Fall of the Prince


The Dark Prince vanished from my vision, leaving behind an ominous aura that sent shivers down my spine.

'Darkness Robe...'

Glancing around the library, I grumbled.

The huge demon probably hid his presence completely by using one of his skills.


While warily looking through the aperture, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of unease.

Being invisible does not prevent the prince from casting his other spells!


Suddenly, a Dark Orb appeared out of thin air and hurtled towards me with incredible speed.

Luckily, I had enough time to hide, avoiding being hit by the spell.


A massive explosion shook an entire room, however, I was unharmed.

After some time, I took a peek at the library again, searching for the invisible Dark Prince.

I strained my eyes to catch any glimpse of movement, but the darkened corners and dimly lit shelves made it nearly impossible.

Suddenly, a peculiar realization hit me as I glanced toward the floor and noticed a strange shadow moving across the carpet.

Although I couldn't see the boss himself, I could follow the trail of his shadow!

Of course, I didn't show that I had discovered the prince's location, carefully creating another Lightning Spear and hiding it behind my back.

However, as soon as another Dark Orb started forming in the air, I instantly tensed my body and launched the Lightning Spear towards the shadowy figure on the floor.

- 52 Magical Damage!

The Dark Prince suffered from Status Effect < Bleed >

~ Lose 50 HP every minute

~ Duration → 1 min

My projectile flew through the air and pierced through the Demon's palm, causing him to let out a guttural scream of pain and frustration.

Droplets of dark blood splattered on the carpet as the Dark Prince reeled back in pain.

- 15 HP

The Electrocution Status effect also struck the Prince once again, making him groan in anger and frustration.

After that, the Demon's skill came undone revealing his imposing figure and his burning crimson eyes that pierced through the darkness.

"Aren't you scary?"

Grinning, I cast and threw another Lightning Spear toward the boss, hissing as the projectile was simply swatted away by a flick of his hand.

However, I didn't give up, waiting until the cooldown of my spell was reset and creating another spear.

Hitting the boss while he is waiting for an attack or isn't casting a spell is dumb.

While his entire focus is on me, there's no way I could land a solid hit.

He's a level 50 being, while I'm barely a few hours into this game.

Luckily, the Prince's thinking is narrow and he is pretty much controlled by his instinct to kill whatever comes into the library.

The faster, the better.


Although the creature seemed to have incredible strength and power, I couldn't help but feel a spark of hope deep within me as it began to chant another Darkness Blast.

'Maybe I can actually defeat this creature!'


- 216 Critical Hit!

- 15 HP

- 50 HP

My spell, bleed and electrocution effects hit at the same time, causing the monster to lose control of his Orb and suffer a ton of damage.

The monster growled in pain, leaving its entire flank exposed.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make use of such an opportunity due to my Mana reserves being depleted.

I could use an MP potion but that would only stagnate my passive skill's growth.

Luckily, waiting is not a problem since the boss is unable to damage me or heal himself.

He might recover some of his Mana but that is also great since he'll keep on attacking and giving me more opportunities to strike back and deal damage.


1️⃣ Mana Regen

~ +100% Mana absorption


I didn't need to wait for long as the skill soon leveled up, making a smile appear on my face.

I'm not used to skills leveling up so quickly, but it's certainly a welcome sight.

The max level of spells, passive or active skills is Lv. 10.

These abilities also get a massive boost upon reaching level 5, however, this does not compare to the power they get upon reaching level 10, where their effects become truly game-changing.

They will evolve, become authorities.

In my past life, only the top players had Authorities and even so, they were extremely rare and hard to obtain.

"I should focus on the boss..."

Shaking my head, I glanced at my MP bar and saw that it was almost full.

Lifting my eyes from my Status, I re-focused my attention on the boss, meeting his shining crimson eyes that seemed to burn with rage and determination.


The Prince took a step toward me, making me kind of perplexed.

Why was he approaching me?


However, the very next second my question was answered when everything around me suddenly went dark.

My sight was temporarily gone.


I instinctively lowered my head behind the cover and a second later a large explosion erupted, sending debris flying in all directions.

The entire room shook violently from the impact, causing dust to fill the air.

The spell the Prince threw must've caused some fire to light up as I smelled the acrid scent of smoke lingering in the air.

- 4 HP


Suddenly my health began to rapidly decrease and I instantly realized that my clothes were on fire.

"It hurts!"

Since my vision was still gone, I began to panic.

Blindly, I began to frantically roll around the floor, trying to put out the flames that engulfed me.

Some fire got onto my clothes forcing me to blindly roll around the room to extinguish it.

Luckily, I managed to put out the flames before sustaining any further damage.

Blink.. Blink...

After a few moments, my vision also came back and I found myself lying on the ground, panting heavily.

There was still some dark fire flickering on the floor, remnants of the Prince's powerful spell.

I quickly trampled it, sustaining another few burns on my feet but that was worth it.

After I made sure that my chamber was safe, I drank another healing potion while glancing toward the window.

'I hope to get one of his skills'

A smirk began to form on my face.

The Loot boss will drop upon his death will be random, but unique meaning that only I will be able to obtain it.

Getting a Skill or Spell from the boss is rare and game developers specifically made sure that all the Spells and Skills bosses possess are very strong.

"Let's continue..."

Raising my head I stood up and began another round of javelin throwing.


A few hours passed and the monster's health was slowly dwindling.


Another Lightning Spear pierced through the air, striking the monstrous creature square in the chest and bringing its health to 400 HP.

However, a hidden boss wouldn't be defeated so easily.


Suddenly, the entire castle shook from the scream that escaped out of the Prince's monstrous mouth.

"It's finally beginning..."

I whispered to myself, whilst carefully eyeing the Demon.

The Dark Prince has two boss phases.

One is when he is normal, trying to take down players with rationality and strategy.

However, the second one is completely opposite.

He goes berserk, throwing his spells randomly and sacrificing his HP to increase his Damage.

As soon as I saw the monster's eyes turn green, I smiled and lowered my head.

All I needed to do now was survive.

Covering my head with my arms, I curled into a ball in the corner of the room, bracing myself for the onslaught of chaos that was about to come.

Boom.... Boom... Roar... Boom...

The Demon completely lost his mind and went on a rampage, causing massive destruction inside the library.

Good thing the castle walls were sturdy enough to withstand the Prince's fury.

However, the same couldn't be said about the bookshelves and other furniture in the library.

Everything that got in the way of the Prince's rage was destroyed.

Soon enough the prince's HP hit 50.

I knew that the prince wouldn't die on his own, his HP would stagnate at 1 and wouldn't move.

Slowly raising my head I saw a Dark Beam randomly passing through the library evaporating everything in its way.

For a moment, I held my breath...

The library looked like a warzone!

Finally, the Prince's HP reached 1, but he did not stop.

In the frenzy state the Prince will have infinite MP until somebody kills him or the party attempting to defeat him will die.

Raising my aching body I took a long breath and started guiding MP towards my arm. I felt Mana pass under and through my skin gathering in the palm.

Shaping the Mana into a spear I felt the energy gain Lightning properties until small sparks started dancing around the spear's surface and my wrist.

Raising the Projectile above my head I took a deep breath and tensed up all the muscles in my body.

Taking two steps forward I extended my hand and launched the projectile at the Prince.


The spear pierced through the air colliding with the prince's chest.

- 103 Critical Hit!

< Dark Prince Killed! >

< LOOT >

1️⃣ 50,000 EXP

2️⃣ Demon Prince's Crown x1

3️⃣ Diamond Staff x1

4️⃣ Unique Passive Skill Book x1

5️⃣ Unique Spell Book x1
