Chapter Thirteen

Chapter 13: The bar girl

David's POV

Selena's house

"Alexis! So, this is where you've been camping. You've really made your self a home. Your mother has been worried sick for nothing." I said to looking at Alexis. What does she have to do with golden hair?

"Nope! I should be the one with the questions. What you are doing here?" Alexis asked. She then looked at me and Selena.

"Is he the guy from the blind date yesterday?" Selena asked looking at Alexis.

"No" I said

"No.. No... No " Alexis said looking at me.

"Selena, how would I be the guy from a blind date yesterday when I was with you for the entire day" I smiled at Selena

"You both where together throughout yesterday?"

"Lexi, it's not like that. He's the one that indirectly gave me a broken arm." Selena gave out a light smile. Is it a good thing to smile about? Girls are strange…

"Really" She looked shocked. Then quickly smiled and looked at me. "David , her compensation fee is one million. Nothing more nothing less. Send it to my account. We are like sisters." She smiled like the devil's incarnate.

How am I a bit related to her?

"I'm your real family but you want to extort me for someone you made your family?"

"So you both know how you got to know me. How did you get to know each other?" I asked

"You really don't remember him Lena?" Alexis held Selena's free arm.

"Am I supposed to?" Lene looked confused and squinted her brows, then shook her head.

"When we first met. He's my cousin. The owner of the house. Remember the guy that walked in on us when I was giving you your medicine? We had lunch together with him even?" Selena looked at the two of us repeatedly.

No wonder she looked so familiar. She's the Selena, Alexis sudden best friend and the girl from the bar.

*flash back starts*

"Friends?" A soft voice asked

"Of course…. I know all your secrets " My cousin said mysteriously.

I couldn't take it anymore. Why would she bring a stranger to my house.

"Alexis? What's going on here?" I barged in.

My eyes were fixed to the only strange being in the room and that was the stranger lying on my bed. She looked quite familiar.

The girl from the bar. Why would Alexis bring her here and have her sleep in my room, on my bed.

"Don't be angry. I can explain. This is my new best friend, Selena."

"Your new best friend." I repeated.

*flash back ends*

"You both remember now." Alexis smiled

Selena nodded slowly and I let out a chuckle.


"The compensation fee. Now. My account number is ********. Incase you've forgotten." Alexis clapped her hands

"Norman." I said and relaxed on the chair.

"Miss Jones. This a new phone and a new laptop, they look exactly like the broken ones. These are your belongings, your broken laptop and phone." He said putting the two bags beside him on the table. I looked at golden hair… Her eyes were fixed to the bags.

"I paid the medical bills and her accident is not entirely my fault. Alex… I've done the best I can" I said without taking my eyes of golden hair one bit.

I heard sniffling sounds and turned to Alexis.

"My dad froze all my credit cards and I have to work hard to secure contracts so I could get commissions and buy things. It's been six months. Please help me. That job is wearing me out. I haven't gone to my favorite shopping mall for a long time. This isn't the old days. Why does he desperately want me to get married? I'm his only child. " She pleaded like a child

"Here's the thing,  I've been living under the care of Selena and the money I get from sweet talking one of my aunties and mom. It's hard to secure contracts so I barely get commissions. Don't even say a word about going home. I don't want to get married anytime soon." Alexis said at a go and everyone just stared shocked. She's been living off my golden hair.

That shouldn't be possible.

"Go meet your father and have a talk." I said then turned to Selena.

"See you on Sunday." I stood up and took my leave.

Getting downstairs, I couldn't help but turn back to look at her apartment window. A smile formed on my lips and I let out little chuckle.

"Miss Jones really has her hand full dealing with Miss Krystal." Norman said

"She sure does." The smile grew wider.

"Sir, we have to go"

Was I just daydreaming about Selena?

"To the publishing company, after that, we'd call it a day."


ALK Publishing Company Ltd.

I slowly walked in the building and as I walked past, I was welcomed with fake smiles, unnecessary compliments, cups and cups of coffees and greetings. I remained expressionless.

"Mr. Alokwe?"

I stopped as I heard a familiar voice and tilted my head to glance at Norman.

"Miss Greene sir." He said and I sighed.

I forgot she still works here.

  I turned back to look at her.

"Hmmm…. David… it's really you. Why didn't you tell me you were coming? How long are you staying? Are you going to be coming for the rest of the week? How about lunch this afternoon? There's a new restaurant near by the workers say their dishes are one of kind. What do you think? We can go there one of these days?" She kept on talking as she walked to me. She arrived in front of me and smiled. I stepped back to create more distance between us.

"I don't think I'll be here till Lunch Vanessa. I'm here to see Cherry." I said.

"Why? You have a contract that needs editing?"She laughed.

"No. It's about Summer." I said.

"The one on the news. I don't think it's worth your recognition."


" I can write a thousand articles better than that about female empowerment in different dimensions.  Age, nature …. What the heck. Everyone knows that." She said with annoyance written all over her face and disgust in-between her words.

In one word Jealousy!

"Vanessa, work is totally different from personal feelings. We can get a thousand more viewers and profit from signing Summer with ALK. Mr. Alokwe, Welcome! Sorry for butting in" Cherry said as she walked to us then smiled at me.

