Future Direction

While she was interested in the idea of studying the physique and genetics of an undead creature that fell closer to the spirit or evil based categories of lifeforms, she did start to ponder on some things.

The first thought that started to be pondered over began. 'Hmm.. now that I think about it, can I truly judge or condemn such a creature? Even demons have their own way of thinking that does not make them compatible with humans.

It is the same with animals who will act based on their instincts while other creatures act on other impulses or racial factors. Other higher beings that possess greater lifespans and positions do not even have to follow the rules of the world since they follow rules of their own or are used to hundred or more years of what they are used to.

How is it possible for a mortal who has less experience in life to possibly decide who should be protected and who should be controlled or punished. If that is the case then it is very likely that the organisation I plan to build will encounter many problems.

Even if I can find a solution to certain problems, there still lies a big issue with those who would be tracking or capturing such existences for that goal. Any person can be taught how to proceed in action but each person has their own views they will act on.

If a person is driven by hate then it is more likely they will be less open to sparing the life of the creature. If a person is consumed by greed then they may try to manipulate the system. If they are too softhearted believing in achieving peace then they could let their guard down in combat.'

If she had been holding back in the slightest then there would be danger to the lives of her companions so she did not hesitate to inflict grievous wounds upon the vampires.

There would be situations when others would have to do the same but there would be ways to combat that.

If something had a weakness then it was something to document and make use of while providing something helpful to those that would frequently come across such creatures.

It was not that she did not know of the weaknesses of the vampires but it was more like she was not expecting to encounter some on her first outing.

It made her unprepared for the previous battle which could have been solved much more efficiently.

If those of her organisation were to come across such creatures then they could not always rely on some genetic enhancements to power through everything.

They would need proper tools and equipment to let them combat such creatures so that they could protect their lives and safely capture them without damaging them.

If those under her were all given crossbows, guns or other weapons then they would become more likely to kill those they were supposed to subdue.

Blush wanted to gain many types of genetic materials from all kinds of species but there would eventually reach a point when she no longer needed to do so for some of them.

She had to decide whether she wanted to protect the humans and earth from threats or if she was more leaning towards the protection of a certain group in particular.

She continued to ponder. 'If I continue with a narrow vision then Alchemi could become a place that constantly exploits those other than humans while protecting the humans of Earth.

It does not really feel right to favour the humans in this way. I may be half human but the other half is still demon. Not only that but I am a psychic and a mage so I would obviously favour those with magic and telekinetic abilities over others.

I cannot forget that there are always those that misuse their powers so that needs to be dealt with. Evil mages are always a problem since they have so many techniques that cause much harm and destruction to people and the environment.

If I go around killing each species I come across and bringing them to destruction then what good will it bring if I use my power so recklessly. Think.. think..'

It was like a lightbulb went off in her head and new ideas flooded her mind. 'I already have the means to do some things since the foundation is still there. All I need to do is develop what I have further then some things can be achieved easily!

If I use vampires as an example then there are several types whether they are the corrupted souls of the dead forming an evil existence or humans that have been turned into one by something evil or by another vampire.

All I have to figure out is how to reverse the process or make changes to some places to allow for vampires to be able to survive without a lot of the more dangerous features and instincts they follow.

If they are a creature that should not be in this plane then it would be wise to extend some cooperation with Otherworld so that dangerous existences are returned to where they should be.

Hmm vampires… their need for blood is the problem that makes them attack humans and it is true especially for the males who feel excited upon drinking blood. If they are still dangerous then it can be considered to turn them back into a human where they can live the remainder of their lives.'

She had other ideas which were related to animals which could involve preservation parks that would ensure that nearly extinct species would be safe from hunting.

If there were demons running around causing problems then she would have to come up with a solution for it.

If there were mages that were using their powers recklessly then she would have to decide how much she could tolerate from their actions before she no longer considered bringing them under her and instead hunting them down.

Those that were being hunted down by humans due to the fact that they possessed abilities or were different would need somewhere to go while the youths possessing such gifts would need guidance.

If there were powerful races that had special abilities of some kind then it was within her power to make them lives the rest of their lives knowing true powerlessness after changing them enough to have their lifespans reduced and their powers stripped from them.

If such species had lived long lives and were unable to adapt to their new situation the option was always available to wipe away a lot of memories especially if someone was returning to a human from being a vampire for so long.

There would be some that would want to go back to their past lives so would commit more wrongs as a human while others would feel so much guilt towards the acts they committed as a vampire so they would hurt themselves.

Sometimes methods that seemed the most evil and manipulative could be the thing that lets someone start fresh lives and live better but it would depend on each individual.

One person would be happy with such a treatment while others would prefer to remember but it would always be wise to keep tabs on how those people were living.

There were always solutions to deal with the most troublesome people and not everyone could become her research subjects so she needed to learn how to manage and differentiate each race and situation enough to make Alchemi as something that would be something she was proud of.

Each new idea opened up a new path to explore whether it would help to discover her future direction or to come up with some plans for her organisation or for some possible business ventures.

Unfortunately each plan and idea required a great amount of Zeni, resources, time and manpower to make them work.