Leftover research

Anna returned in casual clothes leaving with Ayame and Kasumi to their apartment.

Once they were out of the shrine grounds, Tomoe walked back to her office closing down shrine services for the day. Approaching a bookshelf, she pulled out a book and reached her hand into the slot. Pushing a button, suddenly the shelf began to move out of the way. Instead of revealing the statue where Tomoe would offer the souls from Ayame's dagger, a secret entrance going underground was revealed.

Walking down the steps, candles lit up the way as she walked past them. Eventually, she reached a metal door and stood in front of it. A red magic circle formed under Tomoe's feet seemingly scanning her body. After some time the circle turned green and the metal door made a loud bang.

The door slowly opened revealing a lab that looked abandoned, but that was because Tomoe hadn't cleaned it. Books were left all over the desks and many loose papers littered the floor. She had been reading through the books, so she didn't bother to put them away so she could contine the research exactly where she left off.

It was difficult to catch up, but Tomoe was close to completing what her sister had tried to achieve.

"I should be able to perform divine plane soon. That fight against Sebath was a good test, but it still was incomplete." Tomoe opened up a notebook where she wrote down the details of the fight. It was the first time she ever cast a spell of god level which was a miracle in itself.

It was so powerful that those who tried usually ended up dead, but Tomoe's sister found a way to borrow the power. In her sister's notes, it was said that people have tried before as the fundamental of magic comes from borrowing the god's power.

However, they did this using normal methods of contact which was too weak to handle the divine energy. So what Tomoe's sister spent her life doing was figuring out the method needed which she successfully managed to do.

By digging through old archives she made a discovery of an ancient kitsune language which turned out to be the runes needed for the magic circle. It was hard to decipher, but she managed to do it and was finally able to be the first kitsune to use divine magic.

"But then fucking Sebath and Ronin killed her." Tomoe teared up and shook in anger thinking about it. They were scared of what she achieved, so they killed her to protect "everyone".

"I'm surprised the council didn't catch on after using it though, I would have thought they kept an eye on me." Tomoe always thought that the council was partly responsible for her sister's death and that Sebath and Ronin were just pawns to cover the situation.

"I guess that's what I get for having such a shit reputation." Tomoe regretted her past self, but in the end, it actually turned out to be helpful as now she is just seen as some sleazy kitsune.

Tomoe shook her head trying not to overthink about her sister. It was always the hardest part about coming down here as everything in the room reminded Tomoe of her.

'It's alright Sakura, I will finish it.' Tomoe took a deep breath in and continued where she left off. Clicking her fingers a yellow magic circle appeared in the small open space within the room.

On the magic circle was the usual kitsune head, but around it was runes that did not look like it was from any language. However, only part of the circle was filled in, there were still open spaces for more runes.

"I should be able to complete it tonight." Tomoe was confident after the battle with Sebath and processing all the information about the domain she created, Tomoe finally figured out the missing runes. It would still be a gamble as one tiny mistake could permanently injure or kill her.

Kneeling down on the ground she used her finger to continue the line of runes. Holding her notebook in one hand, she used her other hand which slightly glowed yellow to write the runes.

Copying straight from the book the magic circle stayed stable which was a sign that they were the right runes. Each one meant something different which makes the foundation of the divine plane.

"So close." Tomoe only had a few more runes to draw in which would finally complete the circle.

Unlike the one she used before, completing the circle would allow Tomoe to permanently cast it without putting any strain on her body. It would also make it become a reality rather than a magical realm that could be broken out of.

Slowing down her pace to ensure she does not mess up, sweat dripped down her face. Surprisingly drawing the runes took a lot of magical energy, but with her being so close she did not stop.

With only one last rune of the circle left, Tomoe felt her body getting weak from the constant drain, but she pushed through almost now being on the cusp of completion.

'Just one last line.' Tomoe swiped her finger down finally completing the last rune. Suddenly the room warped and changed into the same scenery from Sebath's fight. The massive sakura tree grew out of the ground reaching the height of a skyscraper. Divine energy conjured up the shrine that surrounds the tree.

The landscape around Tomoe turned into a vast grass field slowly being populated by smaller sakura trees.

It was a beautiful sight that left Tomoe in awe as it felt real, unlike the clear magical atmosphere from the uncompleted version. Reality blended with magic showing the true potential of divine magic. She wasn't even sure if the lab was destroyed in the process as she witnessed it transform.

"I can't believe I did. Sakura I finally did it. Your dream has finally come true." Tomoe stayed on her knees breaking out into tears as finally the research was finished. It took many years to complete, but now Tomoe finally felt fulfilled. Even though Sakura didn't say to finish it, Tomoe knew how close she was and thought it would be a dishonour to leave no matter the kind of danger it put Tomoe in.

Basking in the new environment, Tomoe felt the rush of energy flow through her. Without even realising it, all her tails appeared glowing slightly. The overwhelming amount of magic energy filled Tomoe's body causing an overflow.

"S-shit." Noticing the resurgence of magic, she quickly dispelled the divine plane which quickly dissolved into nothing. The environment changed back to the lab like nothing ever happened and the divine circle on the ground faded away. Tomoe after the small scare stopped crying, wiping away the tears still lingering in her eyes.

"At least it works." Tomoe now had full control over the spell, letting her cast it at any time. Despite almost overdosing on mana, it was an easy fix for Tomoe since all she had to do was adjust a rune when casting the spell.

"Now I need to record this somewhere for Ayame." Tomoe quickly realised that with the research finished, it would be something Ayame could use. However, Tomoe didn't intend to give it to Ayame just yet, but just like Sakura if Tomoe passes away then at least Ayame should be able to inherit it.

"I just hope the council don't find out." Tomoe was concerned that if she ever uses it again that Sebath will report to the council as a way to gain favour. However, she was already betting on the fact he was exiled from entering the highlands to ever send information.

"Still can't believe it is done, I really thought it wasn't going to work. Maybe now I can forgive myself for not being there." Tomoe clenched the pen in her hands almost breaking the plastic cover but stopped herself once she heard a slight crack.

Finishing off the inscription, Tomoe quickly put the highest level seal on the book making sure only she and Ayame can access it. At least this way if it is ever found then it will take 100s of years to decode.

"Let's hope I don't have to use this divine spell next time. I might actually have the energy to fight now that I'm not constantly low on mana." Tomoe over years had constantly been working on the divine spell, but it came at the cost of always being exhausted of mana.

"Now that I think about it, I won't need Ayame at the shrine anymore, but I want to see her, so she can keep working." Tomoe came to the realisation that Ayame no longer needed to work. Tomoe didn't have anything else to work on, leaving only the chores of the shrine to do.

"Might not hurt going out for once, but I don't think I can ever date." Tomoe knew her reputation, so she doubted visiting other shrines will show any luck.


"That was 200 years ago, surely no one remembers." Tomoe wanted to give it a shot, but maybe staying a single mum was the right choice, especially for Ayame.

"Hmmm maybe after all the drama is over and Ayame is no longer in danger." Tomoe didn't want to get distracted just in case it resulted in Ayame getting hurt.

*Sigh* "Looks like I'm waiting another 50 years."