Never come back and leave my daughter alone

Looking at each other, waiting for one to make a move, Sebath would be the first to break the standoff.

However, before he could even put his foot on the ground, Tomoe vanished and her presence went missing.

Sebath looked around trying to spot Tomoe, but there was no sign of her which shouldn't be possible.

"I don't want you ruining my beautiful park, so I will be ending this quickly." A hand filled Sebath's vision and was pulled back by the head. Getting thrown he crashed into a wall and upon opening his eyes found himself in a completely new location.

A massive sakura tree that was blossoming covered the sky and at the base of the tree was a shrine where Tomoe was kneeling.

"My sister refused to use this as it was a creation she wished to never use, but frankly I'm not like her." Tomoe gave a little detail about the place they were in while turned away from Sebath.

"You think some illusion will stop me? All I see is just more things to burn down." Sebath started to sweat a little as the magical pressure Tomoe exuded had doubled.

"Never come back and leave my daughter alone! I will give you one last chance to live since if I kill you now I know I will have the divine family after me." Tomoe stood up while pulling out a katana of blue flames from her chest. The red flames that coated the tip of the tails turned blue as well as her eyes.

Sebath looked on in shock, as the magic Tomoe was using consisted of divine class magic, the most powerful form of magic that the gods used.

"I will leave you with a present and I hope you can be a bit easier on your own daughter, I do know who she is~." Tomoe slashed down with her katana unleashing a massive fire slash that engulfed the entire place.

Sebath tried to turn and run, but when he turned around, he was met with a barrier.

The fire reached Sebath and engulfed his entire body, burning every fibre of his being. He screamed out in anguish and felt his mind slipping, but before he died the imaginary space and fire vanished.

Finding himself back outside in the forest, he breathed heavily as his entire body turned black on the verge of charcoal. Only getting away with a sliver of his life, he opened up his hand and a bamboo stick appeared. Pushing with all his strength he broke the stick and shortly after people arrived.

"Master?!" The subordinates of Sebath appeared around him and looked in shock to see the state he was in.

"Take me…. And never go near this place…. There is an awoken here." Explaining the situation with little detail, the subordinates understood and evacuated Sebath.

Sitting in the air with her legs crossed, Tomoe watched in disgust as Sebath was carried away.

"Next time, I will kill you even if the divine family or council comes after me, as long as my sister's daughter is safe." Vowing next time she saw Sebath ever come near her home or daughter, there would be no turning back for him.

*Sigh* 'How annoying though, Ayame became friends with the daughter of Sebath who killed her mother. Glad to see that Kasumi isn't following in her father's footsteps, maybe that will allow me also to take her under my wing.' Tomoe considered kidnapping Kasumi as she had a lot of talent, but Tomoe knew Sebath would try to control her and essentially create a puppet.

'Hope my warning about his own daughter will give her a bit more freedom, I almost killed him so surely he won't be stricter since now my eyes are on her.' Tomoe needed to be extreme when talking about Kasumi and couldn't just let him go unscathed as it may ruin the friendship that was starting to build with Ayame.

'Now to go rest, I used a little too much energy using that domain.' Stretching out her limbs while retracting her kitsune traits. Tomoe then headed back home to get some rest before Ayame returned home.


Still being restrained in the apartment and sobbing her heart away, suddenly the restraints disappeared.

"Huh?" Kasumi was confused about why the restraints went loose and assumed her father was back. However, nobody was around and she couldn't feel the magical pressure from her father.

'Was he defeated?' This was Kasumi's first thought, but it sounded so unlikely she shook her head.

'No there must have been an altercation…. Ayame's mother?' Kasumi knew Tomoe was a kitsune, but she couldn't feel her presence.

'Wait…' Realising the fact that she couldn't feel Tomoe's presence must mean she was stronger than her father. This did not quell her worries though as even if her father was killed, Ayame could have still died.

Quickly pulling out her phone she instantly called Ayame as Kasumi needed to know she was okay. However, her phone kept ringing and a message tone began to play.

[Hey Ayame here, sorry I'm busy taking care of some business especially if it's night and by business I mean sleep, so I'll call back when I see it.] A rather sarcastic message came through, but Kasumi knowing her identity knew what it really meant.

"Okay, calm down, she must be out on a job, it is about that time." Trying to think rationally, Kasumi thought she was out on a job so she couldn't pick up.

"The phone rang and knowing my father he would have destroyed everything, so the call would have gone straight to voicemail, but it didn't." Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, she suddenly felt her phone buzz.

[Sorry Kasumi, currently "busy" so I will text you back when I can call, but I might end up going straight to sleep.]

[Alright I understand, sorry to call you, just as long as you're okay.]

[Mhm I'm fine, I'll text you later if you're awake.] Ayame finished off the conversation and Kasumi felt a wash of relief making her fall to her knees.

"Thank god she is okay." Kasumi hugged her phone, so relieved to see Ayame's name, but now it left the mystery of what happened to her father.

"Tch, hope he is dead." Getting sour at the thought of her father, she wholeheartedly wished he ended up dead, but it was unlikely.

However, her question would be answered as suddenly she felt a group of people enter the building.

'It's his guards.' Familiar with who it was, Kasumi didn't know if she should run or stay to face them.

'Maybe I could run away to Ayame's place. No, that's a bad idea especially if my father is alive.' Kasumi liked the idea, but the consequences would be massive and just put Ayame in more danger.

"Miss Kasumi!" A woman in a dark purple suit slammed open the front door while calling out her name.

"What?" With clear disdain in her voice, she glared at the woman who is invading her home.

"Your father almost died, we would like you to go see him." Filling in Kasumi what happened, there was still no reaction.

"So?" Kasumi kept her cold face, but on the inside, she was happy, as it told her he must have fought Tomoe.

"Tch ungrateful bi- ahem, it was under his order to bring you to him." Almost snapping at Kasumi, the woman realised she would be killed as Kasumi is much stronger.

"Fine, I'll go." Not having much of a choice since it was father's order she reluctantly stood up and followed the woman out. Getting inside a car that was just outside the massive skyscraper they lived in, Kasumi sat in the back with the woman driving.

"He is currently at his private hospital, so get comfortable, it will be a 30-minute drive." Explaining where Kasumi's father was, gave her an image of how badly he was hurt.

"That bad?" A bit shocked to hear he was that badly hurt to go to his personal hospital.

"Yes… He encountered an opponent that was much higher in skill." The woman didn't want to disclose too much as the person in question is almost close to a god.

"I see." Kasumi knew who it was, but she was going to play along for the time being.


'Hmm I wonder why Kasumi called me at this time, she usually sends a text before doing so.' Ayame sat on the edge of a skyscraper scrolling through her phone as she waited for the time to meet. She also noticed how the call was out of the blue and wondered if something bad happened, especially since she asked if she was okay.

'Hmm, I'll ask when I get back home.' Standing up, she put her phone away in the inside pocket of her jacket.

'It's just about time, I need to make my way to building 45.' Pulling out the note, she re-read the details just to make sure she was going to the right spot.

Getting away from the edge, Ayame went to the waystone behind her and began to teleport to the closest stone to the meeting place.