– Such incompetence... – muttered a young man sitting in a chair in front of a table looking from an old book to a notebook where he was writing the contents of the book while making corrections to the text.
The young man had been working on translating, writing, and correcting the contents of the book for the past few hours. That was supposed to be a magic book like the ones he'd hidden under a board – along with a collection of pornographic magazines and a collection of porn DVDs. The contents of the book itself could, for those who knew Latin, at best be an interesting read, but most people would not waste their time on it. With a little common sense, anyone could tell the book was fake, but the information the author wrote in it was very detailed, enough to at least spark interest in it.
For Motohama, who had been translating and correcting the errors of the author of the book, it was something very serious. He could easily read the content of the book even though it was in another language and make corrections to the content with just a glance. He had been studying magic, supposedly in secret, for a few weeks.
Almost three months ago, Motohama had a fight with his old friends Issei and Matsuda which resulted in him being hospitalized after rolling down the stairs. As a result of the accident, his soul merged with that of another world named Alex. Due to the memories he received from Alex Motohama he felt in great danger for what the future awaited for him. However, beyond the memories, he noticed after taking tests that his special ability which had always been a great source of joy to him, served for more than just providing the three measurements of a girl's body. That skill that earned him the nickname "Perverted Glasses" that was the reason for so much happiness proved to be the greatest blessing he had ever received.
Due to the memories it awakened in Alex and what he learned about what his ability could do, he began to think of different ways to use his special ability. He was always irritated when it was Alex with characters that didn't explore the possibilities of what his abilities could do. So he decided to think outside the box and see what else his skills could do. He renamed his skill "Total Assessment" and found that it could do much more than just provide some small data.
One of the problems he encountered was that sometimes the amount of information could be too large for his mind to process at once, so he had to look for solutions to it first. The first thing he tried was to alter the way he received certain data by separating what he wanted to receive directly in his mind and what he might prefer to read. Just as his mind activated his size-reading ability, he was able to make her display data to him as if it were a holographic screen. So he managed to solve the problem of excess information he had to process and focused on other options.
He went on to use his ability on objects, and information about the object was displayed on a status screen, but he could also use the option to receive the data directly into his mind. He tried using it to study languages, and he found that he could learn easily by reading and watching a person speak in another language. He tried to use his skill while watching a cooking show, trying to imitate the chef who was cutting vegetables at high speed, and managed to imitate those movements perfectly. After studying some programming ebooks, he tried to use his skill to analyze the source code of one of his favorite games and found the flaws that allowed him to cheat in the game and unlock VIP content.
Unfortunately, he found that if he used his ability for anything other than admiring female beauty, it would consume energy, which hadn't happened before. Fortunately, the more he used her ability, she seemed to get stronger, allowing him to use it a greater number of times a day.
The current world that Motohama lived in was much more complex than that of High School DXD. In this world humans have known about the existence of the supernatural for a long time. There were serious laws and treaties between human governments and different supernatural governments. While it was at best a state of peace that could easily be broken, it still guaranteed some protection for both normal humans and supernatural beings.
Akatsuki Island was like a haven for different species of supernatural beings who wanted to live their lives in peace like normal people. However, there were laws that had to be followed, and Motohama took advantage of these laws for almost three months. Motohama made a complaint of aggression by a supernatural being against a civilian and opened a secret process against two reincarnated demons from two important clans. This forced both clans to undo the alteration in the memory of the people who had witnessed the fight and the accident. Apparently the memories of those who had watched the fight had been altered to believe that Motohama fell alone by accident, thus protecting the two responsible, their positions at their clubs and at Kuoh Academy. With the memories of several students restored to the original, Motohama had managed to protect their own memories consequently. As the process was classified as confidential, few knew about it; after all, the demons of the academy were living like supposedly normal humans.
The courage that Motohama had to demonstrate when facing Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory in a conciliation meeting without his parents present was greater than he believed he had. The presence of the two was something that almost suffocated Motohama. He accepted their apologies for the whole thing, but he didn't let the matter end with simple apologies. He didn't see the two as bad people, but they made a mistake that gave Motohama a lot of leeway. If the fight between him and the other two hadn't followed the normal flow, both could at most receive a suspension, and Matsuda would be removed from the student council due to the fight and the accident that occurred because of her. The two girls initially wanted to punish the boys privately and prevent them from getting into bigger public problems than they already had because of their fame. As they had altered some people's memories for personal reasons, this resulted in yet another breach of the contract they had with the Japanese government, the Youkai faction, and the Shinto pantheon that could be denounced by Motohama as well.
