
The carriage was met with a couple of obstructions along the way to the capital but everyone was able to survive the journey.

There were some which had been left in some towns or cities that had been passed when they had not wished to continue the journey with everyone and wanted to take their chances where they stopped at.

Others that had been less trustworthy had not received the same treatment as everyone else so they were more likely to leave once they saw a chance to do so.

Blush continued to try to grow her relationship with her new familiar that was named Pandora.

Rather than going for a basic name that was suited to the colour of her fur, Blush chose to pick a name that was more suited to a wolf that she could remember.

Wolves were often associated with the moon so there were many different names of moons to choose from so she eventually picked Pandora over the name Stella or Rhea.

It was a name that Pandora seemed to take a liking to more and responded to so it had become what her familiar would be named from then.

Pandora was a very stubborn and prideful wolf that did not like to have a lot done for her but she did like to eat and sleep a lot.

She would make some trips to hunt her own food then would drop it in front of Blush so that it could be cooked but she turned her head away to display her stubbornness.

Even if she wanted something, she would only place the meat there to be cooked and would not beg for it to be done or would not act cute.

Blush could only sigh helplessly that she had gained a familiar that had started to demand things of her and took up some of her time to care for but having a pet had helped her gain another possible research direction.

Blush thought to herself as she looked towards the sleeping wolf. 'I think I have been too fixated on the genetics of other creatures to help improve on the human or other races genetics. I have never really thought of how I could reverse that and could improve upon the animal genetics too.

If I think about what I have been doing then it would be a complete or incomplete change to the genetics which would be similar to a polymorph spell or a curse done by witches to create a werewolf.

What is lacking in my own research is an ideal state that would fuse the two genetics together to create a better result or a way to allow a transformation into a stronger form to happen without affecting the original form.

What I really need to understand further is how to improve the genetic fusion processes to allow hybridisation or even how to achieve a stable tribrid that has the best of all parts.

Then there is a need to further understand transformations and how they can be used in different ways. If a man can be cursed to become a werewolf then it should be possible for a wolf to take on a werewolf form too. Would the animal become more intelligent and have higher potential if influenced by such changes?'

There would be a limit to the potential of each animal and they could not be trained like humans so that could change if they were influenced by such changes and they could improve in other areas too so there was worth in studying that area that she had ignored before.

Blush had previously tested her genetic transformation serums and pills on other humans or demons but she had not tested them on other animals yet so she was not sure of how they would turn out.

She had been far too focussed on improving human potential and had ignored other possible routes of exploration but since she had a new familiar that would have its potential limited, she had to find a way to help improve her survival abilities and combat power if Pandora would continue to stay by her side.

Her curiosity had been ignited further and Blush had found a small space to begin her research with the recent captives that had been taken along with her and were locked within a room.

Most others had chosen to settle in the capital temporarily but Blush had decided it was best for her to find a place to train and to continue her research without being disturbed.

She gave them some funds to help them get settled and left the rest to old Arbor who was more familiar with the capital.

Blush stood opposite her father who was chained up with a syringe in her hand. "My other things can wait for now. You now have my full attention."


"Nmph mph mmph!"


Blush started to extract everything that she could and cast several investigative spells on him to further study his genetics and physiology then started to compare what she had found with her own. "Wow.. after comparing everything together, I am far closer to understanding everything.

Some of my brothers and sisters inherited certain parts of humans or their demon lineage so there are some differences to me. I must thank you for showing up when you did father.

You and that old demon were really the best I could compare with to better understand myself and the differences between me and my siblings. Some may have inherited certain advantages while others have inherited some flaws but me? Hahaha."

Her red eyes glowed with excitement as she continued. "I may not have inherited a strong body with infinite potential but I did gain your families unique talents. It does not end there though and I am quite pleased with my findings.

Not every sibling of mine had gained the same lifespan of the demons so they aged the same as humans but I figured out that I have more time to live. You have my thanks for letting me know that I have more time to do things and do not have to rush things this time."

It had been a regret of hers that she had failed in her previous life due to having a limited time left to live.

There were more things to explore in the new world she was apart of so it was a big relief to discover that she did not have to resort to wishing for a longer lifespan or doing anything like making herself into an android just so she could continue living.

Wishes made everything too easy and the other option could limit her potential so having a demon lifespan was something that Blush was pleased to find out.

There were additional options like miracle elixirs that could extend the lifespan but they did not help to maintain youth or to keep the body in the peak of its potential and abilities.

There were other races that had far longer lifespans than humans and the demon race were among them that could live for several hundreds of years.

An example would be the devil race that could live for more than four hundred years or the namekian race that could live for more than that if they possessed special abilities and did not do anything to reduce their lifespan.

There were other mortal races that could live for anywhere between one hundred to a thousand years old then there were other special races that could live for longer or seemed to never age like the gods.

Since Blush had more time to live, she did not feel the need to rush anything and could experiment freely or build her power at a more leisurely pace without having to settle for a poorer end result than what could possibly be achieved.

Instead of rushing herself into an incomplete full body transformation, Blush would have more time to work out any of the flaws and would have time to work on her magic and psychic powers.

Her attention had been on the flame seed that had been nurtured by her magic power but it had not begun to grow yet.

It was similar in a way to the flames within the magical furnace of Mount Five Element that created steam to allow the living and dead to pass through safely.

If the flame went out and was not reignited then it was likely that dark spirits would take over the living world.

It provided passage to the Other World where the spirits of the dead would go to and helped to maintain a safe passage for those allowed entry but could be used to trick and drive away intruders who were not granted entry.

Other magical things existed like sacred or evil waters, trapped evil spirits, mythical creatures and even magic flames like what Blush had found.

What was still needed was a better container for it since the current one that housed her flame seed was very old and may not be able to contain it once it became stronger and more difficult to control.

The flames were very strong and useful but they needed to be properly contained from running wild just like how the damaged furnace had resulted in an inextinguishable flame that almost completely destroyed the Ox King's castle so it could be imagined the kind of harm her magic flame could do if it was left unchecked.

Blush continued to study the books and what she had gained from the memories of others then went on to test her most recent theories on those that had been captured by her while making some plans for her own cauldron or furnace that could be used with her flame once it had enough of her magic power to start growing.

In between the many things Blush had to do, she still found time to practice her psychic power training method so that it could catch up to her current magic power level.

[Author Note: A little later, I realised that one of the witches I had named was called Pandora too so to avoid confusion, her name will be changed once she reappears in the story. Pandora the witch will be renamed as Willow and she is the witch that has inheritance and magic manipulation type magics.]

[Author Note: Other changes may be made along the way to power level scalings and other things so if you find it confusing at times, I will try to leave notes or chapter updates to let everyone know.]