7- By saying something stupid

Waking up from my couch has never felt more like an absolute nightmare than now, the tight hug from the wonderful and beautiful arms of Morpheus has never been more pleasing and fantastic than this night.... night? wait...

Checking the clock reveals that my sleeping paradise lasted more than 18 hours. I woke up in the night of the next day I slept.

The next day...

Oh, today is Faraday's birthday. maybe I can give her a call to say happy bir-

my phone has 36 notifications on it, all coming from my messages. And 1 lost call. Both the call and the messages come from a number I don't have registered. I check the messages expecting the worst, my phone number was given to some kind of stalker. I receive exactly the opposite. Kinda.




(SORRY (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) )

(SORRY MISS CECILE (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) )




The same pattern repeats over and over for more than twenty messages. I THINK I can guess who this really regretful stalker is. my worries disappear and turn into a funny feeling inside. I guess I deserved this for not giving her attention yeste- today. I mean today and yesterday. Because it's already 9 pm.

Both the calls and messages come from 10 am. I guess it's 1 or 2 hours after Alan gave faraday my number and her phone. poor thing, she must be missing me. I guess i should give the birthday girl a present.


It's already past 7 pm so I guess miss Cecile should be awake... or asleep by now. I reflect upon my actions as I see the time in my new phone. The one causing my pain in the first place, I got so happy when Alan told me that I could call miss Cecile anytime that i did it as soon as he left the room, but got so nervous that I canceled the call. And just as I cancelled it I remembered that I'm bothering miss Cecile in her free day that I asked her to take in the first place. I apologized to her a lot but she hasn't seen the messages yet. I hope that she doesn't look at them and they get lost behind someone else's messages, looking at miss Cecile she looks like a really popular person, so maybe I'm not the only one talking to her this day.

If it's this late maybe she is in the next sleeping cycle already. I hope she is having a ni-AH!!.


CALM DOWN calm down aaaaaaaa she is calling me what do I do?!


Alan wakes up from his slumber while he was sitting in the chair of the office.

-UH!? uh... wha- what happened?.


-Oh. answer then.


- She won't, trust me, nobody gets that mad about a wrong phone call.... wait Gustave does. But she hates everyone and everything so it's not a normal human behavior.


-Answer already, if anything goes wrong I'll help you with it. calm down.

Ok geez I... *sigh* ok... you can do this faraday, you only need to act natural and-

The ringing stopped.

Oh god.

I messed up.

I took too long to answer and lost my chance

now she really is mad even if she wasn't before....


AH!, it's ringing again!.

Without hesitation, and mostly a stupid impulse I pick up the phone and put it near my ear. with so much force that I hit it and starts to hurt as a result.


-Hmm? faraday, are you okay?.

- UH m--miss Cecile how are you doing, quite a nice day isn't it? hahaha.

-Uhm... I guess It was, it's quite late for it to be a day.

-Oh yeah ,yeah sorry...




-Ehm faraday are you going to say something?.

-No no no go ahead I'm waiting for you to say something... but please don't scream....

-Why would I scream? you can't hear me? try putting the phone more near of your ear.

-Nono miss Cecile I can hear you clearly, but I thought you were mad at me.

-You really think that a lot you know?.

-I uh....

-Hahaha I'm joking faraday don't worry, I'm not mad at all. in fact I wanted to apologize.

-But... why?.

- I slept over your birthday didn't I?.


-Sorry about that, happy birthday faraday, I'll give you a present when I go next time.

The happiness inside faraday was so overwhelming that she jumped around after hearing the happy birthday from her love. Doing so multiple times in a fraction of a second, calming down after a while, Cecile didn't hear anything.

-Thanks a lot miss cecile, it means a lot to me!.

-Hmm, is that so?.

A weird feeling of comfort appeared inside Cecile's chest.

-Yeah it does!. by the way miss Cecile when are you coming back?.

-Oh, about that I think I'll be able to go after tomorrow, I'm taking a little rest tomorrow to visit some places. but I'll be back the nest day after that.

-Im happy to hear that miss Cecile, did you sleep well?.

-Uhmm yeah I think so, I slept almost 20 hours, I feel fresh and energetic. Quite.... bad that I woke up in the middle of the night, so I can't sleep during the night. But anyway, how was your birthday faraday?.

-It was great! Alan gave me a cake and we ate it together, I saw balloons for the first time, but I popped them on accident, it was still really fun!.

-What about the phone?.

-When I almost finished the cake Alan gave me the box with it, I jumped around really happy, I think I blinded him for a bit-.

-You make quite a light show when you're happy!.

- I DID blind him for a moment. I told him he was a bad person for lying to me about not getting me a phone but I forgave him for giving me one.

-And I see you... didn't waste any time in using it.

-Aaaah I'm sorry about that miss Cecile I just...wanted to try it!. so I-i kinda... maybe decided to call you first....

-Hmmm is that so?.

-But I remembered that you were sleeping so I hung up immediately. And I tried to say sorry but you didn't see them so I got scared and started writing a lot of messages.

-So.... you realized I could not answer that call because I was asleep, so you send more messages to say sorry and didn't realize that I could not see them in the first place because AS YOU PREVIOUSLY SAID I was asleep.... right?.





-Hey it's not that funny- says faraday pouting.

-Hahaha oh, it is. geez you're dumb some times.

-Im not dumb...

The noticeable sadness in her voice makes Cecile remember that she is talking to what could be described as a really big child.

-Oh haha, I'm sorry faraday, I didn't mean it literally, you're not dumb, you just have some moments, but it's not a bad thing, it has its perks.

-What perks could come from being dumb?.

-Well I mean... it can make you look cute. sometimes you know?.

-.... - A hit is heard on the other side of the phone, a soft one, almost completely exposing the nature of the act, faraday let go of the phone and made it fall in her bed.


no response was made. no sound was heard.

-Faraday are you ok?.

-YO, Cecile, it's me.


-Yeah I... uh.... faraday is indisposed right now so maybe we'll call you tomorrow.

-What happened?! is she alright?!.

-Oh... yeah kinda, look, it's fine don't worry, I'll call you later myself so go ahead with your plans.

-S-sure. Please tell me if something bad happened. Bye.

Cecile ends the call and in the depths of the night asks herself if she did something wrong or said something so awful that she made faraday somehow faint over the absurd levels of disgust she just felt.

Cecile was in fact, completely wrong.

When faraday heard Cecile call her "cute" her heart stopped and got so flustered that the red in her face combined with the flashing brightness of her hair covered the room in a red aura, almost looking like some kind of alert system was triggered. Not even Alan managed to get a response from her.