Both were presidents of their clubs and heirs of their clans, which gave them many privileges, but also held many responsibilities and expectations on them. So they got into a lot of trouble due to what they previously thought of as a "fight between friends.". They didn't expect Motohama to link Issei and Matsuda's increased strength, one of them joining the student council and the other the occult club, and Rias and Sona's surnames to the demon faction of the Biblical Three Factions. Unfortunately, that all got out of their control when the two boys were denounced and the case was opened. So they were forced to negotiate a friendly agreement with Motohama - watched over by the battle mage sent by the city administration to ensure the boy's safety both physically and mentally.
After the negotiation, Motohama received a handsome compensation and access to a large digital collection of magic collected by the clans of both girls. As a further way to ensure the end of the matter, the secret of the girls' true identity, and that it was forgotten that they had possibly altered the memories of some people, Motohama was gifted (bribed) with two properties on the island in her name. One of them was the building he lived in.
Having access to a large digital library of different types of magic Motohama can start his learning in magic. However, when he noticed that his "Total Assessment" skill could point out flaws and possible corrections of spells, the boy's interest was piqued to the fullest. He even managed to join some forums about magic that served to point out directions to get books and materials related to magic in different cities of the country. Unfortunately, magic was a time and money study, forcing him to seek out connections with the right people and create ways to make more money.
For him who in his past life had more contact with the supernatural than he wanted to accept the existence of magic in the current world he lived in was not so difficult. The boy still felt that part of him wanted to be a normal person, but him being a normal person and not having the power to defend himself was very dangerous.
Apparently the boy discovered that he had a certain talent for magic, especially spirit magic. He had been doing the meditative and exhaustion exercises every day to force his body to produce more energy. Currently, while he was working on the book he had bought in his room, there were five... white dolls moving around, cleaning the room, putting away his clothes etc. Those were the shikigami he had developed. Normally they were just thirteen-centimeter rectangular seals, but when activated, they became ninety-centimeter dwarves with white bodies resembling paper dolls with a black square on their chests and a white background. That version was one of the most basic ones Motohama could do. They couldn't communicate with Motohama, but they were able to do basic tasks without any problems. Some intermediate shikigami seals even sold for a considerable amount per set. He currently charged ¥55,350.00 for a set of five stamps, which would be around $500.00 USD based on the current exchange rate in that world.
– Speaks seriously! I know this book is old, but how can it be so wrong about the theory? If the topic wasn't interesting, I would write a review; it would be on the website where I bought this book! – the boy grumbled as he corrected several errors in the book's calculations for the notebook that was writing the contents.
– Wake up, Motohama! Come help me prepare breakfast for customers! – Said a female voice outside Motohama's room.
– I'm leaving now – said Motohama seeing that the shikigami had already finished tidying their room. With a wave of their hand, the shikigami turned into clouds of smoke, giving way to white paper seals that flew to Motohama's right hand.
Kusanagi Motohama was currently seen as a normal sixteen-year-old Kuoh Academy first-year student with the uncanny ability to calculate a woman's body measurements just by looking, which earned her nicknames such as "Perverted Glasses" and "Three Scouter". sizes". This has in the past caused him to be immediately labeled a pervert among the girls at Kuoh Academy. However, with the perverted trio having been broken up even though he was a pervert he was treated as a minor problem. In addition, he had avoided causing problems that might attract the attention of the student council.
Motohama quickly changed clothes, stopped for a moment after properly dressing, and took a deep breath, causing a necklace to materialize around his neck. He looked at the necklace pendant around his neck and used his skill on it.
Name:Shin Hogyoku.
Owner:Motohama Kusanagi
Type:Lost Artifact.
Description: The orb created by the Soul Destroyer King's soul allows the Moon's Chosen to obtain the powers needed to face The Fallen God. It is capable of granting its master powers and ability, awakening the wielder's full potential, and creating or summoning whatever is desired.
