All War is Deception.

The horror of the night had come to an end as the sun for the next day shined its bright light on the Asphodel army. Yuuka saw the rising sun while running around helping soldiers. While he contemplates his actions.

Yuuka had decided to move his army to the back but now he was under the large pressure of getting killed, at that very moment. His soldier was of him was now reduced to hundreds. It was a sight that would bring despair to the military commander who saw it.

Hopelessness spread throughout the men. How were they barely holding up themselves? It was a gruesome scene for anyone to see.

Seeing upon them, where the attacker who brought them hell just last night. The tide of the battle turned highly in their favour, it was all thanks to a mysterious piece of paper.

But the time for relaxation was not something, Shin was more troubled than happy. He was discussing the situation with his other military man, Dixon Pom.

He was currently managing units at the smallest of levels, his work was majorly different from when he was the chief head of the biggest jail in the five kingdoms. His release of criminals in the capital back and burning of the town had a major impact on the current situation.

"I worry about the intrusion of the men inside the capital. If they are already here. Then, there is a high chance they know that the queen is not here. It will be a big problem for us."

Shin was deeply worried about the idea of infiltrators roaming freely inside the walls with complete freedom.

"I know you do worry, there but The most important work here is that we know that they don't support the army outside. If it were to be a fake attack to distract us, then Yuuka won't himself with his best men walk into this."

Dixion reassured the stressed Shin, it was true that they were able to spot Yuuka and his generals in the attack and were able to get a deadly wound on their backs but more problems were still there.

"I am sure they are the mystery elements, Queen didn't predict coming in this battle. They are not following a side and using each to their advantage however they like."

The power to change the tide of the battle was in their hands and it was a real problem.

"If they know that the queen is not here, then they will inform, Asphodel about this and this will lead to our defeat."

"We need to attack quickly and deliver a deadly blow if we don't the backup for the Asphodel forces will arrive any second and the force he has is already getting on their feet. So we need to"

Dixion and Shin were on the same wavelength, their thoughts matched one thing,

"Defeat the Asphodel forces in the next attack."

The two soon left the room and went their ways to do their work in the upcoming attack, Yuuka's death was the main objective. If he were to die, Asphodel's forces will be torn apart.

"Inform the queen about the attack and the infiltrators. Also, include information about the event of yesterday's night."

Shin called his fastest message to get Milize aware of the current situation and figures. Explaining how he could not have given the enemy any more time, in his message.

The message left with the rising sun, the military men were suited for their attack, meals were eaten, prayers were made and the leader motivated their soldiers to win the enemy.

A direct attack was a complete victory for the Lynx forces but, there was a major thorn acting in that scenario.

"Why can't we just attack straight from the back gate??!"

An argument about a problem had broken out, it turned the whole leadership into a debate with none of the sides giving any sign of backing up.

Shin heard about the arguments and tried to act and understand the situation better.

"What are you shouting about?"

"We asked to attack the Asphodel forces which are at the back of the capital directly but now they are saying we need to go around castle walls to attack instead of the front gate."

"Why is that needed?"

It was all a valid reason attacking directly from the castle's back would turn out to be a more deadly move than any other.

"The citizens have completely cut off the back gate. It is held back with so much protection and things that will be more efficient to move from the front."

"Why can't move from the left gate?"

"The left side is completely burned, so we need to move to open the front gate and move from the right."

Shin gave thorough thinking to both ideas and concluded.

"We will attack from the front. if the enemy counter attack, We need to defend our backs."

The idea was agreed upon, and the gates were opened during the noon,

As the sun shined bright forces came out in a horde, the forces moved from the front. The enemy wasn't in sight but wasn't much far away either. They would win once they reach the enemy.

or so they thought.


A lot of soldiers walked out to the castle. They moved towards the right side of the castle which was open but,


"What was that sound?!"

" Look at the sky!! It was a flare.!!"

Suddenly a flare of white colour rose in the sky from the forest all the people in the radius of 10 km could see.

Yuuka sitting on his feet from the back, smiled at Vincent sitting right beside him.

"I told you, it'll work. All we need is a little deception."
