Blush’s Changes

The level of Blush's psychic powers had risen during the time that had been spent in seclusion but it did not yet perfectly match her magic power level.

It had been high enough to allow her to use her magic power and psychic powers more freely and effectively.

Blush already was much more skilled than others when it came to her delicate control of magic power and was quickly grasping how to effectively use her psychic powers that way too.

Even though she did not have a greater level of power in both areas to allow powerful attacks, her precision and control were already enough to be on a microscopic level which allowed her to work on the genes more precisely and complete her research with fewer errors.

The average human thug that could be found on the streets of the capital could not harm her so long as she did not drop her guard or was showing weakness on purpose.

The restraints on her body were just like accessories and did not really serve a purpose when they could be removed by her within a single moment.

Her use of psychic powers and psychic based spells helped to restrain the person that kidnapped her and pushed him aside with a light amount of force to knock him over.

It presented an opening to knock him out then the same had happened when two others were restrained in place to allow a knockout blow to each of their chins.

Splitting her focus and energy control between two people at once and delivering the two knockouts blows took a lot of effort to keep them from breaking free before she hit them.

If she had been able to focus on one person at once then it would not have been so difficult to do but it was manageable due to them not being that strong.

If the opponent was stronger then they may have been able to break out if given enough time just like how Mercenary Tao had broken free from the psychic binding of General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army.

All that was needed was a single lapse in concentration or a more powerful foe to be able to break free.

A couple of weak people did not pose that big of a threat to Blush who was just testing her new abilities out.

After dealing with the two guards, the door blocking her path was unlocked and opened wide for her to exit then she walked down the hallway into the main room where there was a group of people gathered together.

"Oh, he must be back to boast about catching a big prize this time."

"Heh heh heh."

"Hey seven! Are you paying for drinks this this?"


An invisible force took hold of their bodies all of a sudden and they were rooted to their chairs.


"Hey? What is this?"

Blush walked over towards the table and slammed the head of the closest person near her onto the table in front of them. "Low level trash."

She reached for the knife on the table then stabbed it through their hand which pinned their hand in place to the table with the knife keeping them from moving from their position without aggravating the wound.

What followed was a repeat of her actions as each of them had one or two of their hands pierced and pinned to the table by the knives that were lying around or were at their waist.



Blush released the bindings on them and watched as they struggled in pain with their hand attached to the table in the middle of them. "Kidnapping is bad you know? Why did you do it? Just to fuel your partying and wasting away like this?"

The restraints on each of their bodies had been spread to more people than before but it was much easier to restrain each of them to their seats that they were seated on.

It required more power and delicate control to spread out a restraint spell all around a person's body but if it was used to wrap around between them and an object to confine them in place then it required far less power and control to do so.

In order to not waste any energy, Blush had cancelled the restraint after they had their hand pinned to the table but her vigilance did not drop as her magic and psychic powers were gathered readily around her body.

Blush continued. "Since you were so happy to see me and others meet a foul end at the hands of anyone that purchased us… it is only right that I can use your lives as collateral."

"Why.. argh..are you?"

"Release.. us.."

Blush had decided that test subjects of the unstable or unfinished experiments would be better done on those that had tried to harm her or were going around doing a lot of harm.

There had been those that had been investigated in the capital that would have some potential and were worth approaching.

There were some that were suffering difficulties that were vulnerable enough to ally with her of she could help them out.

Her research had not yet reached the stage where she could use a perfected magic serum or pill but there were other medicines available to be sold or used in the meantime that could prove useful.

Among the information collected, there were some reports on criminals and missing persons reports.

The capital was a place where most would wish to go to so they could try their luck and gain a better life.

Unfortunately a lot of people usually ended up getting taken advantage of once they arrived or ended up on the back streets.

Many were unwilling to go back home in shame so they either starved to death or chose a life of crime.

The slavery laws did not exist which let private auctions happen among those that could afford a slave so there were groups that would target more vulnerable people that seemed like they would sell well.

Blush was dressed well and looked very pretty so she became a target which could be put on sale at one of those auctions unless it was the type of group that kidnapped people for ransom.

The area that Blush had went around was one of the locations that had several disappearances of young girls that were lost in a crowd and were separated from their parents.

There were a couple of other young boys and girls in the other rooms, they were weak due to them being treated poorly after not being fed properly or being beaten often.

Knowing about things happening and experiencing them for herself were two completely different things and she was affected by what she had seen in some way.

It further angered Blush to be around such a thing so she felt that they deserved what was coming to them.

Her hand raised towards the head of one of them that was struggling. "Sleep."

They suddenly felt lightheaded and drifted off to sleep as the sleeping spell had taken effect.

