Remembrance and Reflection.

Isabella was on the ground comprehending the words she had just heard, all she heard was the explosion in practice that had taken the gate and destroyed the vanguard but why...

"Arthur... What has he done? What is happening right here? He destroyed the Italian mafia? your allies? What are you guys doing in here?"

"Isabella, do you think, I am a traitor to this soil? It gave birth to me and I fed on it. I will it away to the whims of some stupid outsiders? It was a ploy, to play three sides at once, win and come out on the top. I hate men who feed his soil innocent blood."

"...." The question had not ended for Isabella but the knife that she had in her spine was becoming an issue. The leather could not the bleeding and she could see clothes becoming red throughout the conversation.

Her consciousness had not begun fading yet, but as soon it began it would eat her in a matter of minutes.


A polite and yet simple knock came on the door, it reached their ears. Isabella saw Henry conjure a smile up his face, it seemed he knew who was waiting there outside.

"It looks like the road had been cleared Isabella, the Italians are no more a matter of discussion for this night. My allies have arrived."

Henry raised his still-aching leg, taking the bayonet's support to move him through his right hand from the left he grabbed Isabella's leg and dragged her rotating her face, so she could look towards the door.

*knock knock.

A polite knock came once again, and the door noised. 

He left her and walked over towards the lever, ready the open the gates.

"Isabella, I wanted to kill you far earlier but because we had a history. I let you live till now, a bet to consider your fate. If Arthur opens the door you will see him before dying or if someone else does, well bad luck. I can only open one door at a time, so you collect your thoughts."

So, I die either way. Don't like it that way.

Henry opened the door gates of the armoury first, then the food barracks second. The door which fell immediately had a pattern of moving up very slowly. Isabella thought about how this mechanism worked, who could all the gates fall together but could be opened one at time only.

Isabella laid down, she had strength in her but it was useless now, her fate had come to her.

She remembered the three men, she had killed after coming to this town. A meeting with her contractor, the old man at the library was the biggest contractor for assassin the entire northeastern edge. He was very scared handing her the contract this time.

They worked together for so long, yet Isabella and he had yet to converse once, but the other was not a friend. One day, the army will come and catch one of them... You do not have to bear the regret then.

She had seen him scarred many times but he was sweating in the cool breeze of his windows. Isabella had not thought much of it then, she went into the library and opened the letter. 

The letter had only four lines written on it,

" Prize Money: 200 gold coins and a crown jewel. 

Target: The Reaper of the British Empire.

Location: The lawless city.

Suggestion: Go fully prepared and bring explosives if possible."


The goosebumps were visible in her very existence, and fear and doubt began to scroll. Was this true? Who gave this contract? She could never know such a duty as a contractor. Still, she wondered who was it. 

Well, she could wonder forever now, Mother Elana told her that, her mother and father both went to heaven and lived under the grace of god, it was eternal happiness there. She could spend observing the world forever from the heavens.

Wait..? Will I go to heaven?

Mother Elana told her that those who hurt others are sinners, and evil people but she also told her that those who hurt evil people for their satisfaction are evil no less.

Like a drop shattering into many smaller memories of her life flashed to her, what she had done to the people. Her first kill, the man who brought her family so much pain, was for justice for the people who suffered. 

No, it was my justice. I killed him enough though I knew I should for fate to punish him.

She did it for herself.

What was she thinking when she took her first contract assassination? Did she fear that she was doing something bad, she was educated. Could've done something better but she did not, she instead asked for Mother Elana's blessings while killing a man.

I do not wish to die now.

None ever wished to die, everyone on their deathbed people tried to grab the hope of living a moment more, wish to say the words they did, so feel everything they never did. Learning the value of the things after you lose them.

Was it Arthur? Did he plan my death too?

At the moment it was the best explanation she had. The one she was going to take to her death... Tears began swelling in her eyes but none flew down. 

Isabella was neither happy nor sad, it was her fate to die just as Mother Elana did as her parent did... 

"Let's see your fate. Isabella." 

Henry called out to Isabella who turned her face towards the gate, he pulled the lever up and the sound of the chains rattled, and the door moved slowly. A shadow of a man standing in his boots soon fell inside the lit building.


The door moved up and up. The clothing showed, a white clock covered in all red, from the blood but it was not the only thing behind the door.

"Run... Attack them!!!"

The noises and footsteps came running to her ears too and soon, two things happened side by side.

A smile rose in her eyes, the allure was once again in her happiness was back her dark thoughts vanished and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"What..?!" Henry looked dismayed confused about just what was in the devil's name was happening?!

"Henry!!!" Isabella screamed at the top of her lungs her smile was now sinister, she was back on her legs, body rushed with a new found rush. While Henry glanced in dismay.

"Choose your friends carefully!!!" Isabella laughed and Henry turned his face to the door. The man's face was now visible to him, he had seen the man before, he was called there when he came back after destroying Saxony fort in a single attempt without losing a single vessed.



  1. He was planning to fame her as the traitor in the ranks.