Plans of The Future.

The car's wheels grind against the ground, as it hastily moves along the non-built road. The vehicle's driver and the traveller alongside both moved up and down as they travelled off-road.

"I didn't think you would drive me to my destination after all that happened today. Looks like there is more to you than I thought. You seem more than just a bodyguard or an escort. "

Edward, dressed in pure white cassock sitting in the passenger's seat started the conversation.

His interest was set on the man sitting right beside him was no stranger. The two had a small meeting yet a very thrilling experience just a few hours ago.

Sitting in a frock coat instead of a three-piece suit, Thomas was once again working alongside Edward.

"Small world, Edward. I didn't expect us to meet again this soon, that bandit attack and now this church infiltration. You don't look like a normal person adopting a girl. You are much bigger and deep than that."

Thomas smiled as he looked back at Edward.

"My past is quite deep and lurking, it is like a deeply woven web of things going here connecting and breaking at many steps. This web just keeps on expanding even now, things are breaking apart at the moment and I need to make sure that they hold out."

"I am quite interested in this whole web of stories. So, tell me your chronicle and I'll tell you mine."

It was a barter, information for information among two men equally interested in the other's past, but it didn't seem like that to Edward.

"I wouldn't mind telling you my history but it's too long for this short ride. So, Please give a short version of yours instead."

Edward probed Thomas to tell his past rather than tell him and to this, Thomas smiled.

"Don't want to spill the bean on yourself and want the opposite from me. That's bad manners, Mr Edward. We are talking about an equal exchange nothing more and nothing less."

Edward scoffed at Thomas and his face to the window looking away in the distant grassland and started speaking.

"Then let's keep the deal for a time until we are free of this headache, this might not be the right time for this discussion."

Edward nodded to Thomas's suggestion, agreeing it was not the right time to talk about this. As the smile on his face slowly disappeared Edward pulled himself into the void of thought about the current situation.


"I am low on weapons and tools alike, I can't pull kill anybody in the crowd or it'll lead to a violent protest and favour the church itself. No idea about the environment of the protest, its location, surrounding or its participants' mindset."

Edward leaned back as he thought to himself, counting down as the odds were stacked against him an overwhelming situation even with Thomas's help and his "note" it won't be easy getting things done."

"There are no ends to the problems. Dia is still alone, she will wake up any second. I have to face her after this, what'll be my reply? What can I say to her? What will be your relationship like after I've put her in such a position?"

The point of greatest trouble for Edward is the will problem in front of him, how will the relationship with this daughter go on? Will she hate him already or will she be scared? The web of uncertainty constrained his mind.

"I cannot let myself die in such a situation. I can't leave Dia alone like this, I will give her everything I've taken from her back."

It was his dearest wish, but Edward didn't believe the wishes are granted, they are needed to fulfilled by a person using any method possible. That was his true Modus operandi, to grant ones hopes and desires someone else's desires must be crushed.


Edward's attention was shifted as he saw a woman dressed in a bicycle suit without a coat riding a bicycle across the plane field, the distance between them closed and she became more visible.

"That's one hell of a lady, riding a bicycle during noon in such heat. Her husband must be getting crushed on the bed."

Thomas passed a quick comment on the lady but Edward didn't pay a bit of attention to his words as the swaying hair was very well familiar to him.

As the car went across the lady in a single second, Edward could only get a glimpse of the lady's face but it was already clear who it was, Isabella.

"Why is she here? Is she going to the protesting grounds? If yes, Is she actually with the protesters? Does she plan to kill somebody? Goddamit." His mind got squished with all these thoughts.

The presence of Isabella only pushed trouble at Edward's already lamented situation, nothing could make it worse if Isabella was there alongside him at any random moment.

His mind conflicted with stopping Thomas right now and meeting up with Isabella to avoid any disastrous situation but until he made up his mind completely she was already too far.

"Edward you look anxious now, did something happen or the mind is getting too negative?"

"I am setting a really bad vibe for this whole deal and I have a feeling it'll only get worse. I hope Arthur himself isn't present here."

With the all pieces slowly coming into one place, things were about to take off as Edward tried to uncover the roots of the church and explore and analyze the man who was Harley Madvid.
