Father and Daughter

Another thing floated up in front of her father then wrapped around his mouth as it locked in place which was shaped like a ball and gag.

What followed was some chains that had been between two cuffs that locked around his ankles.

Blush looked at her father who was glaring at her then took out a scalpel and some syringes. "I was always missing an important piece to the puzzle to better understand myself.

My mother was burned so I missed that part but I could get by with studying humans to better understand their structure.. you were what I was really lacking and you just had to come to me so willingly."

She had a wide grin as she looked at him like a very important specimen that she needed to study and understand to the last detail.

Her father could not break the seal himself and could not break from his restraints so she was pleased with the result.

There was a sealing technique that the family head or the previous generations had used to suppress others or to keep control of others.

It was a type of seal that targeted the psychic and dark magic so that it could be suppressed and not be accessible for the person that had it within them.

It would be usually used against those that were breaking rules, had failed in a task or had been seen as a threat to those in power so they would have their powers sealed temporarily so they could not make use of them for a long time.

Those with some potential could be put under that suppression so they could not become a threat to those in power one day so their ability to improve would be hindered.

The main uses of the seal was to temporarily seal the powers of troublemakers, failures or rebels within the family but it was not a perfect technique that could seal them forever unless it was reapplied frequently.

It had cost Blush more than half of her magic power and psychic power just so she could seal both her father's magic and psychic energies.


"Hmph..mph. Mrph."

Her father continued to try to curse towards her but his voice was blocked.

Blush was still protected by her psychic magic barrier as she continued. "How long has this been going on? One hundred years? Two hundred? Five hundred years? Maybe longer?

And yet an amateur like you has still kept going with this stupid experiment with little results. So many deaths have followed and lives have been ruined for the sake of your constant failures. I truly am ashamed to be your daughter but at least you can now be of some use to me."

If Blush was still struggling to understand her own physiology and genetics then she would have to track down her father eventually.

It meant finding him who was hidden in the human world or growing her power enough so that she could combat him while finding a way to protect herself better from the dark energy within the dark demon realm.

It would require a protective tool or a greater amount of power that could be used to allow her to defeat him, get away to safety with his body and still not have any dark energy break past her own magic that would protect her.

The most obvious option would be to lure him back to the family like he had been after she took away everything within the vault so that Blush could have a higher chance of finding his location.

Blush did not expect to meet him so soon and did not have enough confidence to beat him alone but things worked out in her favour.

She started inserting needles and extracted all kinds of samples from him while her siblings watched in horror.

A large bag was taken out that went over the treated body of her father then she turned to her siblings. "Now that we have come face to face. I do not really want to have any future troubles from any of you."

Some scrolls appeared in front of her. "So we should make a contract so that you can not do any harm against me or try to plot against me in the future. I am giving each of you a chance to live on since you have cooperated with me so far.

The rest of your lives are your own so you can decide what to do next so long as you do not come looking for me again to cause trouble. The choice is yours to make and hopefully we can just go our separate ways peacefully."

Blush felt that there would be some more resistance but a couple of them stepped forward without hesitation and started signing them while placing their own bloodied thumb prints on them.

It caused them all to step forward as they followed along so Blush was curious enough to ask. "What do you have planned now?"

She was curious to see what they could do in the Dark Demon Realm once they had lost their main backer and those that held the reigns over them.

They were free from the control of the family but they had lost what lives they had become used to.

Even if they were once her enemies, they could no longer take a form of aggressive action towards her so Blush could let down her guard a little.

"I will be going off on my own."

"I will join another faction."

"I do not know.."

"Me neither."

Each of them had some kind of idea but not every single one of them had made up their minds on what they could do.

There were options available to them but they were still unsure if they would be accepted or had what was needed to achieve what they wanted.

Blush thought to herself. 'They could be of some use..'

There was information and materials that could not be so easily obtained unless she could find a way to enter the Dark Demon Realm without being harmed.

Using her siblings was a way to achieve her purpose and to save a lot of time and energy that could be better spent towards other areas.

Blush coughed to get their attention again then said. "Ahem.. if you have no real plan then I will give you some options. Work with me and maybe you can each find a way to grow stronger or to gain things you may need.

Either you can carry out some things for me in the Dark Demon Realm or some of you that have more human appearances could get to experience the human realm more. You could try to go it alone but not everyone will be so accepting of half bloods."

Half bloods, hybrids or the tainting of bloodlines was something that could gain them a far more difficult life when they lacked the protection of their family and it would make a lot of their plans far more difficult to achieve.

They were half demons and it was not strange for a lot of races to value the purity of their blood and hated when there existed beings that possessed half of their bloodline.

It was not just demons who thought that way and even angels, humans, elves or many other races had similar views when Blush had read some fantasy based novels that interested her or similar movies.

There was some discrimination that the siblings had faced within the family for that very reason but it may not have been as harsh as what they could face in the outside world.

They may have been half bloods but they were still the young ladies and young masters of a noble demon family lineage.

If others showed disdain towards them or used violence then it would be like attacking or shaming the family so many had to hold back and had to resort to talking behind their backs.

Even the siblings did not know if they would be accepted if they tried to join another influence and if they would be treated fairly.