capsules placed in their hearts that could be triggered if they did do something against her.