
Alan told me faraday was not feeling well so I kept going with my plans, I grabbed my phone and my purse and went out of my house, an activity I mostly never do willingly, only being tolerable when I went to my job day after day. I'm not a sociable person at all, I don't like people, I tolerate them and accept that I will be seeing them often, it's has been like that since the very beginning, people like Alan are not an exception. Even though they're fun to hangout with, or they're undeniably good people I still don't want to see them when I'm not supposed to. I don't want to hang out with Alan. I don't want to see him outside the job. I enjoy his company inside it. But that is it.

This problem goes wilder with people I don't know. I don't like crowds of people. Either I know them or I don't, I just don't like being around more than 2 persons at the same time, making walking outside quite a pain In my back. I despise the moments I need to go shopping for supplies.

But even then.

I have a duty to complete. I have a present to give.

problem is, I don't know what kind of things Faraday enjoys or likes. #s far as I know, she "likes" cages. And I don't think that is a proper birthday present for a girl. I mean. I would ask for one, but I'm not exactly sane to be precise. I could ask her about her likings but I would just spoil my present idea, also. She is not available, and I could wait for tomorrow but the streets will be full at noon. That is exactly what I don't want. Judging by the barely to none knowledge I have of her I guess a little bit of clothing could be of her liking. But then again, I don't know what kind of style you can give to someone who used lab subject clothes all her life. I guess my only way to find out is to go to the store and take a look around, hopefully I will find something that suits her... style.

I can't remember when was the last time I actually set foot outside of my house apart from going to the hospital. I remember that I bought enough supplies to last for many months the last time I went to the store. Opening the door and being hit with the fresh wind of the night in my face felt quite good.

A good change of pace, and quite a strange feeling nowadays after inhaling what mostly is recycled oxygen in the lab. waking around the block feels so peaceful and relaxing, the emptiness combined with the cool air and atmosphere feels fantastic, this is the kind of feeling I desire for my life. This is my safe space.

And I'll enjoy it as much as I want. This is my free day after all, I still don't like the idea tho, but a free day nonetheless. It's not like I can just ask for a portal right now.... right?





-Yo Alan can i-

-TAKE THE FREE DAY ALREADY GEEZ. sorryforscreamingtakerestokbye.



Right. To the store then.

The streets of this city have a certain beauty to it. mostly coming from the neon and led signs. All the stores are well iluminated with bright colors and a really good contrast within them. Almost as if every store owner got together to plan the illumination as a whole. A really odd coincidence converted into a work of art. I can see why people like the night more around these places. Still, not enough for the streets to be filled so I can see double the appeal now.

I could really get used to living only at night and sleeping all day. But my work doesn't really give me any kind of spare time. And I don't think faraday would be ok with me messing around with her sleep cycle.... I don't think she is ok with me messing with MY sleep cycle to be honest.

She would like it she was here looking at these streets that's is for sure...

Oh yeah I'm here for a present for her in the first place.

I don't know much about fashion myself, I usually just pick what I see first in the store and go with my day as I would normally do. I've never been to an actual clothes shop. but I know one just from seeing it many times while riding the bus towards the hospital. It looks fancy enough for me to find someone fitting for faraday.

The doorframe of the store looks like the entrance to a palace. I can see that inside the windows wedding dresses and dresses you would see in the most fanciest of parties, all stacked up in beautifully displayed stands, iluminated by lights inside the store as well as all the colorful lights coming from every other store around the street. i

It's was truly beautiful display of colors and fanciness.

I hate it.

I don't like these "PLEASE LOOK AT ME GIVE ME ATTENTION" kind of dresses. I dislike interacting with people. why would I like having a dress that makes me stand out even more amongst the whole party?.

Even more. People who use this kind of dresses are usually bitches who are nothing but a load of egocentric bullshit contained inside a skinny, clearly unwell, body.

It sounds like I'm projecting but I swear I'm not ok?

