What we do for our gods

It was now the 7th month, and things had started to get bloody as the tribes made allies but also enemies, and the fighting had begun.

Some were kidnapped and killed before being fed to the wild animals or given back to the tribe by dumping the body near its borders.

Children would now have to stay within their homes in case an enemy tribe would take them away and use them as slaves or hunting practices.

The problem right now was that there were many different cultures and beliefs all clashing together at once.

The skills Jack chose helped lessen the bloodshed, but it doesn't mean there wouldn't be any as each tribe wanted to be the correct one.

Some were simply wanting to be left alone while others wanted to be the strongest tribe and rule over the others.

Other tribes were to know which gods were the more important and useful to worship and if they needed to kill any of those who didn't worship the gods.

This is what was so hard and dangerous about being and having a civilized race there was more infighting and the casualties would be much higher.

Those with the monster system would lose many, but in the grand scheme of things, it's those who need to build civilizations that would send thousands to die in just one battle.

This is what happens between two tribes near the water, and it was something that Jack would never forget.

These two tribes both worshipped the gods, but they had many disagreements over how to worship and who to pray to, and so on.

So, as these things go, arguments broke out, and as it was a religious problem, it also caused conflict within both tribes with some members wanting to switch over to the other beliefs and tribe.

This led to migration between the two groups and would now be the last straw for them to start what would be the first of its kind and there would be many.

Holy war, this is what commenced as brothers and sisters started slaughtering and preying on one another.

It started with guerilla warfare tactics from both sides hunting and killing those who came out of the tribes and killed them.

Currently, this is what was happening now as a group of five Jackrixis was chasing down an enemy group who had just assaulted and murdered one of their tribe members.

They managed to catch up with the perpetrators who had been wounded and cured them to move slowly from the blood loss.

The two groups had just left the forest and were near the beach as both sides eyed the other, waiting for the first attacks to begin.

Two rixis kept their eyes on one another as they recognized who the other was with them both being brothers.

They realized now that one of them would kill the other, and one would die on this beach as an unholy heretic to the gods.

But they were Jackrixis, so they would want to fight each other with some honour and pride, so they signalled to the others that they would fight separately.

Both groups agreed as the two members from each side moved to another side while they faced each other, giving thumps on each other chest as a sign of respect.

There was a slight tension as the two brothers stared at each other until the older brother roared at his sibling and charged.

The younger brother then also charged with them both picking up more speed as they came towards the other, hoping to get the first strike.

The younger brother jumped and punched his brother in the mouth as he came down, causing the older brother to head to turn but didn't cause him to fall.

There was a second where the younger brother waited as his older sibling turned back to him and spat out the blood from his mouth. He then head butted him square in the face and dropped him to the ground as the two started to punch and kick each other on the ground.

The two sides watched at first before also changing at each other as they both had equal numbers and chose who they would slay. The fight was now in full force, and blood and sweat littered the sandy beach as bodies dropped and were dragged to the ground.

They all used different methods to kill their prey, with some favouring their claws while others liked to use brute force or trip up their prey.

The sun was high in the sky, and the sea was on their backs, so they wouldn't be able to escape easily if they wanted to, but they wouldn't even think it.

They saw this fight as proof of who was right and who was wrong and would also show who should control the surrounding lands.

Back to the brothers, the younger sibling kicked his brother in the chest and knocked him over and then quickly got up and ran towards his brother.

The older brother saw this and waited until his sibling came close and waited until his brother threw another punch and the older brother caught it.

The younger brother was shocked, but before he could pull back, he was yanked to the ground by his brother, who slammed his fist into his face as he fell forward.

The older brother then sat atop his sibling and started to pound his fists into the back of his brother's head until it cracked open like a melon. He soon got out of his blind rage and looked at the corpse of his younger brother, and tears slowly came out of his eyes.

The older brother looked around at the leftover carnage to see only two of his tribe members left while all the others were dead and bleeding in the sands.

The body all had different injuries and were littered over the beach as the blood slowly sweat up some of the trickling blood coming its way.

The brother then stared at his sibling's corpse one last time as he still cried out about the outcome of this battle in which he felt no pride.

He slowly dug a grave in the sand for his brother using the very hands that killed him, and he slowly put his body into his grave.

He stood and watched the spot his brother was now buried in before calling his tribe members to bury their members while throwing the enemy into the sea.

The older brother would then make his way back to his tribe saddened, but he still understood that he had a job to do, which was to protect the faith.

It was the only thing that could give him the strength he didn't know he had even when he felt the fighting wasn't needed. And when he prayed for his brother in the darkness of the night when others weren't around.