
There was a large limit to the races available to study on earth and Blush had not encountered all of them.

She had acquired samples from some demons, ogres and devils but they were hardly worth mentioning when it came to their potential or powerful abilities.

From her previous experiments, Blush had been able to figure out how to create stable hybrids but they would still change in appearance or shape to suit what they had changed into.

It was a kind of product that could become popular for those wanting to gain power while sacrificing the human appearance to become a hybrid race.

The major flaw in her research was that she had to sacrifice the overall structure of the human body to achieve a more powerful form so Blush continued to work on perfecting it further.

Even if some of the power gained would be sacrificed a little, there would not be big changes to every person.

Those that had successfully transformed into hybrids had their blood samples collected to begin another round of testing and comparison.

When she had furthered her research, there were three test subjects in front of her which she compared their overall endurance and other characteristics.

The first was a werewolf type of form that let them transform into a beast human form that maximised the potential of the human body and the animal genes mixed in.

On her notes, it had said that there was still a need to test many more different genes to figure out how to gain the best results from each animal or races genetics to be mixed together.

If there was a ratio to measure the genetic structure then it would be higher on the animal side that were more dominant.

The second was a human that had animal features that had been inherited so their change was still quite apparent and they would still have difficulties fitting into normal human crowds.

The genes were a lot more balanced so that the humans could still inherit certain characteristics of their animal genes but their change was not as big but there was a slight drop to how much had been improved after changing.

On her notes, it had said that that it was required to test further to see if it was stable with other genetics and she was still unsure if the potential had been maximised for the form.

The third person looked almost identical to a human but had some much smaller changes made to their body that were easier to hide or were not that noticeable.

It may have been the texture of their skin that was harder, their eye shape, their ear shape or sharper teeth that were different than before.

On the notes, it had said that it was closer to reaching her intended goal but still needed to remove any additional features so that the transformed person could have the gains without losing their previous appearance.

The third one was the type that would let someone gain a little more power, speed or endurance of the animal or other race to a certain extent but their body would not change in appearance but it was still far from being perfected.

The second one was the type that creates hybrids or demihumans that inherited more physical aspects and abilities while still maintaining a human form with some additional features like animal ears, fangs, claws, scales and antennae.

The first one was the type that created a mutant or werewolf type of human shaped form that became bigger or smaller in size depending on the animal genes that were added.

The downside to her research was that there were some animals that would only cause a decrease to the power gained and no successful results had been obtained from each of the experiments so Blush had to put them to the side and collected the only valuable data that had been gained from them.

There may not have been a big increase to the physical aspects but there were always other changes that needed to be studied further like the improved sight, smell, taste, hearing, flexibility and additional abilities like having potent poisons or being able to eat things that are harmful to the body without suffering the consequences.

They were documented and she put them aside for later experiments while she focussed entirely on the three areas of research first.

Once Blush had run out of experimental subjects, she looked towards her father and sighed. "Just you left huh?"


He was injected with a syringe and the serum started to transform his body.

Blush observed his change with her magic but did not interfere with the process. "This should rob you of your original abilities but you will not die."

His appearance started to change dramatically as it mutated into an appearance that was a mix between a dark black coloured emperor butterfly and demon.

His handsome appearance had become bug like and ugly while wings grew on his back which quickly became restrained by Blush.

The other restraints seemed to adjust to his bodies changes as it continued and he gained antennae and other features of the butterfly.

The wings and body were a purplish black colour along with his body while there was still a body shape that still somewhat resembled a mutated human body type that had turned out in the most grotesque combination ever.

Her hand was placed near him and cast a spell to release the seal on his dark energy which caused it to spread out and adapt to the new changes within him.

The dark energy within her father seemed to become violent within his body and burst out of his mouth, nose and ears like a dark fog filling the room once it was not compatible with his new physique but it did not cause him harm like the others.

The dark energy was gathered and sealed within a small jar then Blush smiled towards him. "I discovered something interesting near the demon gate. There was a butterfly that was flying around unharmed by the energy that spilled through the gate so I thought of collecting some of them.

So this is the result that a mixture of a demon and butterfly has made. This concoction was made for you so that it could remove your magic and psychic powers but would not die when the energy ran rampant within your body.

Aren't I a good daughter? Praise me, praise me father! Anyways.. I will begin testing you to find out if my previous theories had been correct. Time to expose you to what you just spat out."

A tube was connected to a mask that was placed on his face that connected the other end to the top of the jar.

