The Painter

Nicole painted away on the canvas using leftover dried paint to make a landscape of the pinkish sky using it as a reference as she held up her wooden brush closing her left eye to get the symmetry just right. Just as she was about to finish the painting she heard a sound coming from the sky. The clouds began to darken, letting herself know it was going to rain soon, she got up off the ground picking up her folded cloth that contained her brushes that were made out of sticks and animal hair.

Retrieving all her belongings she made her way back to the mainland. Nicole reached her home in enough time before the rain came she looked at home closely, noticing that the door was loose on the hinges making her huff in annoyance as she went inside.

The inside of her home was old and highly risky to stay in due to the old wood, that was slowly caving in on her home causing water to leak through on days that did nothing but rain. Her little small home wasn't nice but it was something for now, she wanted to have enough coins to repair the home as it was all that she had. Her parents had died when she was young along with her tribe which was no longer here leaving her to go to the mainland to make some type of living.

She had once lived with a man who had raised her as her own gaining his skill as a painter but he had suddenly left her when she came to the age of sixteen. The man had left not unexpectedly she still doesn't know why to this day. 

Nicole was in the poorest part of the mainland called Wallux Town, with education being at an all-time low which made it difficult for basic education even to speak. So she communicated sometimes with paintings as her voice. Education was somehow forbidden for the low-class people but the townsfolk that lived in Wallux managed to get an education somehow. She looked outside the small window seeing the rain pour down as the smell of mud and wet wood filled her nose.

"I'm guessing I'll have to find a way to get through Isle Valley in this mess for tomorrow" Nicole pondered her thoughts trying to figure out a way to get to the valley on time for the next day as this was a big important piece she was going to work on that involves a high-class family and she wanted to make sure that she looked her best even when she did;t have much. Nicole knew ways and tricks to dress nicely as that was something her parents had taught her growing up.

She shook her head not wanting to waste any more time she got up and packed her art materials such as her brushes, canvas, and supplies to make paint since she couldn't store them. Not wanting to get them wet she wrapped the supplies in cloths and gently put them in a large wooden basket made of twigs and string making it easy for her to carry.

Nicole suddenly hears a knock on the door she puts the basket on the table walks to the door and opens it. She smiled widely seeing her friend Clarice Paul, her smooth dark Melanin skin and dark brown curly hair with rich dark brown eyes. They were from the same tribe so many years had passed since she had married a Duke Noah from the Lilith kingdom.

Clarice rode from the Liltih to Wallux just to see her friend who had been struggling for a while. She decided to bring her a basket filled with bread, cheese, and a jug of water knowing she needed it desperately. Nicole had looked sickly and quite thin but Clarice had to remember that their lives were different due to her arranged marriage that was set in place to make sure she had somewhere to go. 

"Please come inside Clarice, it's always a pleasure to have you here. Sorry for my home not looking well…suitable." Nicole said in a low tone not wanting to talk too loud for her neighbors to hear, Clarice came in setting the basket down as she sat in the chair letting her close the door and making her way to sit down as well.

Clarice couldn't help but look around to see how broken the home had become. She placed her hand on Nicole's hands with a look of worry as she said " You should come and stay with us in Lilith kingdom this is no place for a lady like you to be living in. I know you have an important patron for tomorrow but I can get you something even better, you can paint Lord Charles. I know you rarely do such a thing but he will pay you well for your service if you accept. I have shown him examples of your work, he's very impressed with your skill Nicole. What do you say?"

Nicole shook her violently knowing that the Lord of Lilth Kingdom was a true monster that did nothing but torture and kill his people. She didn't want to be next on his list if she made a mistake. A few months back she did a painting for a noble knight who resided in the kingdom, when she finished the piece the Man she painted gave her a single gold coin. That day was truly a depressing day for her as she had hoped to make many more coins than just one sole coin. Is her art not worth anything to high society?

Clarice seeing Nicole's eyes filled with sadness as Clarice looked around the home making sure no one could see or hear what she was doing. Letting go of Nicole's hand she takes a small bag of coins that was in her purse placing it on the table. She couldn't help but look puzzled by the small amount of money that was on the table. She whispered and said, " Why are you giving me this money Clarice you know I don't deserve it."

Her eyes furrowed "Oh please you deserve this money more than I do, I hate seeing you in this dilapidated home. If I was able to give you all my riches I would. I took this money from my husband just to give it to you. I want you to come with me to Lilith Kingdom. You can stay with us. Nicole, you look so tired and weak as if you haven't eaten for days on end. I can't bear to see you like this anymore."

Nicole gave it some thought wondering if it would be a good idea to go with her to Lilith though she did have important matters to tend to tomorrow. She guessed it wouldn't hurt to go with her. At least she knew that she'd be with her friend. She nodded as Clarice squeaked in excitement leaning over and giving her a big hug.

"Great! You finally take my offer, get your things ready, I will be waiting in the carriage." She got up quickly making her way to the carriage. Nicole gathered all her belongings though she didn't have much to bring except her art supplies and the basket that Clarice had given her.

She made her way towards the door turning around and looking at the place she had struggled growing up with. This was going to be something new and different. She didn't want to think about all the bad stuff but the good that was going to come her way. She walked out the door with her head high hoping for the best as she walked into the carriage.