Gentleman on the Train - II

After committing his crime and erasing the evidence, Edward sat inside the train's passenger carriages. The music was being played on the record player.

"The people seem to have good taste in music."

Edward was amused as he enjoyed the music, it was Mozart's "Rondo Alla Turca", a masterpiece for many and personally, Edward enjoyed this music.

The echoes in his ears brought him memories both good and bad, of the time when he learned the piano from those bastards but it was the piano that brought him and his wife close.

The memory of her in a green dress, sitting beside Edward as she closed her eyes and waved her head at the piano's music. A beautiful face and smile, that would be carried inside his heart and brain until he died.

The interior of the train was very soothing, the texture was done properly the seating cushions and seats were made out of black wood.

"The appearance is quite deceiving."

The outside of the train gave the idea that it was a supply carriage but the inside is quite exquisite and splendid. It was almost unbelievable it was available at the cost of a normal ticket, but if it had to be been in France, the price would have quadrupled for such services.

Edward got lost in memories of the past and so did his perception of time. He sat on his seat as the train passed three stations, Edward just wondered and enjoyed his memories and the music.

"Excuse me?"

A voice called Edward out as he turned his face towards the window the voice calling him.

"Can I sit beside you if it is not an inconvenience?"

A lady with a gentle and formal voice politely asked Edward to sit beside him, Edward readily agreed and let her sit beside him.

The lady did not speak more than that, she opened her book and began reading it and Edward turned his face towards the window looking outside again.

"She is not one of them."

Edward had instincts and he looked outside for any suspicious person standing on the platform, so far three of them had already boarded the train. None of them had chosen a carriage near Edward's, which made them suspicious.

Edward still was calm and wasn't all excited to get rid of them, he looked at the station to find people he saw in every country or kingdom. The homeless and poor are sleeping and lying on the benches some people already opened bottles of alcohol.

France, Britain, Rus, were all the same, homeless and poor people were getting crushed, Revolutions never changed much, and people united with united interests and then betrayed for individual benefit.

Edward thought of it as mostly justified because of primal human instinct and one wants to survive and live longer. So, people hurt others and make others hate each other so they ensure their survival, it was part of their core values.

Edward noticed that the city area was over and lush grass fields were now in front of them, the orange colour due to the setting sun made it all different.

The tone of the music suddenly changed the music had changed to a song Edward didn't know about, most probably a local composition. The lady beside Edward seemed to have changed it.

The music wasn't as good as Mozart's but it was mending with the vibe of the environment they were crossing, Edward for the first time looked at the lady, she had changed from reading to writing something on her paper.

Edward had interesting thoughts as he stole glances at her, she didn't look as if she was from Ethereo, her blue eyes and bright skin with the addition of short hair, the ladies in Ethereo generally prefer to keep longhair. The big exception to this was Yuuka's wife Kriska.

"Excuse me?"

Edward was surprised as he was called out by the lady,

"Could you please stop looking at me again and again? It feels quite uncomfortable if you are angry that I changed the music please tell me."

"No, I was interested in what you are writing and your appearance are you a foreigner?"

Edward quickly brought up his true intention any other reply would just have made the situation more problematic but the lady's face became a bit stiff upon hearing the words. It looked like she feeling sadness and agony at the same moment.
