The Hunter is back on the hunt.

" That son of bitch, that swine I'll kill him with my own hands. Why did he do this?!"

Edward fuming with rage, slammed his hands on the seat, shaking the entire carriage.

" What the hell is going on?"

The driver was disturbed by all the noises, he opened the door to check on the two.

"Were you both fighting?"

Thomas had already picked himself up and was cleaning his clothes.

" No, we just had an arm wrestling match and somebody got had when they lost."

Thomas gave a half-baked excuse to the driver,

Edward looked out the window, and that is where he noticed something wrong.

Light shone a bit too bright at the small corner of the field, and Edward soon realized what it was.

" God Dammit!!"

He instantly closed the window and took cover,

" What happ-?!"


A gun was fired, ringing bells around Edward and Thomas's ears.

" Thomas get the driver in and close the door."

Thomas forcefully grabbed the driver and shoved him inside the carriage.

"What the bloody hell was that?"

"A bullet shot, this glass... Can your glass absorb bullets or something?


Another shot came right at the window leaving another mark, The driver was shaking in fear.

" The glass can take a shot or two more maximum. If we don't fight back it's over for us."

" I will make a way for us to escape but I need two things for that. For-"


Another shot at the glass and it was on brisk to breaking completely.

" Nothing matters, I'm off."

Edward opened his suitcase and picked up two small bombs in his hands, and a dagger.

" What are you doing?!!"

Edward jumped out of the car door smashing a bomb into the ground causing the entire area to be covered in seconds.

" Get the horses ready! I'll make an opening."

Saying this Edward rushed and hid in the nearby grass which was still under the cover of the fog.

" The number is one or two maximum, they are halting to reach the military centre First...."

Time was running out each second,

Edward moved the field making noises giving away his position to attract one of the attackers towards him.


Another gunshot was fired but this time the sound was different both for the gun and the impact of the bullet.

"Ah, Hugh!!!!"

The driver was shot, and the enemy was now firing blindly due to the smoke screen.

"Looks like I need to go all in."

Edward rushed at the smoke in front of him, making his way through he jumped off the horse and grabbed his dagger.

He threw the dagger in the smoke ahead hoping for the slightest hint of the enemy's location.

" no noise?"

Then there was only one way, it was to level the playground for both sides.

Edward threw the other smoke bomb he had in the area ahead of him.

" What is going on?"

Edward heard the enemy area, it was time to rush in.

Entering the enemy area, moving slowly looking to find a single enemy and cutting down the rest from there.

" !!!"

Edward saw a single person in the smoke, he wasn't wearing white but it didn't matter.

Edward pulled out his blade,


He moved swiftly at his target slitting his throat in the two,


" Go out of the fog! He will kill us all."

The cry of the first victim had scarred others and as the prey fled in panic, the hunt began.

" Oh, I'll love it."

Edward picked up the man's gun and jumped his way through reaching the area where the panic cry came from,

He saw three men, each standing back to back covering for each other.

" Easy~"

Edward fired a bullet from far away,

" !!!!"

" What happened-"

He killed one right away with his gun, he rushed at the two before they could react,

" Hey, look out."

He pushed one right in the face, breaking his nose and while he kicked the other man's knee, dislocated his entire leg.


The man cried out in pain his eyes cried out tears, and Edward punched him down.

" !!!"

A gunshot was fired in Edward's direction,

" So, there are more of them."

More people were hiding in the field far away and the smoke was clearing out,

Edward had to choose either to go back and run the horses with the danger of getting attacked or,

" I can kill everybody hiding in the tall grass."

THE HUNTER was on the hunt,

if the enemy wasn't an assassin, they were prey and Edward was ready to kill.
