Green Haired Girl

Not that long of a time had passed since Blush had run out of test subjects so it was time for her to come out into the world again.

There were still some minor problems to solve from her first genetic serums and pills which had not yet been perfected.

One minor flaw was that those who inherited more of the genetics of an animal would pick up certain habits and likes of those animals.

An example would be that cat people would love catnip while others diet would change.

Some would habitually display certain habits or mannerisms of the animal genetics that they had inherited like purring when being in a good mood.

Those that had left Blush were each given tasks to do based on their own range of expertise.

Some found a place to settle within the professional guilds that existed within the capital while others had sought work in smaller places.

It helped for those loyal to Blush to set up roots within the capital and to gather intelligence on the surroundings.

A teenage girl with green hair was walking through the streets dressed in a black dress.

She looked innocent and her red eyes looked around curiously towards the surrounding stalls.

She seemed hesitant to spend the coins in her small bag of coins then continued walking until she found herself getting swept up in the crowd that formed on the busy streets.

A rough hand pulled at her arm and she felt something sharp pressing against her back as a cold voice spoke behind her. "Do not make a sound and follow. Try to draw attention to yourself and you will die."

The green haired girl had looked scared and was pulled away helplessly while trying to suppress her fear.

Once she was pulled into a dark alley, a bag was placed over her head and she was carried away.

She made a slight effort to struggle a little but her resistance was useless.

She could feel the cold hit her body and the foul smell entering her nose as she was placed down onto the cold wet ground.

Her hands were restrained and a cold metallic feeling was felt around her wrists and feet.

All she could see was darkness until the bag was removed from her head.

The faint light hit her eyes which caused her to squint then her vision started becoming clearer. "W..where is this?"

The person that had removed the bag from her head had stepped outside of the door with bars on it. "So you finally speak. I thought you were a mute for a moment. That is good! We do not have to reduce your price! Hahaha. Be a good girl and behave or you will be disciplined."

The green haired girl looked over in fear and confusion then trembled. "No.. no.. you are going to sell me?"

He laughed as his figure disappeared from her sight. "So you are smart enough to understand. I like smart people. They can accept their reality better and do not have any foolish thoughts that will bring them further trouble."

Just as the green haired girl had thought he would be gone, he spoke again. "Oh damn.. I just remembered that you had some jewellery on you. That will sell well and you no longer need it where you are going."

He opened the door then stepped in, he walked towards the girl and reached towards her ear.

The girl flinched and lowered her head while the earring was removed from her ear.

In the dark space, it was difficult to see everything within especially when the man's figure had blocked the light coming in through the gaps in the bars on the door.

The earring was removed and was resting in the hands of the man who looked towards it with greed in his eyes. "Looking at this now.. this is no ordinary gem."

He did not care how a young girl had gotten it or what her background could be to have something so precious.

All that mattered to him was the worth it would sell for and how much she would be sold for.

He did not notice that the girl had changed her expression and overall mood.

She no longer looked scared and had a look of annoyance on her face while there was a click that came from within her restraints.

Her head raised and her pink skin was shown along with her pointed ears which came into view of the man slowly as the light shone slightly over her upper body when the man had got back up and moved away.

The girl quietly got up to her feet and raised her hand towards him. "How annoying. Why couldn't you just do things according to the script and not get too greedy."

The man tried to turn around but his body seemed to be locked in place while the earring floated up from his hand.

It landed in the hand of Blush who put it back after she had swept her hand to the side.

The man moved like he had been pushed and his body hit against the wall. "Urgh. What?"

He did not have long to cry out or question what was happening when he was hit while he was down on the ground.

Blush changed back into her human form once again and let out a sigh. "If you did not remove that then I may not have had to act so early. I guess I have to push the plan forward."

The man was quickly put into restraints and Blush collected the keys that were on his waist. 'It is a shame that this one did not play out as planned. I hoped to catch some big fish but I will have to settle for some small fries.'

The door opened as she walked towards it then shut behind her, Blush walked down the hall and met some others standing on guard.

"Hey? How did you get out?"

"Where is seven?"

They both walked towards her to grab her to bring her to one of the cells but once they had gotten close enough, their bodies paused while leaning over a little.

Blush sent two punches towards their chins which caused their heads to jerk back a little then they fainted.

Their bodies remained standing in that state and were slowly lowered to the ground while Blush passed by them.