"It isn't about personal feelings but the fact that we don't have to pay an extra person salary and we can still get the same product. If it's a thousand more readers and more profit you are looking for, I can make it possible with no extra charge other than my salary." Vanessa said and folded her arms glaring at Cherry.

"I won't argue if we were talking mainly on advertising but now writing is involved. Vanessa don't make a fool of your self here. Just stay in your own little cabin and no one would bother you." Cherry smiled taking a sip of her coffee and then turned to look at me.

"Mr. Alokwe, please let us  talk more in my office" She said and made a head bow. I didn't want to get involved in women drama so I just walked to Cherry's office.

"You've uncovered Summers identify as instructed last night?"

"It's long before last night sir. I coincidentally met her at the beach yesterday."

"You met Selena yesterday" I said

Cherry smiled and nodded

"You know I love looking for people with unbelievable talents. She's one of the few freelancers who are in quote successful . She gets at least three articles to write every week with a good pay. Her page will soon hit a five hundred thousand views. If people knew she was Summer, she might probably be receiving five digits for every article with her academic background combined. She also has a nice résumé." Cherry said.

I nodded in agreement.

"Few people know she's Selena Jones. But, those that know would use any means to get her now. The reviews she's gotten from a lot of people is simply speechless. The article isn't much but the arrangement, simplicity and emotions brings out the beauty."

"You understand her writing well." I said

"I was actually planning to recruit her a long time ago. It's a good thing I didn't then because now is actually the best time to recruit her. We are not only getting a good scout but free advertisement. I'll get in touch with her today again." Cherry said.

"No." I said

She'll disturb golden hair's recovery.

"Why?" She asked.

"I'll tell you the right time to do so."

"I think it's best you come for the party tomorrow night."

"Excuse me?"

"I invited her to the paradise hotel. A writer never sleeps well once she knows there's a big story waiting for her" Tonia said standing up.

But, she's injured now.

"Okay!" I nodded.


ALK Headquarters.

"Mom!" I said as I walked in to my office. What's she doing here now?

I gave Norman a quick glance and he nodded.

"Where have you been?" She asked without looking at me

"Good morning Mom, I'm sorry for making you wait long." I said and smiled. I widened my arms for a hug

"How are you planning to keep your position David?" She asked as she walked up to me gripping my hand instead of a hug.

"Mom, that's not something you should worry about. You didn't even ask if I'm eating or sleeping well." I said

" You are a grown man. David, the year is almost up. Those men would do anything…. Son! I had faith in you but, why has there not been any improvement. Mr. Bill would stop at nothing to put his son on that chair." She said walking up to my table with a faint smile.

"Mom, everything would be alright. Just make sure you watch the news tonight. Those old men might even be too surprised and cancel the shareholders meeting for tomorrow" I said as I hugged her from behind.

"Those people are unbelievable. Who holds a meeting on Saturday. You have a plan?" She turned back and smiled at me.

"Of course I do. This is dad's hard work… it'll only be managed by a Alokwe family member. Not strangers. Okay mom… Don't worry. Instead you should be shopping right now or bragging with your friends about how great your sons are" I said as I walked to her back and gave her a neck massage. She smiled and tapped my hand.

"Stop it. Get back to work. I'll make sure I watch the news tonight. You and your brother should make sure you come home tonight too." She said

"But, I have an outing with the guys mom!"  We both turned towards the door.

"Damien… You came just in time." My mom said as she walked to my brother.

"Dave!" He nodded as he walked past me and I nodded back.

"David take a seat." She said as she sat Damien down like a child and arranged his collar which was already neatly done.

This is wrong…. She's going to talk about it.

"Sons, I'm getting old and I don't even have your girlfriends to accompany me out or brag to my friends" She said looking from Damien to me.

"Mom, just talk to Dave about…. I'm still very, very, very, very, young." Damien smiled putting his hands on her shoulders around her.

"I don't see any young person in this room" Mom pinched him and I laughed.

"You are laughing. You want me to be a grandmother at eighty?" She glared at me and I stood up and walked to her back, massaging her.

"Mom.. your birthday this year, you'll be seeing the mother of your future grandchild… I promise you!" I said and she immediately turned around with a smile.

"How old is she? What's her last name? What does she do? Is she as pretty as young me? Where is she now? Don't tell me it's long distance relationship. Is it? Wait is this real? Or are you going to hire a woman?" she gripped my hand

"Mom, she's really beautiful and isn't a criminal." I answered with a smile.

"Isn't the receptionist beautiful and she doesn't have any criminal record." Mom said and I laughed.

"Mom, wait and see first." I caressed her hand.

"How about you?" She turned to Damien.


"You must have a date to my party also " Mom said with a smile and all Damien could do is smile back.

"Good, I'll be off then. I'm going to prepare all your favorites for dinner." She said as she stood up.

"I'll escort you out mom" Damien said as he stretched his hand out with a bow.

As they walked out my phone rang.

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!!

I looked at the caller ID. Unknown

"Hello?" I answered

"Mr. Alokwe David?" The lady on the other side asked


" I'm Dr. Wills from St. Williams hospital. The neurology report for Selena Jones is available now. Please she needs to come to the hospital as soon as possible. We want to run further tests."

"What happened?" I asked.