Chapter 9

"Mama! Kiss me too." Jeong Ji Won exclaimed as he reached out for her. Go A Yeong picked him up, being mindful of the waffle on his hand, and began kissing him, making him laugh. Jeong Seo Joon sat beside her, his signature poker face on.

"Do you want some too?". Jeong Seo Joon heard Go A Yeong's voice and panicked. Without turning around to face her, he said, "No need. I don't like kissing.". There was complete silence after that. Feeling the weirdness, he turned around to see Go A Yeong holding the waffle with a surprised look on her face. His sons were looking at him with raised eyebrows.

Jeong Seo Joon was embarrassed. She meant the waffle, you idiot. He sharply turned around to hide his blush and stood up, saying, "I-it's getting late. Let's go.". After a few seconds, he could hear the three, laughing, and despite his embarrassment, there was a slight smile on his face.

"Are you kidding me?". Go A Yeong attempted to calm Cho Dae Hyun, but her efforts were futile. He continued to shout every time he opened his mouth. If this continues, the whole town will learn about her marriage. "Shut up, please.". "How do you expect me to shut up, A Yeong? You got married as a repayment. Do you even know who he is and what he is doing?" Cho Dae Hyun glared at her, his chest heaving up and down from anger.

"Actually, it's a punishment, and I know him very well. You should've too, as he's quite famous. Look here, Dae Hyun Ah. Right or wrong, I hid his children from him for almost six years, but he forgave me and didn't try to separate us. Most importantly, my children have a father now. That's what matters.". Cho Dae Hyun looked at her, bewildered. "What about you? You have your own life to live.".

Just as Go A Yeong opened her mouth, she noticed Jeong Seo Joon standing in her front doorway. He was there to help her with packing. "She's not imprisoned there. She can do whatever she wants. No one will stop her.". Cho Dae Hyun turned to face the source of the voice. He glared fiercely at him and said, "Don't think she has no one with her. I'll kill you if you treat her badly," saying that he dashed out of the door.

"I'm so sorry. He's worried about me." Go A Yeong apologized, glancing at him, and continued to arrange her clothes inside the luggage. Jeong Seo Joon was deafeningly quiet. He randomly chose a box and started to arrange her books inside it. "Ji Hun asked me for a favor. There's an audition in two days at my agency and I have already registered your name. You only need to attend it.".

The unexpected offer surprised Go A Yeong. Now that she's married and all, she won't need to work as hard as before. She can focus on her dreams, but she didn't know whether it was the right thing to do. Seeing her hesitation, Jeong Seo Joon said, "I'm here to take care of the boys now, so you don't need to work like before. I don't want Ji Hun and Ji Won to blame themselves for you not being able to live the life you desire.".

She knew he was right. Now that there's a chance, she should be smart and grab it. "Okay, but you shouldn't-,". "I know. I won't help you in any way. Everything depends on your talent.". Go A Yeong nodded contentedly. After a few minutes of silence, without turning around to face him, she said, "I'm sorry.".