Flutter, Fizz and Zap

The recent battle and many other factors had let Blush know that she was still lacking in power.

If she wished to focus on gaining more power and furthering her research then she could not be kept busy with much smaller tasks all the time.

There would be a need for more people around her just like Coral to provide a support system so that she would not have to resort to magic unless it was necessary.

Her physical strength may have been better than some but it was still very weak compared to more experienced fighters.

Her talents lied in another area and the training she had put her body through had made her stronger and healthier but Blush did not see herself reaching greater heights in that area unless she found a way to solve her talent problem.

Her body was just not suited for it but her path of power was not completely cut off.

After Blush had gained many things from the Dark Demon Realm and from Dr Gero, there was a lot to make use of to aid her further.

It was still unknown how long the demon gate would remain after she left so there was always a chance of her access being cut off from that part of the Dark Demon Realm so she could lose contact with some of her siblings even if she made a deal with them.

There were other gates or rifts but they would lead to a completely different location.

Blush thought to herself. 'Argh I still have much to study from that place.. that fire seed needs to be nurtured too. What about that strange butterfly I found too?'

She simply did not wish to worry about additional things and wished to jump back into her experiments and studies.

Her father was her most recent captive so there were some answers that she would gain from his body too.

Her brothers and sisters had spent some time thinking things over then a small group had come forward.

There were only three of them that seemed interested in working with her after she tried to convince them.

She was a little disappointed but she understood that she could not force them.

They did not know her that well even if they were her family and they each had their own ideas on how they would choose to live their lives.

Those that wished to join her and could were the three that stepped forward and had more of a human appearance.

One of them was a male that had slightly pointed ears and red eyes, green hair but the ears were not that long and their pale skin helped them blend in.

Another was a female that had black eyes, black hair and a completely normal human appearance.

The final one was a girl too that had red eyes like most others in the family but had blonde hair.

The male was a little larger than the other male demons and had built up some muscle but he was very simple looking.

The black haired female looked very beautiful and had a slender body that added to her seductive charm.

The blonde haired female looked very dainty and small compared to the others so she was very cute looking and disarming.

The black haired half demoness spoke first. "You can call me Flutter."

The blonde haired half demoness followed along. "Fizz."

The green haired half demon added. "Zap."

Blush listened to their names and thought to herself. 'Are they just named after sounds made by devices or other objects? Well.. it makes it easier for me to remember them this way so I cannot complain.'

Blush turned to Zap and said to him. "You can carry father but keep him from being shown to others."

Zap nodded. "What are we doing exactly?"

Blush showed a slight smile. "We will probably stop at the capital before moving somewhere else. If you all want to stick with me during that time or will leave later then let me know in advance."

Fizz cutely pouted and asked. "What do you want me to do?"

Flutter placed her hand on her hip and spoke. "And me?"

Blush thought to herself. "For now.. just come along and try to blend in with the humans. Once I find out your talents, specialties and other things then I can start to assign some things to each of you."

They all possessed a decent amount of psychic and magic power but it would soon be surpassed by Blush if she put in some efforts.

Each of them were very youthful looking like they were still between the ages of sixteen and twenty five but they could have been much older than their appearance so it was unknown how much they could still grow even if they returned to the Dark Demon Realm where there was dark energy to use with their family techniques.

They would have each had their own specialties in the way they used their powers so Blush needed to find a way to assign each of them a role.

She had hoped for more to come forward but she could not be too greedy.

There were some among her brothers and sisters that would return to the Dark Demon Realm and would be willing to collect some things for her but they did not wish to build a relationship beyond that.

The four of them joined up with Coral and the others then went on their journey once again but they soon ran into another obstruction on the way which became an annoyance to Blush.

She was sitting on the back of a carriage with a frown on her face as she was previously meditating and practicing her training technique to improve her psychic powers but there was a disturbance outside.

She had already put up her human disguise once again so that she could blend in with the others around her.

A cold look appeared on her face and she stood up and walked outside. "What has stopped us?"

Her eyes turned towards the several people that were further ahead that blocked the road while sitting on a fallen tree that seemed to have recently come down.

There were a couple of life forms that were picked up by her magic that were spread out around the area. 'Now that it has come to this.. I really do need to work on gaining some form of extra protection. Which spell will be most useful right now? Oh that would work!'

Blush started to scan the area for stronger signs of life as she was trying to recall one of her spells that would be useful to her. 'No.. not that.. too weak. Too slow. Too big. Too small. Ah! Maybe that would work.. no! Not something like that… that one is too far away. I guess I need to rely on that then…'

Blush walked towards the others and said. "Prepare to defend ourselves. Do not expose yourselves unless absolutely needed. Hold them off for a while and keep them from disturbing me."

Blush started to make some preparations as she sat inside then started to chant in some strange language as if she was communicating with some unknown entity or was casting a spell that had some form of ritualistic practice involved.

There were some incense burning near her and there were several bones laid out around what looked like a fortunetelling ball that Blush had her hands hovering over.

It seemed like she entered some trance-like state and she became quiet again once the noise outside had grown louder.