Anyway. those are most likely just to attract people inside to look around for those dresses. And it's only 11 pm, so I have time to explore more stores if I don't like this one.

Crossing the door I'm met with a fancy looking lady approaching me. My fight or flight sense is activated. I'm ready to fight to the death with this lady who will most likely try to sell me a dress with 5 zeros in it.

A brawl is surely brewing.... AND BEGIN!

-Good night miss how can I help you? ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ

beginning with a heavy cordiality combo with eye contact. A classic among these witches.

-Hello, I'm just looking around so I'll be around the-

-aren't you looking for something in particular?.

She breaks my defense. Truly my weakest stat. But that is just because I have a slow start on fights. I just need to resist for the first rounds and I'm done!.

-May I suggest one of our premium labendis? specially suited for a night gala.

HA, using a labendis as her first move. A rookie mistake, I can win this fight.

-Sorry but I'm not looking for something for myself. thanks for the suggestion tho.

This is just a warning shot. it almost never works. But seeing this is clearly a beginner maybe I can pursue her to-.

-Oh is that so? but you have such a beautiful body and face. You combine well with our finest dresses


Augh! YOU BITCH!, she was faking being a newbie. She clearly knows what she does. I've fallen into a trap. damnit!

-In fact I have a really good looking one right here. take a look.

She pulls one of the black dresses in the first row near the entrance.

omygodisbeautiful NO, I MUST NOT FALL!

-U-uh sorry but I'm not interested in buying one for myself. Thanks a lot for the suggestion.

-Oh but that is surely a shame. This dress combines well with your hair. Look, it even looks fantastic with your prosthetic!, miss, this dress was made especially for you!.

-I-uh... it does?.

-For sure. just come over here.

*Cecile is dragged against her will towards one of the mirrors inside the store. the assistant puts the dress in front of Cecile while she looks in the mirror*

-Oh my goood....

-Right? it suits you like a glove! and even better. Denying you this beauty is nothing but a sin!, that is why, and I shouldn't do this!, I'm going to give you a live changing discount on it. You will be the darkest but most beautiful star of all the constellation!. Just follow me and-

An ear piercing ringing is heard while everything fades to black. The light comes back again as cecile finds herself outside the door. Holding in her hand a bag with a fancy dress inside. A receipt in the bag too. With almost as many numbers as she was paid for her days of work in the facility

- Thanks a lot for buying, be sure to come back! (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)

Says the assistant in a cute voice. Almost as if not recognizing the monstrosities she just committed


As cecile turns, the automatic doors close themselves tightly




*Cecile enters again this time while her eyes are closed and her ears are covered by her fingers*

- Oh, back so soo-


-Oh... ok

*The sound goes dimer as she enters further more inside the store, finally scaling the grasp of the witch. she resumes her quest for the saint treasure.*

Hmmm. Nothing here seems fitting, everything looks fancy. She would look good on those don't get me wrong, but there isn't really an occasion to use them in the first place. So it would be as if I'm giving her nothing at all. Even the cheapest section in the store just seems all fancy stuff.

Maybe I should just...

-It seems you're having trouble, do you need assi-


-Hey I'm just trying to help (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠)

-No, you did enough help already!

*Cecile shakes the bag in front of the assistant's face*

-Uh uh I'm sorry about that miss. I can take it back if you want.

-NO.... I like it. it's mine.

-Well ok then. but I can help you with what your looking for now. no tricks I swear!.

- (⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠)

-Oh come on you trust me. you know what, wait here!.

She says as she rockets towards the bathroom. in less than 8 seconds she comes back, now dressed in a casual attire. A dress full of flowers an with her hair loosened up.

-See? I'm no longer working, so no scams.


-So what are you looking for exactly? I assume nothing fancy.

-Yeah it's nothing fancy. I'm looking for something to gift to someone. a casual attire. Just like yours actually

-Oh I bought this one right here. we- sorry, this store has options for more casual clothes. Here, follow me.

