I want to throw up

Running out of the homeless camp into what seemed like a car shop, Ayame tried to look for a sign of the warehouse number. However, being at the back there was nothing other than broken-down cars stacked on top of each other.

Approaching one of the piles, Ayame began to climb it with the help of some wind spells. Kasumi followed trying to copy every move, but a lot less elegant than Ayame.

Once on top, they crossed over to the roof and approached the front edge of the car shop.

'We seem to be at number 179.' Ayame looked over the edge seeing the line of warehouses with their numbers just above the doors.

"Try to use wind to lighten your step, we will be running along the rooves for a while." Ayame could already tell their footsteps were being heard as the sheet metal roof made it obvious that someone was walking on them.

Kasumi nodded her head and began to draw magical circles on her shoes. Once she was ready, Ayame started to run along the warehouse roof with Kausmi closely behind.

Keeping track of the number, they were getting somewhat close and is apparent by some of the yelling they were hearing, it was right by their target.

Slowing down, a considerable amount of light was emanating out of the warehouse with a couple of people standing outside.


"We're here." Whispering just enough for Kasumi to hear, Ayame laid low examining their options.

Currently, they could sneak their way in by taking out the 2 front guards, but that would be too risky. There was no telling what kind of shifts they have and would more than likely cause a commotion.

"Let's cross over to the other side and see what the back entrance is like." Ayame knew this would most likely be their best option especially since she could already see some light coming from windows on the side.

Backing up a few buildings so they weren't seen, Ayame drew a magic circle that would shoot up a powerful gust of wind giving them enough height to cross. Getting a running start both Ayame and Kasumi jumped high in the air and both glided to the other side.

Landing into a roll, luckily the noise from the landing did not draw any attention. Making their way back to their target warehouse. Stopping just before it, there was a small alleyway and a tiny window that seemed to enter an upstairs office.

However, there was a small issue, the office was turned into a bedroom of some kind and it was apparent by the pink lights coming from the window that it might be where the action goes down. Right now there was no noise being made so either no one is in it or they are sleeping, but judging from the commotion something was happening in the main hall.

"Kasumi when we enter, do not let your emotions get the better of you." Ayame already saw Kasumi going on a bit of a rampage if she saw the state of the woman that they will potentially be in the room.

"Alright." Kasumi took a deep breath imaging the worst, hoping whatever she will see won't come as a shock.

"I will cling to the wall and open the window, once I climb in, jump in after me." Ayame stated the plan and as she did jump down the ally latching onto the windowsill. Using a spell to unlock the window, Ayame opened it up and quickly climbed in. Kasumi followed after waiting a few seconds to make sure Ayame wasn't in the way.

Entering the room they were greeted with a smell that made Kasumi wince upon getting a whiff.

"What the fuck." Kasumi looked around to see what it was, but she wished she didn't as the scene she saw was something sickening.

At the end of the room was a bed that was surrounded by women all hardly dressed.

"Urgh, I think some of them are dead?" Ayame was also in shock as the smell reminded her of death. The girls were piled on top of each other like they were disposed of, so it wasn't hard to assume that some might be dead.

"I want to throw up." Kasumi hearing Ayame's deduction made her want to puke right then and there. She couldn't imagine the kind of things that was happening here and she thought she was prepared for the worst.

"Let's move on, luckily the ones alive are asleep and no one is in here." Ayame reached for a door, slowly opening it to make sure no one was behind it.

However, as she opened the door, there was a person standing guard right in front of it which she wasn't expecting. Out of reflex, Ayame grabbed the gang member pulling him while taking out the dagger. Coving the man's mouth before he made noise, Ayme then stabbed him in the neck instantly killing him.

"Phew." Ayame was glad she was slow as the desire to burst out of this room was great.

"What's it like just out of this room?" Kasumi was not phased by the killing at all since… well she has also killed too.

"It's a hallway, so we won't be exposed to whatever the gang is yelling about, so let's keep moving. Also, kill anyone that gets in your way, we are allowed to since by association they are also responsible." Ayame made it clear to kill anyone in sight, so if they really wanted to they could go on a rampage. However, that would be suicide since as cool as magic is, it still can't beat a gunshot.

Kasumi nodded, feeling a bit excited about the mission now, but she kept calm so she didn't get too trigger-happy.

Ayame opened the door once again, with this time no one was in sight. Getting a better look of the hallway there was a set of stairs at the end and windows along the wall which gave a direct line of sight to the commotion.

Silently walking out to the hallway, Ayame peeked through the window and spotted a ring of people that had formed. Across from Ayame was a platform with the gang leader on a throne of sorts with more women around him.

"Found our target but it looks like they are having some fighting arena." Looking closer to the middle, she spotted two men fighting each other covered in blood from head to toe.

It was also apparent by the appearance of the men that they were not gang members. It looked like they had dragged two innocent people into the ring forcing them to fight for their lives.

"How is it?" Kasumi was keeping a close watch down the hall as there was still an unopened door.

"I think we just have to be quick, there is no way we are getting past all of them, so if I can jump in and get the kill, it will have to do." Ayame was at a loss for how they could approach since the area around the gang was completely open.

There was another window behind the gang leader, but she preferred to use it as an escape than an entry.

"Ayame, I can use my fire to cause a commotion while you target the gang leader." Kasumi didn't know too much about the position of the gang leader, but one thing she knew was that letting lose is her specialty.

"Hmm, that isn't a bad idea. If you are able to let loose it will provide enough commotion for me to get the kill and leave." Ayame pondered on the idea, but to make it work the fire would have to be huge.

"How much chaos can you create?" Ayame turned to Kasumi as it dawned on Ayame that she had no idea what the full capability of Kasumi's fire was.

"Hmm, I'd say I can set the entire warehouse ablaze if I wanted to." Kasumi had the potential of destroying the entire place which was a scary thought.

"Damn alright. Well here is the plan. You will rush out of this office and jump down below to where the gang members are gathered. Cause as much confusion and chaos as you can. Kill them, knock them out, do whatever you want, but make sure you make it hard for them to react. I want the flames to be violent and huge, making it hard to see." Ayame explained what she wanted to happen rather simply so there were no misinterpretations. It wasn't ideal in the end they were going for the head-on approach which was the opposite of what Ayame wanted, but there really was no other way at the current moment.

With Kasumi being able to create large flames covering the entire floor, it will act like a smoke screen to get the kill and leave which was enough justification for Ayame to go for this method.

Kasumi nodded and smiled since It was the kind of attack she liked and being able to have the chance to do it in an assassination mission didn't sound likely.

"This sounds like we are just hitwomen, not really assassins." Kasumi also had this thought since it was rather apparent they weren't going the silent route.

"Hmm yeah, but I like the sound of assassin more and plus if you weren't here I would have found a much quieter way, but I would probably have to wait for this brawl to finish." Ayame couldn't deny that was the case, but this would be her first time doing such a destructive plan.

"I see, well I'm ready whenever you are." It made sense to Kasumi as she agreed that it sounded cooler.

"Take a look out the window and get an idea of how you want to approach it and I will follow you whenever you attack." Ayame knew it probably didn't matter, but this was also a learning experience for Kasumi, so letting her make some decisions will help her learn to act whenever they are separated.

"Alright." Kasumi came up to the window and looked down at the ring of gang members. It was rather perfect that they had all gathered and she could already see the kind of entry she would do.

"I think I got it." Kasumi with an idea in mind looked at Ayame and nodded.

"Sweet, go whenever you are ready, I will be right behind you."