The dark energy was force into his mouth and was swallowed down by him as Blush observed the changes within his body. "These butterflies really do have excellent survival capabilities."

What had been found near the demon gates was several dark coloured butterflies that resembled emperor butterflies.

Each of them flew around and were unaffected by the dark energy that was around them but that was not what made her so curious about them.

The dark energy that came into contact with them had been absorbed by them and then covered the outer layer of their bodies to serve as a form of protection for them just like an emperor butterfly would cover itself in poisons.

Each flap of its wings would release small amounts of the dark energy and they would carry it to other areas until it no longer existed on their bodies.

Her father had not grown that much stronger during his change but he did show that ability once the dark energy travelled through his body even though he was no longer immune to it.

Blush had been able to replace some smaller areas so that his magic powers, psychic powers and immunity to the dark energy would be removed so that the test could be studied further to test the ability limitations of the transformed butterfly form.

Blush watched as a layer of black mist formed on the outer parts of his skin and her red eyes glowed with excitement. "Thank you father for contributing towards the study of this unique ability.

What should I call it? Poison consumption? Poison defence? Poison physiology? No.. this goes beyond just poison. Perhaps just toxin or noxious would sound closer to what this is. This is much better than the other demon realm races ability to live there."

The potential that the butterfly had was far better than what could be gained from isolating the genes needed to allow immunity to the dark energy.

It not only allowed others to enter the Dark Demon Realm without harm but they could also bring the Dark Energy with them within their bodies after consuming it.

Blush started testing all kinds of poisons and toxic concoctions on her father until she was fully satisfied with the performance test.

His body was covered with many different colours of fogs that were very potent toxins that could kill many kinds of strong life forms.

Once the test had come to an end, Blush removed a sword from the hilt and sent it chopping towards his neck in a swift motion,

A protective mask and suit were on her body to protect her from harm and allowed her to breathe cleaned air so she was protected from what had been fed to her father.

The toxic substances released from the pours of his skin to form a poisonous layer that was part liquid and part gas state depending on what he had been fed and how it had been released from his body.

The gases and smaller pieces that looked like dust particles had spread into the air while the liquids dripped down his body onto the ground.

His head fell onto the ground after being cleaved off and Blush picked it up to bring it closed to her own face. "This is my revenge for stuffing me full of Dark Energy when I was just a baby, killing the original owner and ruining my body. Kay?"

The head was made to nod by her before it was tossed to the side and Blush placed her hands onto her hips. "No more need to be dwelling on the past. I am already far closer to achieving what you had been failing to do so such a long time and have made improvements to it. Onto the next experiment. Hehehe."

Her findings had covered the overall limitations to the amount of harmful and noxious substances that could enter the body of those with that physique so high amounts or extremely fatal ones would have a small effect if the butterfly physique did not have a natural immunity to them.

Even if it was under a higher degree of stress from enduring the large amounts or powerful toxins inside the body they could be expelled from the body through the pours on the skin or other parts of the body.

The biggest issue was being able to unload all the toxins before it became too much to be harmful and to take effect.

A fatal weakness of eating type abilities was always the limit that the body could handle so she made notes to have those who gained that ability to continue to work on their resistances and their eating capacity of those things so they could try to remove that weakness.

The applications in combat would be many for those that possessed that ability that would help them to gain a major advantage over their opponents and would be able to take down those stronger than them.

Combined with a complete poison immunity or poisonous physique, it would be even more powerful so her research would not stop there.

The immunity to the dark energy that the demons and other races possessed would play a much bigger role if it could be combined with the eating and immunity of the poisons abilities so that any previous limitations or minor damage sustained from the dark energy overwhelming the body could be removed.

Unfortunately Blush had not moved on to creating unique genetic structures of her own or had tried combining more than two genetic structures together so she had to keep everything documented and stored for later use.

What came with a full transformation had additional abilities that were enhanced vision, enhanced smell, antennae protrusion, flight using the wings, slightly scaled skin, lunglessness and a poisonous biology that worked with the ability to eat poisons so there was a lot to break down and study from it.

The lunglessness ability had interested Blush due to it being able to be applied to different environments and not needing oxygen to survive so it could be tested whether it could work underwater, up in high altitudes or even in space.

Being able to gain different abilities that aided in survival and adaption was something many would want to go after.

Even if it could not be gained from those that could actually survive in such environments like the Frost Demon Clan or other races, there were still some animals that possessed abilities that were similar.