The wave

It had now been a year into the tribal stage, and an announcement was made to all the candidates and their races.




"Woah, what the hell system, what's the wave!?"-Jack

[]The wave is a test from the game that will happen every 10 years to see if the candidates and their races can survive and adapt[]

[]Monsters, creatures, animals from this world, and will attack all the candidate's races and try to destroy them[]

"So wait, my race is going to be attacked in three days by a horde of... Everything?"-Jack

[]Well, yes, but only for three days and most herbivores,pets,insects and cattle will at most be slightly more aggravated. Host, as long as the Jackrixis survive, you will be okay and will be given the chance to choose a new skill that will be more than worth it[]

"Really, I can get a skill from surviving the wave?"-Jack

[]Yes, host for every 10 waves you will get a skill[]

"Oh, come on, that's 10 years. I know it goes by quickly, but still, so I'll have to wait until the 11th year of the tribal stage to get another one?"-Jack

[]Yes, host, but this is to weed out the weak and also not give the candidates too many skills at once[]

"But is the skill I get my own, or is it for my race? I know my skills help my race, too, but you know what I mean"-Jack

[]It changes host, so this one will be for your race the next will be for you and so on[]

"So three days to tell my race to get ready to kick some ass right?"-Jack

[]Indeed host[]

"Okay, let's get to it,"Jack

Jack then made sure to check on his race before calling the gods to his space so they could talk and strategize.

Once the gods convened and were all sitting on the couch, they started to talk about the message they had received.

They went over how they could help the rixis as best as they could and what creatures would come to do them harm.

"I think we should make them stand together as one it will help them survive overall"- Nyx

"That's not possible they all have their groups and cultures while also having alliances and wars with each other"-Minerva

"She's correct. This is the price of civilizations, and it isn't all benefits there will be those that won't want

to work with other tribes even with us going to tell them"-Themis

"It's wrong of us to try and manipulate them like this. we are gods of the Jackrixis, but we aren't their world. We need to trust that they can handle this very hard situation,"-Renka

"We just have to give them ample warning and as much information as possible and will have to count our blessings"- Jack

[Really host[]

"Okay, bad time, sure, but this is about the only time that I can use it, and it makes sense!"-Jack

"Anyway, let's go tell them to be cautious and to prepare for a large fight that they will need to last for three days. And to work together to fight this oncoming storm"-Jack

The gods all said their goodbye and went to tell their followers the order They were given and to spread the word of the oncoming wave.

The news quickly spread between individuals and tribes that their race was going to be attacked and that they must prepare, so they did.

Many didn't know why, and some wanted an answer while others were just happy to get the chance to prove themselves to their tribe or chosen god.

The tribes got to work gathering and hunting more food for the battle that they were told would happen in 3 days.

They also made sure to make as many crude weapons and rock throwers as they could and anything else that could help them.

But not all of them were preparing as some had other ideas as they saw this as the chance to weaken or wipe out other rival tribes.

They did many different things to halt or annoy them, from stealing food to killing the prey nearby and much more to try and make sure they weren't ready for the wave.

This made Jack sigh sadly, but this was something that came with all races. In some way, they would never be truly united.

Unless they were just robots or drones following the orders of their person, Jack saw that as one of the worst ways to go.

So the rixis went on collecting and scheming different ways to give them the advantage in the wave, but clans stuck to what they were good at.

The Mountain Slammers built more walls and stronger armour, and the Crimson Guard went on a killing spree to boost morale and please their gods.

The sand striders performed rituals and scoured the deserts for useful tools and traps, and the blooded hydras made sure they all stuck together.

The Wild Wings trained with their companions and made routes throughout the jungle that they could use.

The Harvester looked for new poisons to make and use in the coming fight, and many other clans and tribes prepared to fight in their way.

All Jack could hope for was that with the rixis numbers and different skills and biomes that they would be able to survive the wave.

"System, how many will be attacking my race? Is it a few hundred or the same number as my race?"-Jack

[]The numbers are randomized hosts but can not go over or under 300 of the current population of your race[]

"Okay, so at best, around 700 to 800 to deal with at worst, they will be fighting against 1300 or so enemies."-Jack

"Will they be evenly distributed, or will it be a gain wave of creatures coming to destroy us?"-Jack

[]Well, because you are in the tribal stage, they will target tribes more, while for others, it will just be a wave that will search for any of their race in the biomes they live in[]

[]As long as even three of their race survive, they will still be in the game, so many may die, or they could I've but be seriously wounded[]

"So in a way being in the tribal stage is good because there are still rixis loyal to me who just don't want to be in a tribe so.

As long as those guys survive the 3 days, even if the tribes don't, I'm still good and will just have to rebuild again. "-Jack

[]Correct host, but I suggest you do not just favour that plan as anything can happen[]

"I know, system, thank you. I'll make sure I'm prepared as best as I can be"-Jack