Her hand moved from them to the other and put them to sleep one after another. "Now for the memories."

Her hand was placed on top of one of their heads and she closed her own eyes as the memories rushed into her mind palace and she went through them quickly. "Next one."

She thought to herself as she went through each of their memories. 'If I cannot use them to catch a big fish then I can at least use their knowledge to hurt those they work with or for.'

There was a sound that came a little later from outside which sounded like a carriage pulling up in front of the door.

The door opened and Blush said. "Come in and deal with this."

A couple of familiar faces appeared as they walked inside which was Fizz, Flutter and Zap.

Coral had been busy training and had not been given prior knowledge about what Blush had planned.

Coral may have had the role of a bodyguard and companion of Blush but she was not close enough to understand what Blush was doing and may not totally agree with it.

Blush understood that she was not on the side of justice even if she was targeting evil people especially when she was only moving to deal with them when it suited her needs for experimental subjects.

What the human traffickers had been doing was like picking people up from their daily lives and throwing them into suffering just for their own gains and Blush was doing the same thing to them.

It did not feel right or righteous to do it to them but she would much rather target criminals to further her own goals than innocents.

If they were given a chance to repent for their sins then they could turn over a new leaf but there were always chances that they could go on to harm more people.

In a way, it was still helping to remove a few criminals that would not be missed by anyone and reduced the harm done.

If the lives of the criminals were placed one one side of a scale then there were the potential lives that could be harmed if they were left alone then Blush would choose not to forgive them.

There was another factor that was included on the side of the potential lives harmed that further tipped the balance in her decision and that was the lives that could be improved or saved with each of the criminals contribution towards her research.

Blush was aware that her morale compass has changed since being born in the Dragon Ball world and that she was not the same kind of scientist that she once was that stuck to her values until the very end but the world she was living in was vastly different to her previous one.

There was far more pressure to rush things and to build up power when there were many threats on or outside of planet earth.

If it was her own world then the possibility of gaining powers would have placed her ahead of everyone on earth but in her present world, powers were a common thing and her research on genes could only do so much with what was available to her.

The power gains for a human with her serums would be able to help increase their power to a higher level or improve other aspects of their body but it did not grant a huge power gain.

The scale of the power gained would still make many weaker than a professionally trained fighter depending on what type of genes they gained and what percentage of them had been gained.

An example of that would be a human with a power level of five gaining a boost of power from a wolf with a power level of eight, they would experience a certain amount of growth around six to twenty depending on how big of a change they experienced.

Some other genes would not provide such a big improvement but there were other races and creatures that had more powerful physiques that could be put to use.

The aim was not to increase their power level which could be increased through training but to improve their overall abilities and survival.

What she was working on was closer to the Animorphaline drug that resulted in people transforming randomly into animal humans, monsters or other types of creatures like Puar, Pilaf and Oolong but her own research was exploring that area further and making those transformations more controlled and less random.

The main difference between the Animorphaline and her own serums was that the changes were not restricted to changing a human to a monster or animal human, her own serum was far more complex and still had far more room for development.

Her path was very different from the Android and Bio Android direction of research which incorporated others power levels and techniques that had been gathered into her creations.

It instead focussed on improving the base design to maximise the potential, survivability, natural abilities and stability so that others could grow their own power the correct way but it was only limited to one change per person after being tested.

The subjects introduced to a second and different set of genes would die so further research was needed to create a way to apply several other sets of genes to a single serum dosage that would be stable.

Other unstable factors related to magic or research in genes that were problematic were stealing others powers, absorbing others or draining the life force were usually unstable or abandoned routes by her and others with better senses could notice that strangeness so she did not wish for herself or her own people to become wanted criminals or to be sealed away by powerful entities.

There were other problems that came with certain paths which caused changes in personality, split personalities and even the splitting or taking over of bodies so there were many errors to remove from each of the races genetics that were collected.

Fizz, Flutter and Zap helped her to remove each of the bodies after restraining them and placed them in the back of the carriage.

They did not seem to mind what Blush had done or the bloody scene she created since they had seen worse within the Dark Demon Realm.

Flutter sent a wink towards Blush. "Nice work younger sister. What is the plan now?"

Blush put her hand on her chin and answered after filtering through the memories she had obtained. "For now we will head back out of the capital and will return for more when I need them again. I will think of how best to put your skills to use later."

Blush returned home with her new test subjects and continued her research while developing some simpler genetic serums and pills that would be useful so she started testing them first.

While she was away, Blush left the cleanup to her siblings who had arranged for the captured children to be released and to be dropped off near their homes.

Before they had been dropped off, they each had their most recent memories altered to prevent any information slipping out.

All they were aware of was that they had been held captive in some place by some bad people and then they had somehow arrived back home.