His Wild Card!

"I am clear that I don't have any experience in this field but I assure you sir, my determination is the key that drives me to do a lot of things and that includes designing sir. You can see a sample of my designs and you can tell that they are of good quality, presentable and can help us with a great deal," Natalie had this one chance and she hoped that the man would reconsider however much he hated his best friend.

"Okay. What makes you stand out from the others. They have experience, you don't?" Sebastian asked again leaning forward while resting his hands on the table.

"Yes. I have no experience. But sir, I'm willing to do anything so I can get this job. I've been looking for jobs everywhere and I haven't gotten any but I hope that the Cooper builders would be my platform because it's my best option to learn from. I hope to learn from the best and I consider you so, sir," she was good with his words. Sebastian was staring at her, deeply. He was not listening at all. His mind was playing with him and it just kept rolling on him. The images of the woman, she thought.

"Yes! I got you," he said loudly after sometime hitting the table consequently. He had remembered her. It was the girl from the previous night who bumped into Britney. He was so lost in the memory that he had forgotten that people were in the room. Natalie stared at him in awe.

Does it mean she got the job? She wondered. She did not want to celebrate too soon either so he kept herself at bay. Sebastian's look however turned cold. It was strange enough for people to have watched him that way but not Infront of an interviewee!

"We will call you," it was all he could say.

"Si... Sir?" Natalie spoke in despair. She didn't know how to react. She needed the job and she couldn't walk out without it.

"Be rest assured," Natalie added, a mischievous smile on his face. He was pressing his phone so she saw it as a cue to leave so he walked out frustrated.

"Hey man, I thought you liked that girl. Why didn't you hire her?" Peter asked. He had known Sebastian for a long time and he knew when he had an eye on someone. Was it someone though or something? Sebastian sent a text to someone, flipped his phone on the table and danced along his chair. He had found his wild card.

"I will hire her!" He said looking at Peter and back at his phone.

"Okay, let's head to the office then. What are we doing here?" Peter wondered why Sebastian who loved to sink in his work sat around a chair like a lap dog. The smile. The smile on Sebastian's face was familiar. He had seen it before and this time, he was afraid of what he was planning.

Natalie walked down the pathway to the reception desk resting at it's edges. She felt weak. It was not her body but her will. Everything was clearly slipping away from her.

She was so lost in thought until her phone rang spranging her out of her world of despair. Looking at the caller, she smiled. Just was she needed to cheer up.

"Hey David," she said the minute the call was connected.

"Nat, where are you?" David asked sounding agitated.

"At the Cooper buildings, why?" She asked wondering why he sounded strange.

"Wait right there. Meet me at the parking," he said cutting the call. Natalie looked at the phone and this time she was furious.

"What happened to 'hey good morning'," she blabbered in a mummer asking no one in particular.

"Hey! Were you hired?" Cassy came running to her in excitement when she saw her stranded. Natalie only shaked her head and headed for the lift.

"What bad luck! She looked nice though." Cassy uttered and went back to her cabin.

When she got down the building at the parking lot, David was already there pacing up and down around his car and when he saw her, he rushed towards her hugging her so tight.

He took in her scent. How he had missed it! Natalie felt weird and the tight hug didn't go well with her. She quickly hurried to disengage from the hug.

"Did he hurt you? Lemme look at you,' He was inspecting her all over and Natalie finally understood his worry.

"I'm fine. I just went for an interview. Don't you worry," she said laughing it off even though the pain of not coming out a hired person ached her.

Sebastian saw that she was okay but he had one thing to do. One more thing.

"We're you hired?" He asked yet knowing the answer already and when Natalie kept silent, she could understand.

"I'm sorry Nat," he said holding her cheeks with his both hands.

"For what? You did nothing wrong," she said wondering why he would apologize to her.

"I've put you through all this. I'm sure if he didn't know me, if we weren't... Never mind, we'll sort this out," he said. He felt the humiliation Natalie had gone through to talk to Sebastian.

Natalie realized what David was talking about. He had tried so hard to remember where she had seen him. She remembered that he was the guy from the restaurant last night.

"It's not your fault," Natalie smiled trying to stay strong. "I understand I don't have enough experience. But they said they'll call, right. So it's not a loss yet," she added.

"Okay, let's get out of here," he opened the front door of the car for her while he got into the driver's seat. Unknown to them, Sebastian was watching them. He knew he'd come so he had to make sure and indeed, this was his game. He smiled cynically and got back into the lift straight to his office. It was just a matter of time and patience was not his first name.

David drove Natalie to a coffee shop where they both laughed and had fun. David knew how to please her. How to make her smile and he never missed when he hit. He later on took her home so she could rest and after they departed, he was at ease. He had something to do. He drove back to the Cooper buildings. His anger had been fueled and his brows were now cringing in fear. Fear for their own master. She stormed into the Sebastian's office with anger and went straight for for him. He held the collars of his and gave him a punch which sent him flying from his desk.

"What do you want?" He asked breathing heavily.

Sebastian rised from where he has fallen and felt his cheek with his tongue. He was in utter pain but it was not important anymore. He cleaned off imaginary dirt from his clothes and sat back at his chair.

"Mr. Wilson, can we be civilised, am human after all. I cannot work under such an environment,' he said with a clear hint if mockery.

David reluctantly moved steps back and sat at desk opposite him. He as trying to calm himself.

"Now we can talk! You asked what I want, right? What do I want?" Sebastian asked playing with his pen in hand.