She then makes a 180° turn and looks right behind us.

-Here it is (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)

-Uh? wai-what?

-Yeah you were standing right in front of it. you should turn around sometimes you know?


-Anyway, look. there is clothes for all the seasons of the year. Winter is right around the corner so I suggest you take a look at our winter collection!.

-Right, I will, thanks a lot.

-You're welcome (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠).


-You're.... not gonna leave?.

-Nope (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


None of these really seem to fit a type of body like faraday. again I don't have a sense in fashion, clearly. but I know when something doesn't match a person. this is one of those cases. ugh... I didn't want to do this...

-I can't find anything that fits...

-Oh, for real?. Don't worry, I'll help you out. so you have a picture of your friend?.

-Uh I... don't. actually.

-well. a description will work too. How does she look?

-Oh. let's see.... hmmm. About like 6 cm lower than me. Black hair. But also blue on the inside. Her eyes are blue too. Her skin is just a little bit more darker than mine.

-Ooooook(?) What does she use regularly? (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)

-Uh she usually wears an orange suit. it looks like a prisoner really.

-A-and anything else?.

-Well uh... no, not really, she just uses that and that is all. that's is why I want to give her some clothes in the first place.



-Are you messing with me? (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠)

-What? no, no I swear it's true.

- I'm sorry about earlier ok, no need to start inventing stuff

-I swear it's true!, thrust me. I'm not messing with you!

-Fine if you're not making stuff up... let me see what I can find. Wait here

She gets back to the front of the store. Wait. wasn't all the casual stuff right here were I am?.

What the hell is wrong with this store dude.

She comes back, as expected, from behind me. scaring the shit out of me.


-Oh, I'm sorry. I forget sometimes where I come from. anyway, Take a look at this! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)

-You little!- oh. wow.

-Yeah it's pretty isn't it? again I don't have a lot of room to work with but with what you described this is what came to my mind. I bet it would look good on your friend. Who is totally real and not an invention of your mind (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)

-Right (?) so, how much is it? oh I don't know, wait here.

*The assistant gives Cecile the dress while she runs again to the complete opposite direction of where she came from before. Moments before she then comes out of the bathroom to the right of Cecile. Now wearing her work attire again.

-Good night miss, how can I help you? ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ

*Cecile, really tired of this, just let's go of a really big sigh* - Whatever just sell me this already.

-Oh with pleasure miss...


-Oh that is a really beautiful name, It really suits you, just like the black dress (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)

-Oh for the love of god...



Congratulations Cecile. you managed to spend every single penny you earned in 3 days of work in just one hour. Truly one new record, even for you

*Cecile claps to herself in her head*

Well I mean, actually it just tells me they pay really well. this shitty dress was expensive, not the one for faraday. Mine. That one is cute. But come on 75% of my salary spent on ONE black dress. I need to reinforce my defenses against clothes sellers. My one weakness.

Or... you know. Mever buy clothes ever again. Yeah that sounds better.

That was such a bad experienced that I don't even like being outside any more. I just want to go home. the streets Don't even look that good. Like geez look at that visual contamination. No wonder we can't see the stars.

Arriving at my house feels like I've entered Valhalla. Every step in my floor feels like I'm walking in comfy and fluffy clouds. I can't even begin to imagine what my bed must feel like. Oh but I just woke up from a big slumber. I don't think I will be able to sleep this so-





*the next day*

*Faraday wakes up from her slumber. The barely one she got after waking up from her emergency. the emergency called Cecile calling her cute*

-Ugh- *yawn* good morniiiiing - Says faraday, still half asleep and with her eyes shut close still.

-Good morning faraday, how was your sleep?

-Oh. Alan. it was good. Thanks for asking.

Miss Cecile hasn't come back yet?

-Nope, she said she would come tomorrow. "Places" to go according to her.

-Aww what a shame

-You wanted to see her today?.