It can be activated by sacrificing the wielder's life/spirit/mana energy or the energy and souls of slain enemies. With each activation, the cost increases. Can passively collect natural energy by converting it once a month is a crafting currency that can be used in place of the user's or enemies' energy. It cannot be stolen or extracted from its master's strength unless the current master passes it on to someone else of their own free will!
Because he is linked to creation he can grant whatever his master wants as long as he has already been created or has enough information to complete the creation processes. Having the ability to grant his master's wishes, he can alter physical or ethereal matter, influence events, summon souls, etc.
Shin Hogyoku can bestow whatever is desired for the equivalent price.
Crafting Coins: 2 (29/30). (Note: 1 coin equals 3000 MP/RP)
Activation: 10 MP/RP.
Motohama was still impressed that he possessed an omega-level item. He had developed a system that sorted everything by rank people by level of danger, going from G, F, E, and so on. For items by rarity level it would go from common, uncommon, rare, unique, holy, legendary, divine, alpha and omega. If Issei's sacred gear could be considered "near-divine legendary level," Motohama's necklace was way above it. Unfortunately, energy consumption was not something to be taken lightly. Depending on what was created, the energy consumption could kill Motohama even before the object was materialized. The same applied to abilities and powers.
Before leaving his room, Motohama looked at his hands, remembering that his hands were stained with blood many times in his past life which made them shake involuntarily. In his past life, he might not have been able to find fault with codes like this life, but due to his family business, his marksmanship was impeccable whether with a bow and arrow or a pistol. Plus his prowess with a knife wasn't something to be ignored. Just the memory of the screams and pleas for mercy was something that made Motohama have nightmares.
He left his family's apartment and went downstairs. When his mother found out that he had "won" the building they lived in, she decided to turn the ballroom into a restaurant and the first floors into an inn – not caring about Motohama's opinion. As for the residents of the upper floors who had rented the apartments, the dynamics did not change much. Many original residents initially preferred to eat in their apartments, but after the ballroom was renovated into a restaurant, many began to eat breakfast made by the Kusanagi family. As the inn had also started to offer the option of single rooms instead of apartments, the restaurant was always full in the morning and evening.
Upon entering the kitchen, the first thing he saw was his mother's back while she was working on the stove. Her mother's name was Kusanagi Saiya and she had long lilac hair (which is said to be her natural color), wearing a hakama with a white top and purple bottom. She was a beautiful woman, but she was mostly scary as she daily disciplined Motohama because of her perversion (and when he mentioned her age).
– Another case of mass sacrifice of innocents is made in Greece... – said a reporter on television until Motohama's mother hung up.
– Oka-san... where's Yukari? – Motohama asked entering the kitchen, ignoring Saiya's three measurements that automatically came to her mind and going to a clipboard with the menu of the day before starting to prepare breakfast for the guests.
– She had to go to school early because of the club. Or probably she just didn't want to be seen with a perverted trio member, did she? – Said Saiya without turning around, but Motohama could see a hannya mask wrapped in a sinister aura floating beside her.
– C-Changing the subject… when will my father be back? – Motohama asked, sweating as he slowly backed away. He wouldn't waste time explaining that the trio had been disbanded. He had already gone a double to explain the reason for the fight months ago and why the three still hadn't made up.
– He still has some more business in Kyoto this week. As the inn still has few guests, he can't refuse any project – said Saiya while stirring the pots.
Motohama's family consisted of his father Kusanagi Takeshi, his mother Kusanagi Saiya, his sister Yukari and himself. Motohama's parents didn't like to talk much about their families of origin, but apparently his father left his family home to marry his mother and has not been in contact with his family since. On her mother's side, Motohama had her grandfather, who was Saiya's adoptive father, but apparently they didn't get along very well and had little contact.
– I understand. I can do some freelance programming to help if you want, or you can take the prize I won – said Motohama, handling a knife with dexterity while cutting and cleaning fish.
– No need. Concentrate on your studies... and try to avoid perverted acts! – Said said smiling gently looking at Motohama, but that smile scared anyone even Motohama who was the main target of Saiya's sermons.
