Operation surprise

Kasumi rushed out of a door leading to a metal balcony. No one had noticed her allowing her to jump off the railings and directly into the circle. While she was falling, she drew magic circles in the air which would spew black flames.

Everyone now had taken notice of the black figure in the air, confused who it could be. The fight that was happening between the two people also came to a halt trying to see who it was.

Landing directly in the middle, everyone now had a better look at who it may be and the first thing people noticed was the kitsune traits. Everyone initially thought it was some weirdo cosplay, but the tails moved in such a way that didn't seem like a costume.

However, there was one person who 100% knew it wasn't fake and that was the gang leader.

"Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy my show~." At the end of Kasumi's sentence, she snapped her fingers activating all the magic circles that were in the air blasting black flames into the crowd. Screams instantly ensued as the gang members began to panic. Some tried to pull out their gun, but the flames were already engulfing the entire area making it impossible to see the mysterious woman.

Kasumi while she let her flames do most of the killing, did laps around the exits trying to catch anyone escaping and set up a barrier of flames making it impossible for anyone to leave without turning to ash.

The gang leader looked down at the chaos unable to react, as there was nowhere for him to go.

"Hey there~?" Ayame appeared behind the gang leader almost making his heart jump out of his chest. Falling to the ground he turned to see who it was and it was another mysterious woman.

He fumbled for his gun, but as he pulled it out a strong gust of wind blasted it out of his hand.

Ayame walked up to the man while flipping her dagger and once she was close enough gripped it and stabbed the gang leader right in the heart. The crystal glowed confirming the kill and they no longer needed to stay.

"Let's go!" Signalling to Kasumi to leave, she suddenly jumped out of the flames, onto the platform Ayame was on.

Pointing to the window above them, this would be their exit out of the warehouse. Enhancing their jump with some wind, Ayame then smashed open the window with an earth spell that created a rock almost the exact size of the window. This made sure no shards would be able to scratch them as they climbed out.

Once they were out of the window, Ayame and Kasumi got on the rooftops. Sprinting down them as far as they could, sirens echoed out from behind them suggesting it was the fire brigade and the police.

"Wow, they were quick this time." Ayame was rather surprised to hear sirens so early since most of the time the responses are super slow.

"Probably because this is the industrial district, they let one fire go on then hundreds of buildings go down with it."

"Hmm, makes sense, I never do go in with a bang. Also are your flames even able to be put out?" Ayame thought about the situation some more and realised that black flames are not the most common and would be bad if the media reported about it.

"Don't worry they become regular flames after I am out of range which happened way before the sirens went off." Kasumi gave Ayame some peace of mind as it should just look like a freak accident.


After running a bit longer, Ayame used some magic to locate the next closest waystone as they ran in the opposite direction from the one they teleported to. Luckily Tomoe had taught a spell that projected a map and markers of all the waystones in the network.

"I've never seen runes like this." Kasumi tried to read the magic circle but it was nothing like she has seen before.

"If Tomoe didn't teach me I wouldn't understand it either, but as far as I know this spell is a custom one." Ayame didn't know too much about it, but she knew Tomoe had the capability of creating spells for specific uses.

"Oh wow, your mother must be extremely strong then. It's meant to take a lot of energy to create spells and is something only the top kitsune can do." Kasumi already knew that Tomoe was much stronger than she let on, but this was a different level.

"Really? I'm aware of the strongest kitsune, but they all live in the mountains or are a part of the council." Ayame was quite naive to the fact that Tomoe was one of the strongest kitsune, but there was never a need for her to know.

"Damn, from what I could tell she is in a league of her own. Should try asking her when you see her next." Kasumi was shocked that Ayame never noticed since Tomoe oozed power, but I guess if you live with them, you get used to the feeling.

"I guess I will. Anyway, we are here." While talking they walked into a quiet part of the city and turned into a alley.

By this point, they had hidden their kitsune traits and damasked so as not to look too suspicious.

However, as per most alley encounters in the middle of the night, there was a few sketchy figures.

*Sigh* "Can I burn them too?" Kasumi could feel their presence and just wanted to incinerate them.

"Sadly not, just knock them out if they come close." Ayame felt the same, but that would be breaking kitsune law so they couldn't do much.

"Alright…" Kasumi grumbled, but she rather not deal with upper management later down the line.

"We will teleport to the shrine and leave these guys in the dust." Ayame whispered what they would do as the sketchy figures were yet to enter the ally so they could easily escape without having to face them.

Kasumi nodded and so they picked up their pace. Reaching an indent in the wall the same stone was present and Ayame didn't waste any time in using it.

"Well, well, well girls. Are you two lost~?" As they disappeared a few men entered the alley, but they were greeted with nothing. It was dark so they thought the 2 girls were at the end hiding.

"No need to be afraid." Getting closer to the end of the alley, it looked more as if they vanished.

"Boss I don't they are here." One of the men spoke up while looking behind some boxes and trashcans.

"They didn't go into any of the doors right?" Confusion now began to spread as they swore they saw two girls enter the alley, but now they were nowhere to be found.

Reaching the end, it only confirmed that they had disappeared, but they wanted to know where.

"What the actual fuck? Are we going insane?" Now they began to question their sanity which was a fair question even before this.


"Pffhaha, I bet they will be so confused." Ayame chuckled to herself as she could imagine the confused faces of the guys trying to look in every corner of the alley, but unable to find anything.

"Heh, good thing it was us and not some other unsuspecting woman." Kasumi smiled glad that they were the targets since they had the ability to escape.

"Anyway, you can head back home, I just need to hand my dagger in for a moment and I will be right back." Ayame didn't plan to stay for long, so Kasumi was more than free to go.

"Hmm, maybe Tomoe has already prepared the rewards?" Kasumi thought back to the mission details and thought maybe to save time, Tomoe would have prepared them ahead of time.

"Possibly, it isn't like you can't come and it wouldn't hurt to see the process." Ayame didn't have an issue in the first place so it really was really up to Kasumi.

"Kayyy." Kasumi decided to come, so she followed Ayame to the shrine where Tomoe was waiting outside.

"Hey you two~, how did it go?" Tomoe waved already wanting details about the mission.

"It was quite the chaotic one." Ayame didn't know how to put it since it really wasn't an assassination mission.

"Oh?" Tomoe's interest was piqued since it was rare for missions to get a little wild.

"Well let's just say I burnt down the entire place while Ayame killed the target." Kasumi gave a very simple and blunt version, getting the point across quite easily.

"Interesting, I'm assuming the target was surrounded by all his men, so Kasumi used her explosive fire magic as a distraction while you snuck in the kill." Tomoe had hit the nail on the head explaining their entire plan.

"Yep." Ayame had no other words as she could only hope that was acceptable.

"I have to say congrats because right now all the reports coming in are saying it was a chemical explosion since they found drugs that had a high chance of combustion." Tomoe smiled while giving the news as she could see the worry on Ayame's face.

"Wow, that's convenient." Ayame was relieved to hear everything was all good since after executing the plan, it felt like their presence would be revealed rather easily.

"Indeed it is, now let's go inside, I'm sure you two are itching to get back home."