Shrine maiden at work

After talking with Tomoe, Kasumi decided to go sit outside to watch how Ayame does her job. Kasumi had never been to a shrine, so she wondered what it would be like to work at one.

Finding a spot to sit at an unoccupied area of the shrine, Kasumi had a great view of Ana and Ayame attending to visitors as well as doing some chores.

'This looks rather boring, I wonder how Ayame has been able to do it for years.' Kasumi didn't see the appeal in the job as she saw it as like any other retail job. Greeting people, helping them and providing your service just wasn't something Kasumi could see herself doing.

However, she understood that there was more to the job which required shrines to be throughout the country. There was at least one in every city or town all run by different kitsune families as a way to be a safe haven for most. Some conflicts between families occurred, but generally, the ones that run the shrine are neutral.

Apart from being a safe place, they also needed to perform rituals to keep the connection with the city or town to the highlands. It was an annual process, so it left a lot of time where not much happened. There were other uses for the shrine, but they were special circumstances that didn't occur all too often.

'At least it's a great view.' Kasumi couldn't stop looking at Ayame as her uniform was different from the usual shrine maiden. Instead of a traditional Miko dress, Ayame wore a short-skirted version with some stockings which Kasumi found rather attractive.

Her rather perverted looks wouldn't go unnoticed though since Ayame suddenly started glaring at Kasumi. Ayame realised she was being stared at, so she shifted to see who it was, but upon seeing Kasumi, Ayame quickly turned away. Her face turned red since she knew the kind of look she was getting as it was the same one she got at the casino.

'Why is she looking at me like that!?' Ayame felt embarrassed being looked at in such a way, but she wasn't against it either.

"Ayame?" Anna noticed that Ayame looked a little uncomfortable which was rare when working.

"I-I'm fine." Ayame tried taking a few breaths and focusing on cleaning to distract herself. Luckily Kasumi stopped looking too much as she realise that Ayame could also sense when people looked a little too closely.

"Okay?" Anna didn't believe it, but she wasn't going to push, at least not now while they should be working.


An hour flew by and finally the rush of people had left the shrine. Most of the chores were done thanks to Ayame helping out, returning back to the pace before she left.

"Phew glad you are back, was worried I wasn't going to have a friend anymore. Tomoe is a little too scary for me to talk to." Anna laid down on the ground basking in the small break they gave themself.

"She isn't bad, but I can see what you mean." Ayame sat down next to Anna also taking the opportunity to rest. Even though she had been gone for a week it still was exhausting to suddenly come back.

"Now tell me, how far have you gotten with your friend~?" Anna rolled over on her stomach so she could see Ayame.

"We haven't done anything! We are just friends at the moment." Ayame chopped Anna in the head out of reflex while looking away blushing.

"Ow! There has to be some tea that can be spilled." Anna wanted to know everything since she hadn't got an update on the situation.

"Not right now, she is coming over." Ayame did have something to say, but Kasumi was seen in the distance walking over.

"Are you done now?" Kasumi wondered if they finished or not since they were still in uniform.

"I think so, there shouldn't be many more visitors so Anna usually will stay to work." Ayame knew it was going to be calm for the rest of the day so only one person needed to be at the shrine. Anna naturally took this time since she actually gets paid so the more hours she works the more she gets paid.

"So this is the woman of the hour huh~?" Anna was finally able to see up close the person that swept Ayame off her feet. Getting up from the ground she circled Kasumi analysing everything about her.

"Hmmm good, good." Anna finished so she stood in front of Kasumi to greet her properly since they haven't formally met.

"Hey, I'm Anna, the other shrine maiden and Ayame's wing woman. If you need a hand with Ayame *wink* just let me know." Anna whispered trying to be subtle, but to Ayame, it was very clear what Anna was doing.

"Haha thank you, nice to meet you Anna, I'm Kasumi." Despite the over-analysis of her body Kasumi already liked Anna. She felt a little duo was forming as of course she wasn't going to turn down learning more about Ayame.

"Oi no teaming up! That's just unfair." Ayame foresaw the horror to come if both Anna and Kasumi worked together.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I was just offering my friendship." Anna pretend like she wasn't plotting anything, but her face had a massive smile contradicting her acting.

*Sigh* Ayame just accepted her fate then and there as the two were already exchanging information.

"Anyway, the day is almost over did you want to head home Ayame?" Kasumi figured they should go since the sun was getting close to setting.

"Hmm probably." Ayame could imagine the comfort of the bed, so the sooner the better.

"Awww leaving so soon, I only just met Kasumi." Anna pouted as she wanted to know what Kasumi was like so she could determine if her personality was good.

"Since when did you get so good at talking with people? You were a nervous wreck when meeting me." Ayame couldn't believe that Anna was being so forward with Kasumi since it was the first time they met.

"I have been working hard the last few weeks alright. Talking with random strangers all the time has helped build a knack for this kind of stuff." Anna puffed her chest as she felt proud of her improvement. Being a shrine maiden taught her how to approach people, so now she didn't have trouble talking with people.

Of course, there were still shreds of anxiousness, but once she makes the first step it becomes a lot easier.

"Can't really argue since I'm happy for you, but now I feel like this new confidence is going to be my enemy." Ayame in a way wanted to keep the nervous Anna as she was very cute, but at the same time was happy that she overcome her social anxiety.

"Girls I hope all the chores are done." Tomoe suddenly appeared behind them looking around trying to see if there was any work left. Ayame and Anna jumped a little from the sudden appearance, but quickly calmed down once hearing Tomoe'e voice.

"Hmm good, glad to see you haven't lost your touch." Happy that everything was done properly, she could drop the stern tone.

"It's only been a week!" Ayame felt insulted as she had been doing it for years and no way one week would throw her off.

"Hai, hai whatever, you can go now, but make sure to send me your timetable so I can let you know your work times." Tomoe flicked Ayame on the forehead as she was only joking about Ayame losing all her skill.

"You can go to Anna, I will take care of the rest." Tomoe also let Anna off since heard the conversation earlier about wanting to keep hanging out. There was also a few things Tomoe needed to deal with which required no one at the shrine.

"Really?" Anna didn't believe it, but she still graciously accepted.

"Of course."

"Yes! Now let's head over to your place Ayame, I want to see the apartment." After getting confirmation Anna instantly turned to Ayame.

"Uhhh I guess so, is that okay Kasumi." Ayame wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but she saw no problem in Anna visiting.

"Ahem, sure if you really want." However, Kasumi was concerned since if Anna entered their room it will look like they slept together which isn't wrong, but the misunderstanding was inevitable.

"Yay! Now let me get changed before we go." Anna quickly ran off to the house giving Kasumi the chance to warm Ayame.

"Are you sure you want Anna to see our room?" Whispering into Ayame's ear it instantly clicked in her head.

"Ara someone didn't think it through. Good luck with that girls." Tomoe wanted to see the results, but sadly she was chained down by her responsibilities at the shrine.

"How did I not think of this, I forgot we don't have separate beds." Ayame had gotten so used to sleeping beside Kasumi that it did not occur to her how others may think. She also had been trying to be extra cautious to not show any signs of interest to Anna since she would gobble it up in an instant… at least not yet.

"Oh well, let's hope for the best." Kasumi sounded concerned, but on the inside, she really wanted to see how Anna reacts.