Kasumi’s first step into assassination

It had been a couple of hours and the room used for the training turned into a small obstacle course. It wasn't much since it was made out of any furniture they had, but it allowed Ayame to teach parkour.

It may not be the real thing, but knowing when to use a certain technique was crucial for Kasumi to know.

*Huff* *Huff* "I didn't expect there to be so many techniques for just running and jumping." Kasumi found herself exhausted and laying on the couch they moved into the room.

"Well, it's either that or you will end up hurting yourself." Ayame understood what Kasumi was going through all too well as she said the exact same thing when originally training with Tomoe.

"True, how long until we have to leave?" Kasumi definitely could use a small break before leaving, so she hoped that it wasn't too late.

"We have about 30 minutes, so rest while you can. I have to pack a few things anyway before we leave." Ayame didn't blame Kasumi for wanting to rest, especially after almost going through all the parkour techniques, so there was no need to keep going and waste more energy.

"Thanks." Kasumi clocked out instantly, wanting to use every second she has.

"Pfft." Ayame chuckled and was mildly impressed at how quickly Kasumi was able to switch off.

Walking out of the small rec room, Ayame headed for her desk which is where she hid her assassin tools. Even though now she didn't need to hide them, it was better if they were hidden just in case anyone ever walked in or some window cleaners looked inside.

Opening up a secret compartment located behind her drawers, revealed the dagger and the fake mask she usually wears. It was really all she kept hidden since most of her other tools could easily be explained as regular tools that she just has.

Many of the torture tools she used are things you would find in most homes. However, it might be seen as weird since they are in an apartment, but Ayame was not worried about anyone being suspicious.

"I don't really need to pack anything for this one." Ayame realised that this was just a simple sneak-in and kill, so the amount needed to bring was rather small. For safety though, she brought smoke grenades, but other than her dagger there really wasn't anything else.

'Should probably get changed while Kasumi is resting.' Quickly going over to her closet she pulled out her completely black clothes.


<30 minutes later>

"Kasumiii It's time to leave." Ayame stood over Kasumi who was sound asleep on the couch.


Having no luck in using her voice, Ayame resorted to poking in various locations, but it only caused Kasumi to roll over.

"Alright more physical it is." Using a small wind spell and her own strength, Ayame picked Kasumi up which instantly woke her up.

"AWAAA!!!" Yelling awake, Kasumi had no idea what was going on until she landed back on the couch.

"Get changed, we have to get going." Ayame gave Kasumi a blank stare while trying to keep in the laughter. The sound that she had made was extremely cute, but Ayame couldn't bring herself to say anything.

"O-oh sorry, yep." Kasumi was in a daze, but she still registered what Ayame said. Quickly getting off the couch Kasumi stumbled her way to the bedroom to get into some more discrete clothes.

Ayame waited by the front door wondering if Kasumi had fallen asleep on the floor, but as she was about to check, Kasumi walked out. Now wearing black pants and a hoodie similar to Ayame's, Kasumi was finally ready to leave.

"You okay?" Ayame was a bit worried Kasumi was going to pass out, so if she wasn't up for the mission it would be better to sit out.

"I'm fine, I'm just not a fan of sudden wake-ups." Kasumi summoned her mask as a way to hide her embarrassment and to have an excuse to put it on.

"Alright, we will head to the roof. I hope you don't mind taking the stairs." Ayame knew from the mission details that Tomoe had set up a waystone connecting it to the rest of the network on the roof.

"Urgh alright." Kasumi didn't like the sound of stairs especially since there is an elevator, but it made sense why they wouldn't want to take it.

With all preparations done, the two of them left the apartment and walked up the emergency exit stairs. Luckily they were not alarmed since it was common for workers to use them when just going one floor.

However, the same could not be said for the roof access as it was clearly labelled to have an alarm. This did not pose a threat as Ayame had a spell that could easily disarm the alarm for 30 seconds.

"When do I learn that?" Kasumi was really interested in the spell that Ayame just used as being able to sneak into any place without a trace seemed so valuable.

"When I think you will need it. These spells are not really meant to be taught since you can imagine how much they can be abused." It wasn't that Ayame didn't trust Kasumi, but there was a slight worry that Ayame would get in trouble as she explicitly remember Tomoe saying to never teach certain spells.

"Alright." Kasumi knew that it wasn't the full truth, so she pouted in response.

"Don't give me that look haha, I just don't know if I can teach you yet." Ayame found it adorable, but she really didn't know if she was allowed to teach Kasumi yet, so it was better to wait for more information from Tomoe about training.

"Okay, I understand." Kasumi was satisfied with the answer, but she was still hoping Ayame would just tell her.

"Anyway, this is the waystone that my mother has set up and will teleport you anywhere within the network of other waystones. You may ask why we don't just regularly use them and that's because… I don't actually know why." Ayame had gone on autopilot when explaining and realised that there was no actual reason for them not to use them during the day.

"I guess it is inconvenient to always head to the roof of a building and have to get down." Kasumi liked the convenience, but it would be more of a problem during the day when you can't casually jump down from a roof.

"Yeah, it never sounded like a good idea, but I guess if we are ever in a hurry we could use them."

"Also I just noticed, but can't normal people see them?" Kasumi saw that the waystone was located right in the middle and if anyone came up here it would easily be thrown away.

"Ah well there is a spell covering them, Tomoe must have added you to the exceptions, so don't worry." Ayame had the same thoughts when first using the waystones, but of course, there was a spell for it.

"I see."

"We are getting too sidetracked, take my hand and I will teleport us to the mission location." Ayame wanted to explain every little detail, but at their pace, there was going to be no mission.

Quickly activating the waystone they were teleported to a rather poor side of the city. Specifically under a bridge where many homeless people would reside. However, more often than not they would be used as scouts and bodyguards for the gangs in return for food.

"Alright now don't be too loud, we are relatively close to where our target is." Ayame quickly pulled out her phone forwarding the information to Kasumi.

[Target: Geralt]

[Location: Warehouse 258 on the border of the industrial district, use waystone to homeless Shelter 4 for closest teleport]

[Details: Geral'ts gang has been on the rise, but this time he has bitten off more than he can chew. Please murder him and make an example out of him to teach others to not get too close to the sun - Anonymous]

"Kind of scary." Kasumi suddenly got a sense of fear as it was clear that Anonymous was some rich guy using this gang leader, but because he crossed the line slightly they get killed.

"It is what it is, we do not question it and I can assure you that Tomoe has done her research. What you don't know is that this gang leader is abusing his power to create a brothel for himself. A lot of the money the gangs are given is to complete their tasks but this one has gone rogue." Ayame knew it was grim, but there was no way around it and after some time you get used to it.

"Oh, it says right here about the gang's background… makes much more sense now." Kasumi at first was sceptical, but now she didn't mind killing the gang leader.

"Fair warning, we might be walking into that very brothel so be prepared to have your womanhood feel attacked." Ayame was no stranger to this as a lot of her first missions dealt with gangs and the number of women she saw that had their minds broken was sickening.

*Deep breath* "I'm ready." Kasumi was already feeling sick to the stomach, but it helped that they would be helping the women get free.

"Alright, follow me."