Ava's proposition

Leo sat in the crowded university cafe, reading the note left in his notebook and trying to decide if he should go to the meeting or not. He knew he was already suspected, and he had to act as out of character as possible to avoid revealing his identity.

He was considering whether he should go immediately or be slightly late. Lost in thought he didn't even notice the envious glances of the girls around him.

As one of the most handsome men in the university, Leo should've been approached by countless girls. But now, after making an enemy of a powerful man, nobody wanted to be seen with him. The only thing the girls could do was watch him from afar with greedy eyes.

Standing up he sighed and put his notebook into his backpack.

As Leo walked through the wide corridors, lost in his own thoughts, he accidentally bumped into someone.

Apologizing to the man, he didn't even notice something being slipped into his pocket.