-I always want to see her...

-Aww dear I'm sorry. you'll see her soon, I swear. in the mean time we can continue with her work. Also you could talk to her in your phone if you want to.

-But what if I interrupt her in something important and she starts hating me for that?.

-You really worry a lot about she starting to hate you. That won't happen faraday.

-Im not so sure about that... I still don't know her enough to know for sure that she won't get that mad at me...

-I guess you're right, no way to know that for sure for now. Anyway, it's time for breakfast, what do you want to eat?

-Hmmm what about some eggs and bacon?. (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)

-Sounds good. I'll be back in a moment.

-Okie dokie

Fuaah I'm really hungry and tired. I want to stay in my bed today. But Alan doesn't like when I don't do any exercise so I'll try to break my record of push ups.

After breakfast obviously.

Now that I think about it Alan is a really caring person, and Cooks really delicious food.... I think he is the one making it, if it is, then why hasn't he told me before about him having a couple?. He really seems like a perfect partner to have. Guess he never was meant to have a couple...

What if that happens with me an miss cecile? I don't even know if she already has someone she loves. Maybe she already has a family. Maybe it wasn't mean to be and that is all. No one is obligated to share love feelings with someone. You can just don't like the other person and you can just say no...

I really want to tell her already. I can't deal with having the question around my head all day and everyday. even if she just tells me no. I... I would cry a lot. but I could live with that eventually. not telling her would just make me feel bad everyday about me not saying anything. And I would end up seeing how she finds somebody else because I didn't do anything because I was a coward.

I think I'll tell her yesterday when she comes back from work. But I really need to think about how I'm going to do it. It's not like I can just drop the bomb out of the sudden.

maybe I could-

-Faraday. breakfast is ready


*Several minutes later*

-Aaaah that was amazing!

-Was it? I thought I added a little too much salt but I'm glad it was actually fine.

-Yeah it was fantastic!. did you really do it yourself?

-Oh you don't think this guy can make some good cooking? hmmm

-Nonono I don't think that. It's just that I thought a group of people were assigned to make my food. since this is a facility and all that stuff.

-We USED to have a cooking team. but I tested their food and it kinda...sucked. So I told them we wouldn't need their services anymore. Now I deal with making your food.

-You make the food for all the facility? that's amazing!

-No I just make yours haha. I don't have enough time to make food for hundreds. I barely didn't put the kitchen on fire making you those eggs you know.

-Hahaha. oh I bet.



-Nah. I'll tell you someday.

-Oh comeee ooon you always do this!

-It makes surprises even more fun doesn't it?

-It makes me mad that you don't tell me things - says faraday while pouting -

-life is best when there are surprises waiting for you dear.

-Hmmm I guess it's true.

*Faraday gets back to her comfy bed. laying down face down en her pillow. her favorite way to lay down*


-Hmm? is something wrong?

-I want to tell her tomorrow.

-Oh... I don't think that is a good idea Faraday.

-Why not?.

-You and miss Cecile have almost no history together. I can see you two having something in the future. but for now you and her are barely friends. So I wouldn't tell her just yet.

-But if I don't tell her maybe I'll never be able to tell her because I'm too scared to do anything. If I do it this soon it won't hurt that much if she tells me no.

- But you could ruin your chances dear. Is better to have a chance than spoiling everything from the very beginning.

-I know but...

-The best choice is for you to wait a little bit. your time will come.

-But what if... what if what she is doing today is having a date or something?... if she's meeting someone right now and I don't tell her even in a message I could just be forgotten...

-Aw dear.

*Alan enters the camber to hug faraday once more. now not in a supportive way. but trying to calm his little child about her anxiety*

-I don't want to feel like this anymore... I just want to have an answer. I don't care if it is a yes or a no...

