Thoughts about the Story.

Hello there. I am the author and writer of the story. The older brother is the one writing the story now. ( Please remember to read my last message after the first arc.).

For the past year, I have given my all to the entrance examination for the college and now, I am finally done with all the rat race, I am finally free to write all I want.

The novel now stands at 172k views and only 302 collections. 've long released that I won't ever make a single penny with my shitty writing, unpopular genre and inconsistent updates. However, I did not get much growth when I was consistent too.

With all this in mind, I still enjoy writing this novel from the core of my heart. It has become a special presence to me( No! It is not a sunk cost fallacy.). Every day I think about how to write better and more consistent stories and keep the updates going fast but I can't manage more than 1 a day.

My chapter has gotten more lengthier and detail-heavy as time has passed. It felt more and more difficult to write as I managed is small yet overwhelming number of characters each with unique personalities. It is a pain in the ass to shift perspective and write character's pov but I like writing them the most. 

I still thank people like Yama_Kame, and satoru_gojo_6121, my favourites.

 I hope iiiiii8iii5, any watcher is also reading this and to the many others who have collected by book and people like Henrique_Lira, Jordan_Norman_8000, Cadmain and nameyelus. 

WEBUniverse, thank you for your criticism. huH2, VERMITHOR, machadogbc, Zucksurf and Ecorie hope you allreach this chapter.

I name every person who interacts with the novel because there aren't that many lmao.

Anyways, the dreams have ended and the hearts have been conquered now it is time, to control the minds.
