The Chaos Elements

Yuuka was sitting in his camp discussing the following plans for building pressure on the enemy. They had taken no action since the team for calling the reinforcements.

"The report, Sir."

Yuuka sent the soldier to report on the warehouse situation, and Yuuka analyzed the framework of the problem.

"I see, The ships have been totally destroyed. Our only hope lies in the ships in the warehouse?! This is bad is every case. What was the estimate of the soldiers protecting the ships?"

"There were 40-50 soldiers at the maximum. Co-ordinator Jane said that she'll be able to handle the case and work accordingly."

Yuuka's expression got stiff and he slapped his hand on his forehead.

"Sir?! Is there any problem?"

The soldier was quite surprised by Yuuka's actions and asked in a panic.

"It is a trap! The 40-50 soldiers are a here illusion and so were all the battle we have faced, it was planned. That's why they never sent a large force attacking us."

Yuuka could contemplate and understand that the real reason Lynx was so on the back foot, they lost multiple battles to win the war.

The enemy had seized any connection of Asphodel with thier homeland and could only win here by winning the siege and capturing the queen.


The Soldier near Yuuka didn't understand the situation and was even more weirded out.

"Well, it doesn't concern you in any way. Return towards the port and take a look at the situation. Maybe there is still some hope."

"Yes, Sir."

The soldier went out of the cabin. Yuuka sat on his chair thinking of a way out of the problem. His small victories were now falling short as he was getting closer and closer to an actual defeat.

"The king is safe in the castle?"

The day passed on just like another one. Yuuka held a meeting with Captains Vincent and Captain Rargo Quince.

Quice was the new captain and mostly received information about meetings from Vincent as he felt unready for direct confer with the Commander but Today was different. Captain Levi was deeply injured. His direct comments and opinions were needed now more than ever.

"The port is more and less lost. We need to mostly gather resources yourselves here but your two days of doing nothing has given then time to gather more resources in the capital."

Yuuka explained the situation according to his interpretation and The other two understood the questions Yuuka had in his mind.

In his slight Anxiety, Rargo let out his voice.

"Sir, I think..."

"Please continue."

"I think first of all we should not give up on the port, there is a chance, The port team can win a boat and recall reinforcements."

"I personally don't think so. I believe that Lynx's forces would destroy each and every boat at the port as it is the only port we can access without burning our total energy just travelling, Even if we get back there, will be spending our entire time building boats to get back?"


Yuuka's sharp and logical deductions had overwhelmed the already nervous Rargo but then a soldier came bursting into the camp.

"What happened now?!"

"Co-ordinator Jane has returned on her horse! All alone!"


That surprised every person present in the room was surprised Jane was the last person they had to expect to return from the port alive. Still, it also meant something was very wrong.

"I need to meet her. Send her to me."

"She isn't able to walk. Sir! She is covered in red and she is constantly crying. She is also trying to say something, but her voice isn't coming out."


"Take me to her right now! Something very wrong is going on."

Meanwhile, the news had also arrived at the Lynx headquarters, bringing a grave problem for the defending country.

"You mean, That Asphodel soldiers were able to leave the country on a boat? but how?"

Shin, standing there, gave Milize the information he had.

"Yes, a spy saw an unknown ship with an Asphodel Soldier inside leave the port this noon. The Asphodel forces also killed all the messengers in the nearby areas."

"But a mysterious boat sneaked into our area without us even knowing ."

Shin did not stop, the problems kept piling up on each other.

"The nearly 20 Asphosel soldiers beat all the Lynx's forces and survived the whole assault? !!

All of this doesn't make sense!."

".... "

"there is a Element of Chaos here, I NEED TO FIND IT! some else is also playing this game besides me and Yukka."

Milize's masterpiece was now shattered and she was now at a disadvantage.

The element of Choas had flipped the entire situation on her. If she needed to win she would have to destroy the Asphodel army and the element of Choas at one time.