-Dear I... I just don't know what to tell you, if you're so sure about being ok with any answer. You can go ahead and tell her. Or don't. Is up to you. But if you're going to do it at least don't do it on the phone. You don't say these kind of things on the phone. Say it to her face and with conviction. Prepare yourself because this won't be easy. But once you're done with it you won't need to worry about this anymore.

-I really want to tell her...

-The you should go ahead and do it. We can think of what you're going to tell her together, you and me.

- Bu-but you don't have a couple, how do you know how to tell somebody you love them?.

-Hey, it's because I want to, not because I didn't get any chances.

-pfft hahaha.

-Hey weren't you supposed to be sad?.

- It's hard to stay sad when you say such an obvious lie haha.

-ITS NOT A LIE! i know how to make someone fall in love.

-Pfft whatever you say Alan hahahaha.

-Oh come on!.


It's already past 8 p.m, usually where I usually leave my job. both the old one and the new one. A pretty standardized time for works now that I think about it. I thought the one related to an authoritarian government would be a little... less permissive. But I guess I was wrong, and this is one of the rare occasions were I'm glad I was wrong about something. Thinking about it. This is miles less worse than what I could have ever imagined to be. Especially coming from the guys above, usually something related with them leads to suffering and disgrace. And... well don't get me wrong, I'm only working on ONE of like 700 or so Chambers. And I'm dealing with the "safe" one. And that safe one almost blew half of my body and killed me. She didn't want to. But that almost happened none the less. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of dangers are happening on any of the other hundreds of chambers. I haven't seen anyone the but the guards, Alan and that idiot who scared the hell out of me that makes portals and stuff. I haven't seen him in a while now that I think about it.... good. I hate that guy.

I haven't seen anyone else but them but I bet a lot of times I would see someone for the first time time and time again in a single week, just because the last guy was eaten by a giant and had to be replaced by another dude who would die just as s soon as the previous one. Having a friend inside there feels like an impossible task. Luckily I don't have to go thru that task nor I want to honestly.

now. You may be wondering what I'm doing right now. More importantly, what I did all day.

short answer: Nothing

Long answer: Mostly looking at places I can get supplies from. And where I can get a good burger in this town for once. Yes.... that's all.

Yeah my life is really not that interesting. The only "noticeable" thing that happened is that the cashier at the drug store said I'm cute.... she was quite cute too. But yeah that won't lead to something. Anyway. Let's get back to the usual schedule. I came back today sooner than last night because i need to fix my sleeping schedule. Also my alarm is still set to early in the morning so best for me to start waking up when it actually sounds and not 3 hours after the first ringing. Hopefully I'll be in time for tomorrow. I want to see faraday's reaction when she sees the present I got her. Although I hope it's a positive one not gonna lie.

Also, quite weird she didn't send me 28 messages in the span of 3 seconds again today. Hopefully she is ok .

Well, time to sleep... hopefully.

*she did fall asleep*


Ok ok I get it geez. Fine I'll go and take a shower.

... Hmmm I don't feel like hating everybody today. yeaaah the shift in sleep time worked. I feel like my usual self today. I missed this feeling.

Perhaps is this the beginning of a lucky strike? I hope so. I haven't even made progress in my work and it's day....4? the last one counted? I don't think Alan did something with faraday to progress with the task. I don't even know if he knows how to in the first place. I never shared my idea or thought process with him. but then again. I don't doubt he was recording me the whole time. He must have seen what I planned to do in testings. It... feels weird to accept the fact that someone is looking and recording every second of my day (not counting out of work obviously) I... haven't really put a thought about this whole privacy thing. Not only are they recording me while I'm trapped behind a wooden table. But they know where I live. From the first day. I didn't tell them that. They contacted me in the hospital. And after that shift they suddenly knew where I lived and even put a portal inside of my room. They know all my personal data from the moment they contacted me. Did they... put cameras on my house? what about a microphone? are they spying on me right now? they could have come inside while I was messing with stuff since day one. Every thing here could be compromised.

I don't think I feel safe anymore around here. I don't think I feel safe anywhere.

