Chapter 1 – Kusanagi Motohama.

Sitting on the dirt and leaning against the dirt was a young man wearing a black uniform. His glasses were cracked, his face bruised, his uniform was smeared with blood from the large diagonal gash in his chest and a stab wound that ran from his abdomen to his back. On her knees in front of him was a girl with fair skin and long white hair with shadows covering her eyes as tears streamed down her face. She seemed to be looking sadly at the boy who, as unlikely and temporary as it was, was still alive. She approached touching his face with her left hand.

– I'm sorry about all this... you got hurt by being my friend... I'm sorry – said the girl with a tearful voice lowering her head.

She wiped the tears from her face by removing a necklace with a pendant in the shape of a white sphere with a multicolored glow from her neck and placing it around the boy's neck. Then she raised her right hand causing a complex magic circle to appear below it and several magic circles above it at the same time as a smooth-handled switchblade, with a blade and handle about 10 cm long, appeared in her hand. She placed the knife in the boy's hands pointing the blade at her before she brought her face closer to the boy's face.

– I won't let you die. I will fulfill your wish... and you will fulfill mine - said the girl before kissing the boy while forcing him to stab her heart with the knife blade which made the magic circles begin to glow brightly.

As she turned her face away from the boy, small spheres of light came out of her mouth and entered his mouth. Slowly the wounds on the boy's body closed, his clothes and glasses were repaired and he regained control of his body. When it was finally over, a last sphere of light left the girl's body and flew away.

– W-What did you do Luna!? – demanded the boy as he held the girl's body before she fell to the ground.

– II... I couldn't let you die... - Said the girl as she caressed the boy's face with her trembling left hand.

– C-How can I live at the cost of your life? - Said the boy as tears ran down his face falling on the face of the girl in his arms.

– It's better... you forget what we live for now... - Said the girl touching his forehead making a magic circle appear on his forehead making him look lost.

Gradually the girl's body began to fall apart into small particles of light being carried away by the wind while the boy with a dull look watched that with tears streaming down his face.

The boy slowly opened his eyes, feeling one of them still sore and feeling bothered by the nightmare he had had. Part of him vaguely remembered what had caused him to be so hurt and another part didn't seem to remember. The part that remembered the fight he'd had with his friends was still very resentful of them considering them "traitors." Apparently those who until recently he'd considered his best friends had traded years of friendship with him for girls they didn't even have anything more than friendship with yet. He felt so betrayed that he had even dreamed of him and one of his friends fighting to the death.

– "Those bastards could have gotten at least one of those girls for me" - thought a part of the boy as he looked around him seeing that he was in a hospital room.

– "Wait, I really don't remember having a fight with anyone!" – thought the other part confused as he looked around him seeing that he was in a hospital room.

– Weird… I hadn't had a fight with any friends… I hadn't even left my hospital room in days… of course I had! Those two traitors got really hard on me this time... wait... what's happening to me!? - Said the boy in confusion while looking for his glasses on the dresser next to his bed - Wait... since when do I wear glasses?

The boy got up scared after putting on his glasses. Part of him didn't know how or why his body had risen against his will. The other part forced his body to move in a confused way towards the hospital room bathroom with difficulty as if his body was resisting his control. When he got to the mirror he looked at his reflection and couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had gone from an American college student to a Japanese teenager a foot shorter, at the very least!

– Who is this shit? I... my name Motohama... not even in hell! My name is Alex... what gaijin name is that? I... ARGHH! – the boy grunted in pain as the memories of two different lives manifested in my mind. It was as if he were two different people. In her head two identical voices screamed in pain at the same time as the memories became more present and began to notice the other person in her mind. as the memories became more present the two personalities seemed to start to merge as they both struggled.

– "Get out of my body!" – said a voice, his head desperately fighting for control.

– "Stop this!" - Said the other part fighting against feeling a strong pain in his head.

– "It hurts so much!" replied the other boy.

– "Make it stop!" replied the other boy.

They could feel the other fighting part of his head trying to get away from the merge while trying to take control. It seemed to be causing their brains to split in half. The pain was so bad that he fell to his knees. The boy tried to bring one of his hands to his head, but the other hand held it against his will. The other guy seemed to be fighting for body dominance at the same time. It was only making it all the more painful. Blood was running from his nose and ears from the intense pain he was feeling. The veins in his body seemed to be swollen and you could see them through his arms, neck and face. Finally the pain was so much that his vision darkened and the boy lost consciousness causing the two halves to stop fighting.

Gradually he was regaining consciousness feeling that he had returned to normal. He no longer felt like he was two different people. In fact he felt he was a new person born from the fusion of both Alex Argent and Motohama Kusanagi. He looked at his reflection in the mirror after getting to his feet, but apart from the streaks of blood that had run down his nose, he looked like the same Motohama as ever. He looked inside his pants feeling a little disappointed after all, even though it wasn't huge, Alex's penis was still much bigger than Motohama's. He wondered if there is any penis enlargement surgery or transplant?

In Motohama's opinion things were getting too complicated and all that madness about Alex and Motohama wasn't helping. Currently his life was not going the way he expected. First Issei joined the Occult Club and Matsuda joined the student council – Motohama didn't understand before how anyone would accept them, but now he knew...nepotism. Later, due to one of them being on the student council and Issei being always busy with his club, the two ended up leaving Motohama aside without realizing it.

The fact that the two lived surrounded by beauties was reason enough for the former Motohama to feel jealous of the two. Adding to the fact that they were always busy with their clubs and doing things in secret didn't help the situation. To make it worse every now and then one of the two asked Motohama to cover for them and lie to them when they had something to do or to borrow something. It all gave Motohama the feeling that his childhood friends had moved away from him to hang out with nicer people, but at the same time they were using him whenever they needed to. The current Motohama knew this was a slightly childish thought motivated by envy, loneliness and anger - even if it wasn't entirely without reason.