– N-No need to worry my grades are probably the best in my class – Motohama said looking away trying to avoid facing that scary mask that was floating next to Saiya. Motohama knew it was just an illusion created by her head, but Saiya's aura was too intimidating.
After finishing breakfast, Motohama helped his mother to serve the guests. Motohama could tell that some of them weren't exactly human just by the aura they gave off, but as they were harmless, he didn't worry too much. Apparently the building he lived in before was a neutral place for humans and supernaturals alike, but his parents kept it a secret from Motohama and her sister in the same way as most of their past. As Motohama lived in a family full of secrets in his past life, he was currently used to this kind of thing and cared less than he did before merging with Alex.
After breakfast, Motohama went back to his room to change clothes and go to school. He felt a little tired after staying up all night, but since the fusion between Motohama's and Alex's souls, he has been dedicating himself to strengthening his body and having a good diet, and his stamina has been slowly improving. He secretly took some potions to help his growth and improve his appearance, but it can't be anything drastic so as not to draw too much attention. He, however, felt that certain "attributes" of his body that he was not happy about had to be drastically improved – his future wife would probably thank you for that.
After checking that the bracelet he had made to camouflage his spiritual power was working properly, Motohama left the Kusanagi Inn and made his way to Kuoh Academy. He had been taking every possible safety measure to ensure his safety, that of his family and the inn's guests – not that they were in any danger with the scary Saiya around. Motohama had been hiding the fact that in recent months his magical and spiritual power had grown far above the average person, so the bracelet was an essential security measure. The academy demons knew he had been studying magic, but they didn't need to know the results. He noticed that his mother had something similar to her bracelet, but he preferred not to meddle in his parents' past.
As he headed to Kuoh Academy, Motohama couldn't help but think how much he had changed since his soul had merged with Alex's. He didn't feel older, but his personality had changed a bit, making him more serious and determined, but he was still a pervert. He'd gotten taller and handsomer from a few experiments (potions and spells), exercise, and eating, but it still wasn't that much of an improvement – at least not as much as he'd wanted. His academic performance has greatly improved as he has acquired new skills due to his ease of learning. Today Motohama was a good cook, programmer, painter, and much more. Due to some flaws, he was still seen as a big pervert member, but he was more harmless than before.
Motohama stopped walking for a moment, looking at a house at the end of a street. The house looked perfectly normal and in good condition to anyone's eyes.
– Disgusting – Motohama muttered through his teeth, making a face of disgust.
Motohama couldn't hide the disgust he felt when he saw and felt a black aura covering that house. The worst was perhaps the sickening sensation of the presence he felt coming from that house. To him, it was as if the smell of something decomposing was coming from that house, but it didn't just affect his sense of smell. He could feel more than one presence coming from that house.
–"It's more unpleasant than the aura of high school demons. It must be a lost demon... by the aura, it's one that feeds on humans"– thought Motohama until he looked away discreetly when he felt as if someone was looking at him.
That wasn't the first time Motohama felt a lost demon, but the feeling of disgust was still the same. He felt a similar aura coming from the demons who attended the same high school as him, but it was still smaller than what he felt coming from that house. The lost demon that was there shouldn't be as weak as the others he felt around the city, but unfortunately Motohama couldn't do anything about it. Currently he considered himself practically harmless to supernatural beings and he could not turn to anyone powerful without revealing that he knew about the supernatural world.
Motohama felt terrible knowing that his lack of action would likely put other people in danger, but unfortunately he wasn't the very brave one. It was further proof that even though he had his soul merged with Alex's he still had a lot of the original Motohama. If he really was the old Alex, nothing would stop him from hunting any creature that lurked in the shadows and threatened humans.
As he went on his way, Motohama thought that maybe it was best if he made money fast enough for him and his family to leave that dangerous city.
– "If things continue like this, many innocent people will become victims of those beings who have no problem doing harm to ordinary people. If I weren't so weak... so cowardly... maybe I would..." – thought Motohama keeping his head down feeling a mixture of despair and shame – "How am I going to survive this damn game like that?".
What Motohama didn't know was that maybe what was stopping him wasn't fear, but something more than fear. Unfortunately, his predicted date of death was coming, and he would be forced to overcome what was holding him back if he wanted to survive and grow stronger in Kuoh.