Everyone’s Determination

Seeing that Blush was lost in thought and was probably getting herself into an endless cycle of thoughts, Coral watched in concern for some time.

She put her hand towards the bandaged neck that had been treated by Blush then sighed.

Her gaze hardened and became serious as she walked over to Blush.

She put her hand on the shoulder of Blush then shook her gently. "Blush you do not have to think too much about what happened. We all survived this and I am sure each of us learned something valuable from this experience.

I just want to thank you again while reminding you that you can dwell on such things for a long time if you let it. I know you are smarter than me and have such amazing abilities but I think you should really learn to appreciate the present a little more.

Not everything will go according to plan every time so it is not just you that has to learn from experience but us too if we want to be able to improve ourselves. I hope that I have been able to say how I really feel."

Coral was around Blush a lot since she had become the bodyguard and companion of Blush.

One things after another was revealed to her as Blush showed off a new side to her or a new display of power.

Coral's world view had changed greatly when she started being around Blush allowing her to experience many things she thought impossible.

She admired the person she called her friend but she also had worries of her own.

Blush was more of a thinker than a social person so she would be too busy taking in what was going on around her and would get lost in her thoughts.

It caused her to get cut off from others and even reality at times.

There were so many times when she would get lost in her thoughts as if trying to peer off into a distant future that was beyond Coral's imagination and understanding.

She wanted Blush to be able to rely on her and the others that were around her so that whatever worries she had, everyone could do their own part to make her future plans become a reality.

Since her tribe had been saved, Coral held a lot of gratitude and admiration towards Blush and that had continued to build up the longer she had known her.

Despite training for so long, Coral still felt a large gap between herself and Blush but she was certain that others had similar situations to herself.

Blush sighed as she came out of her thoughts. "Alright.. you are right."

Blush had to admit that she did have some problems in different areas.

Trusting others was something she struggled with and that came from experiences in her old world and from her experiences with Dr Gero then the evil witch that tried to steal her magic when she was younger.

It was very easy with her present state to isolate herself and get caught up in her thoughts.

Having improved mental faculties from her psychic abilities had contributed to that too causing her to get lost in her own mind and problem solving to the point that she was trying hard to figure out everything for her future before even taking a step out of the door or making the connections needed to achieve it.

She thought to herself. 'Perhaps they are right.. if I continue like this then I am going to drive myself crazy and possibly turn out something like the future Dr Gero who would stop at nothing to complete his research and goals.

I cannot turn out him going around putting bombs into my experiments because I have no trust in my own creations or those around me. I can always come up with my own ways and grow stronger to try combat all kinds of threats if it comes down to anything problematic.'

Others around Blush felt that gap but wished to pursue her anyways whether it was to improve their martial arts or their magic.

Grimwood nodded in agreement. "Even on my travels.. I have never come across vampires before so this is just bad luck. We could not have known something like this could happen but we came out of it alive thanks to you.

Now I have learned to be much better prepared in the future so I would not be a burden to others. As for the others.. I am certain that they all have similar thoughts."

Grimwood was the most experienced traveller and most knowledgeable of the supernatural but even she felt like she messed up a little.

Vampires were something she had only heard about but never encountered before so she realised that she was still not as good of a supernatural expert and mage as she believed herself to be.

The specialisations she had focussed on and took pride in seemed to still not be enough so she wanted to improve further and learn from her setback.

Among those that suffered just like Coral and was feeling quite weak, there was Holly who gripped her clothes tightly before saying. "I.. I will improve too."

She felt like a burden after failing to protect herself but Coral went over and patted her shoulder. "I am your elder so I should have protected you better. I am sure that you can improve a lot. You are still young so take your time."

Willow sighed. "To be honest.. I felt a little useless too. I now realise how unrefined and weak my magic is compared to what Blush has continued to demonstrate."

Maple nodded in agreement. "I need to figure out how I will improve myself too. I cannot be left behind everyone."

They added encouragement to each other while occasionally saying some more things to Blush in order to make the mood less heavy.

With the vampires being put into a container where they would be sealed temporarily, Blush began to gain the assistance of the others to preside over the burials of the vampires that were killed in the conflict.

After they were finished, they all continued along on their journey becoming a little closer than before and more determined to improve.

It was almost like a lot of the previous progress they had made in such a short time had been forgotten about as they strived for even greater and aimed to improve at a much more rapid rate.

Once they had fully rested up and were prepared, they continued on their pilgrimage for some time until they circled around their planned route which lead them back towards where they came.

It was unknown what they would encounter upon their return but they felt a little more confident in being able to handle the smaller matters that could happen while they were away.

What Blush had built up was already beginning to take shape without her so she needed to check over everything too before jumping back into her experiments once again.

An excited glow shone in her red eyes as she gazed off into the distance which showed how excited she was about being able to have a better environment to continue her experiments.