Successful Escape

The Asphodel forces were moving backwards in their tracks to prevent any danger to their commander. The letter from the walls had worried them to another level. While they were rushing, nature also began its cards.

"This is a lot worse than we expected. It's raining now. It is too troublesome, and we will have difficulty going there in the mud."

Vincent was apprehensive about the rain; it was a big problem to move while it rained. Chances of disease increased exponentially, including the fact that the path would be much more challenging to traverse.

Levi was unfazed by the rain, and his mind had a straight objective in his eyes.

"There isn't a soldier among us who is unwilling to move in such conditions. We need to reach port Trafalgar before it's too late."

The soldier moved through the rain, covering the distance to the port.

The papers of the port's trap were sent to the Asphodel forces and fell upon the Lynx's army. When the papers rained, news travelled like wildfire among the people, soon reaching the ears of the Lynx's Captain Shin.

"They are returning. This might not turn in our favour from my intel, the queen is at the port battling the Asphodel forces arriving from their homeland."

Shin needed to stop the retreating forces. The battle of the port must not be disturbed for any chance of Lynx's victory.

"Gather all the men you can; we will move in the rain, chasing the Retreating force and defeating them for once and all. This battle has lasted way long for our own good."

The soldiers were immediately called together from all fronts.

All men and women who could and wanted to fight were handed whatever weapon they could, and the line was set up for the exit.

The troops were gathered at the Front gate of the castle, and the captains and leader arranged the people in line formation for better movement and coordination.

"They, who are you?"

A knight noticed someone unfamiliar within the ranks of soldiers; he called out to a man wearing Lynx's soldier uniform.

"I am just a soldier of the army, Sir."

The man had blonde hair coming out of the helmet, he had blue eyes, and his face was beautiful; he spoke in a polite tone to Knight. Arthur was smiling and calm.

"Don't fool me; I have been a soldier for 15 years. We haven't recruited any kids this year, and I trained the kids last year. I haven't seen your face once during that time, and not once did you help with the fire any place. Who are you?"


The knight talked with a serious face and tone. The environment was tight, and the man was not replying. This made the knight even more suspicious, and his hand was now on his sword.

"Sir, please stop."

An old man with a moustache came towards the knight and defended the man in suspicion.

"He is a worker at my house. He is strong and willing to fight. So, we gave him the armour and weapon of a dead soldier to fight."

The knight looked at the blond man, who nodded at words in a scared way. Seeing this, the knight made a disappointed face.

"Come on, Man. If you want to fight, show a bit of enthusiasm. Your face looks like you never stepped out of the house, let alone have any physical strength. Are you able to walk in that armour?"

The blond man looked at the other side as if he was embarrassed. The knight got a bit angry and announced while truing around.

"If any soldier is missing any part of their armour or proper sword, get this man to the other side and take it from him."

The Knight looked towards the blond man and his master, a look directly in their eyes, trying to intimidate them and continued to speak in a bold tone.

"Weapon and armour should belong to those who are worthy and strong enough for them. It's better to give them to someone who can make good use of them rather than dying due to your armour and wasting another's life along with yours. Now, go!"

The soldier pushed the blond man out of the line and began moving forward and arranging people forgetting about the man he had just pushed out, not even giving the regard of asking his name.

"Hey, you, what is your name?"

A soldier came and ordered the blond guy and asked for his name. It seemed he sympathised him the man for what had happened.

"My name? It's Arthur."

"Hello, Arthur. Can you give me your chest plate? I was heavily damaged during Asphodel's sudden attack."

The man had only approached the gut to ask for his chest plate,

"Are you angry about what happened, and now, I am asking for this?"

"No, it's not a problem by any means. I did want to fight, but I think you deserve it more."

"Hey, where are you from? Are you a resident of this area?"

"I am one of few outsiders the military ordered from foreign. So, I don't think you will understand much of my details."


The soldier was startled and did not say anything. Noticing the awkward atmosphere, Arthur decided to end the conversation.

Arthur removed his chest plate and gave it to the soldier. After that, Arthur slowly gave away his armour and sword to different soldiers.

It was the last time the public saw him in the open; after giving away all of his armour, Arthur vanished from the public eye, and his escape was successful.

But he did not vanish with his data on the queen alone; the archives he had visited contained maps and blueprints, many of which could turn the entire nation upside down.
