The Tomb of the Fallen Angel

As the female orc and an elf made their way through the dark tunnel, the only light source was the small torch held in Ava's hand. Its flickering flame barely illuminated the rough walls and uneven floor of the underground passageway.

The air was becoming musty and damp, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the tunnel.

Both knew that this tunnel was a dangerous place, and that they had to be careful. It's not everyday that you explore a hidden tomb filled with strong undead that drop no Loot or EXP.

"It's already our tenth potion..."

Looking at her system window Eli accessed her status screen and frowned seeing the number of health potions present in her inventory.

They've already spent more than a day inside the tomb and haven't found anything valuable. Just some withered beast bones and strangely shaped rocks.

Honestly, Ava was the only one still pushing through with the exploration. Eli was already on the verge of giving up.