The only 2 places I'm accepted is either work or here. And none of them are a safe place anymore. Perhaps I could get a hotel room or something. But then again the moment I tell them I wanna go home they may find out where my hotel room is. There is no way I can hide from the government. Even less when a crazy psycho that can open portals everywhere and anytime in the whole universe.


A portal open in my living room the white hall I've seen time and time again now seems like an endless walk. I grab faraday's gift along with my purse and my phone. When the portal closes and the purple light no longer illuminates my back, the silence becomes a deep and horrible disgrace. Usually I just ignore everything happening and manage to reach the end. Just thinking about what can I do with Faraday today. I once again try to ignore my stress in my safe space. My mind.

Barely succeeding I manage to reach the guard post. The guys are once again extremely kind and calm. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Everything just seems.... the same, yet oddly having a new feeling all around it. But not in a good sense, I feel bad being around this people and in this place as a whole. I need to speak to Alan about all this surveillance thing, maybe I can convince him to stop it as I managed to get him to let me keep my phone during work. Problem is I need to find him in the first place. Last time he was right here next to this guys but I guess he just didn't want to see me now. or he is busy with faraday...

Wait, I forgot.

-Ehm, excuse me guys can I pass with this? it's a present for fa- one of the subjects. Alan should have told you that I would probably come up with something extra.

-Sure thing miss Cecile, let us scan it with the metal detector and the x-ray machine and you'll be good to go.

Again with the odd level of kindness. I know it's for me to not get pissed but it's been doing the exact opposite thing. I know they don't like me. and the sentiment is mutual.

-Here it is miss Cecile. You're free to go


As I walk away I can feel their gazes in my back. I pass the security post and Alan is not in the office that controls the cameras, in fact, there's no one there at all. what kind of high security facility let's their cameras unwatched and with the door opened for everyone to come inside and mess around with their stuff?.

I reach the end of the hall where faraday's cell is contained. The opening sequence for the door has been accelerated by about 30%. not much but I guess they got tired of all that drama when opening it and taking 3 minutes to fully get out of the way. Perhaps I could convince them to make it a little more faster next time.

Mid opening ceremony I see a classic blue flash on the other side of the yet unopened door followed near instantly by a muffled scream in a voice I already know so well. to my surprise I don't see Faraday clinging to the window in a curiously creepy yet cute way. I only see Alan sitting in my desk. Observing notes I left behind the last time I came here and writing things on them.

-Oh, what a pleasant surprise. It's got to see you back Cecile. I was getting kind of worried you would actually end up quitting hehe.

-As far as I know I can't quit in the first place.

-Eh? no, you can, who told you otherwise?.

- just a certain thought I had.

-Nono, you're free to go whenever you want. but I would really like if you didn't go that way you know hehe- says Alan nervously, while he scratches his head.-.

-Yeah even if I can I don't think that is a good idea. anyway. I came to start working again. This time at full capacity. also here. I brought something for Faraday.

When I said that. I could see sudden movements beneath the sheets in faraday's bed.

-Oh is that what I think it is?.

-Yes? well I mean it's quite late but it's because I couldn't come before so. better late than never.

-Yeah that is for sure.

-So anyway what are you doing?.

-Oh this, I was finishing adding some stuff to your notes. I did some experiments with faraday while you were away.

-Wait for real?.

-Yeah but those were just, you know, small stuff. it's not like we can really test faraday as a whole. We don't have a way to do so in the first place so. These are some small things like number of lightnings at the same time or brightness levels. I don't even know if these are useful as a whole but... you know. I wanted to help.

-Oh don't worry. These are actually some good metrics. I can do some work with these. Thanks a lot Alan. I really appreciate it.

-Oh come on you're gonna make me blush.

-Haha yeah yeah. Also. Where is the little devil anyway?.

-Oh she.... uhm... she was feeling sleepy so she is sleeping right now. But I don't think she'll get mad if you wake her up.