The fact that the duo seem to be purposely keeping Motohama away from any contact with the girls in their groups, added to the continuous requests for favors and botched lies, got to the point that Motohama couldn't stand it anymore. It all led to a fight and the two lost control during the argument and hit Motohama when he exposed both of them and said that they pretended to change because of their "Buchou and Kaichou". It wasn't that unusual for the three of them to exchange a few punches as friends, but that was another level as Motohama accidentally rolled down the stairs. In Motohama's opinion those two should be taking steroids or any other type of drug to get so strong all of a sudden, at least Issei should be.

– "Motohama... Issei and Matusada... fight... this is..." - I thought while joining the dots.

The first thing Motohama was sure of was that he was currently a character from High Scholl Dxd. Like Alex he had read the novel and watched the anime in his "geek phase", but both the anime and the light novel hadn't had that fight. Another point was that Matsuda joined the student council, something that never happened before in the original work. These things had only happened in fanfics and in the visual novel developed by a fan friend of Alex's. In the game the player could choose to be Issei, Matsuda or a transfer student. Issei and Matsuda being reincarnated demons wielding Sacred gear and the other boy a Dhampir.

Issei's route begins by showing footage of Issei being killed and brought back to life. In the story of Matsuda accepting to be part of the student council and being part of the nobility of Sona Sitri. The half-vampire one shows him moving in with his family. Another image shows the perverted trio's ultimate breakup resulting in a fight assisted by the transfer student or by Issei's or Matsuda's points of view. The last image from the game's intro shows Motohama at his funeral after being killed by a lost exorcist.

– Shit! – Motohama grunted when remembering the bloody image of his death in a flashback!

He knew that after his death in the game Issei and Matsuda who were already sorry for the fight would feel guilty for not being with their friend and preventing that from happening to him. From the Dhampir's point of view he would blame himself for seeing Motohama running scared on the day of his death. Regardless of which character they chose, they would train to get stronger and find Motohama's killer. In the process of finding Motohama's assassin one of the chosen characters would find Motohama's treasure thus being able to become much stronger.

That change in Issei and Matsuda's behavior was very nice and Motohama even felt a little less irritated with them knowing they were sorry, but it didn't solve his current problem. He didn't want to be brutally killed by a stray demon.

He went back to his bed and sat down thinking how much trouble he was in. He was practically a weak mob in a game. The world of Dxd was already insane in many ways and it got worse if you were a powerless human and dabbled in the supernatural. In addition, even though Motohama was currently a student at Kuoh Academy, the story did not take place in Kuoh, but on an artificial island known as Akatsuki in which the supernatural was not as secret as in the original story. There were stray demons killing people around town. He also had fallen angels killing people around town. There were also lost exorcists, youkai and all sorts of lunatics... killing people around town! The chance of him being killed in that city was very high even if he survived the lost exorcist who had killed him in the game.

After taking several deep breaths trying to get his thoughts in order Motohama managed to regain some calm. He had to thoroughly plan what to do to survive. The first thing was to avoid getting killed by the stray demons which usually meant he shouldn't get involved with the supernatural. The problem was, however, that being powerless with the many insane things that were about to happen was too dangerous. According to the reason for Motohama's death in the game. Apparently in three months he would find he would learn to use his ability's true potential and begin to dabble in the supernatural while looking for clues to the disappearance of an acquaintance. In addition, he would also begin to remember Luna, who she was and who he had become.

– Luna… she was the fourth monarch of this world and the strongest of the four. Even so, she gave her life to save mine and fulfill my wish... arrrrrggg - Motohama grumbled as the memories of what she had read in the fanfic and seen the visual novel came to her mind.

When he tried to remember what he had lived with Luna in this life he felt a very strong pain in his head. He'd realized he'd had blank moments over the last few months, but sometimes he'd dreamed of her even though he couldn't see her face. Just trying to remember her made that pain come to his head accompanied by a tightness in his chest.

At the moment Motohama would have to put questions related to his memories of Luna on hold and focus on what he knew from the fanfic and the game. He knew that the necklace she had given him at her house was very special. In addition, he also had to explore her true skill potential.

– "True potential of my skill..." Motohama said placing a hand on his chin and thinking about what he knew about Motohama's true skill.

A plan began to form in his mind, he decided to test his theory and take a coin from his wallet in the closet and his cell phone. He placed the coin in the palm of his right hand and closed his eyes, doing his best to focus and clear his mind. When he opened his eyes he focused his vision on the coin.

– "Bronze coin, weight 4.5g, diameter 23.5mm," Motohama said before feeling a little tired before flashing a big smile that made her swollen cheeks ache.

As expected, her skill could provide him with much more than that. He apparently learned on his own to use his ability's full potential and used it to search for clues to find the whereabouts of a missing person who was never named in the game. The supposed kidnapping was going to happen in a month which means he would need to use all the knowledge of the game during that month to look for ways to survive. For that he would have to make a risky move at first.

– I hope I'm not screwing everything up... - Motohama muttered, researching some information on the internet before calling a number he got in his search - Hello? Good afternoon... yes, I'm calling to make a report to the Island's Supernatural Crimes Center. Yes I know the seriousness of the matter as I am currently hospitalized. I would like to file a lawsuit against two reincarnated demons one from the Sitri clan and the other from the Gremory clan. Their names are Matsuda Yoshida and Issei Hyoudou.