How they've developed so far

It was 9 months into the Jackrixis tribal stage and so far they had made and invented different things to help them in a variety of ways.

One thing that races have to go through is the expansion of the sense through other means than their own.

Instead of punching something you stab it with a spear and instead of drawing you start speaking or writing it down.

A race becomes more advanced by enhancing its capabilities beyond what its capable of by itself and allows for new opportunities to rise from it.

If you compared the progress the rixis have made to other races that were in the same stage they had done quite well.

Not better than the races that focused and evolved solely in intelligence and wisdom but for a race of hunters they did well for themselves.

They had a basic language and could create different basic structures such as mud huts and rudimentary types of art they had made.

Some had also managed to make some weapons such as rock throwers or basic spears and would soon come to making some good clothing.

Now, this wouldn't be a massive advantage compared to how the other races were but it was the start of a slow increase in strength.

As of now because of Jack's skill, his race was the only one to reach the tribal stage so fast but soon they would also catch up.

If jack was lucky by the time everyone else was starting to get tribes he would have villages which would be a decent increase and distance from the others.

The main problem was those with the monster system as they took that boost away from him as if they got lucky and a creature had some good options.

Then it could ravage his tribes so he would have to hope that the few candidates who had that system wouldn't cause too much trouble.

Right now the Jackrixis would have much to fight over as Jack's skill helped with lowering the infighting in tribes and groups.

But that may not translate as much towards the strangers who think differently than you do so the skill may not make them kill each other straight away.

Since Jack's skill can only do so much and there is a lot to gain and learn from the struggle they all go through together.

Currently, most of the tribes and now met each other except for a few who didn't want to be found or he been destroyed by another tribe.

Their population had also started to go up more already over a thousand and sound continue to rise as they went on.

This would lead to larger tribes and cultures and would also give the clans the chance to grow bigger and more influential.

There wouldn't just be the good however as bad things would come with a rising population like war and crime as well as disease.

Jack didn't know what the rixis tolerance was towards average parasites and viruses so he would have to wait and see.

As for the day-to-day they were doing okay and were quite content with life as they could still hunt and fight each other as usual just in a different setting.

Some were happy that they now had more of a purpose with their new gods who they could serve and prove themselves to.

For some, however, things weren't so great as a select few were angered at what the gods had done to them and wanted some type of vengeance.

But what could they possibly do to harm the gods as they were mortals who were rejected from society because of the curses put on them that caused so much pain.

The most they could do was hurt the things they cared about here which were the other mortals and blessed that they cared about so much.

They weren't scared of the gods since they were already curses and some had been hunted since being given the curse.

The more zealous of the tribed saw it as their duty to hunt down and destroy all who had been given curses from their gods.

For now, though they would have to wallow in their self-defeat and hatred for the gods as they simply didn't have the strength to oppose them.

"Hey, system how're Things going are those guys still scheming to kill me and the gods, or have they given up?"-Jack

[]Most of them are just thinking about their host and won't act on their thoughts and those that do will probably be hunted down quickly and killed[]

"I'm sad that my creations want me to die or kill me themselves which is a shame but it can't be overlooked that not every Jackrixis will like me."-Jack

[]Indeed host don't forget they are a race that is all different and has unique beliefs and outlooks in the world they live in[]

"You know I thought being the leader of a godly pantheon of an alien race would be easier than this"-Jack

[]If I must say host you haven't done terrible so far[]


[]Just barely acceptable host[]

"I shouldn't have asked"-Jack

"Now then will anything interesting happen once they reach the first year in this stage and also how long will they be in the tribal stage?"-Jack

[]Well host there will be something that will happen but I cannot reveal it until the time comes as for how long they will be in this stage is up to them[]

[]Mostly it will be up to them they will have to gain more technology and advance until they reach the next stage[]

"Can I speed it up or influence it in any way?"-Jack

[]You could buy skills that increase a certain skill or artesian skill that can help with moving up through the technological stages but it would be a small increase and cost a lot of points[]

"Well thanks at least I know this and if I have more points in the future I can invest in some of them"-Jack