-hmmm is that so?

-Yes! -says Alan while sweating and with clear signs of nervousness- I-uh I need to go back to the cameras so...

-Oh yeah go ahead. I'll take it from here. Thanks again Alan. Your really useful.


Alan leaves the vault. I swear I can see him start running once the door almost closes.

These guys have something going on aren't they? well. It's not like I can just don't go inside at this point. I spent money on this so...

I open the door to faraday's cell. The clearly visible brightness of her hair goes wilder and wilder the more steps I take towards her. I end up standing right next to her cage.



- I know you're awake you know?.


-I saw the exclamation point on top of your head when I told Alan about the thing I brought.

-Aw come ooooon. I can't get rid of that even when I try!.

-Hahaha come on it's not that bad.

*Faraday pouts once again*

-Why did you even wanted to make me believe that you were asleep?.

-I.... dunno, I wanted a change in pace I guess. I'm always excited when you come so I guess not.... being excited when you come....

-Yeah I can tell that is a lie. what are you and Alan planning?.

-Nothing miss Cecile I'm telling the truth.

I look at faraday with a slightly angry face. I can see her getting nervous. I can't really admit how much I enjoy teasing her like this. I'm truly a horrible person ain't I?

-bwahahaha I'm joking faraday. What ever I don't really care if you guys were up to something.

-Oh phew I thought you were really mad this time miss Cecile.

-Oh come on why would I be mad? you did nothing wrong, in fact, I'm quite happy at the moment. because I get to see the birthday girl!.

-Wa-wa- miss Cecile!.

-You didn't think I forgot did you?.

-I... actually I forgot about it myself hehe I didn't remember my birthday just happened- says Faraday while scratching her head. Like father like son huh?

-Well that mind of you really is something else ain't it? hahaha. Come here.

I hug faraday. I immediately feel the heat in her body go way up. I try to look at her eyes but I only see her trying to avoid looking at my face. While her's is red hot.

-Happy birthday faraday!.

-T-thanks miss Cecile.

I let her go. She backs up a little more than where she was standing before. Still quite red. But not as much as before. The Faraday from the second day would have fainted from the hug itself. Her reactions are getting less and less extreme. Hopefully I can get her to act normal to our interactions in the future.... I'm really full of hope today it seems.

-Here, I brought you this.

Faraday's eyes get wide open and a big smile gets in her face. I hear high pitch sounds coming from inside her mouth. She is holding down her screams of happiness and failing at it.


-What is this miss Cecile?

-Take a look for yourself. I brought this for you after I called you last time.

-Oh you di- woooooow this is...

She holds now the dress I got from my adventure that night. An orange dress covered with tiny white flowers and little details on the waist and the box comes with accessories for the wrists. The dress as I expected seems to be just about her size. Looking at it with her holding it right to her chest makes it look... Really fitting. That assistant really did some good job in the end.

-Its a dress... I had some trouble finding something fitting to you because you're... you know... special.

So if you don't like it please just tell me so I can get something better next time.

-No it's... it's beautiful miss Cecile. I.... I....

Tears start coming out of her eyes while the smile in her face doesn't go away. the look on her face is of deep gratitude. she is really just crying from happiness.

-Thanks a lot miss Cecile. I love it. It's... beautiful

-Oh, hehe you think?. now come on, there is no need to cry. Come here.

I try to wipe out her tears from her face with the sleeves of my suit and the help from my prosthetic but the water just doesn't stop no matter how much I wipe. Holding her face with my hand I can feel the heat going up once again. but now it's just a slight redness only located around the cheeks. her face is no longer one of shyness but one of pure Bliss. Really contrasting with the sounds coming out of her nose when she sniffs all those tears away. It almost resemb-

-Miss Cecile....


-I... -she looks me right in the eyes- I love you

-Uh, I love you too Faraday. We can become really good friends.

-No, I mean.... I love you


Oh no.