Evil that resides

*Long chapter*

The journey was long but bearable, Nicole was so costumed to her struggle that every day was a normal day to her. Wondering what to eat and wear as she could afford little to nothing, thinking about the times she had to rummage through trash looking for anything she could get her hands on. There were days when she couldn't eat for a couple of weeks except for the water that was nearby in the river, having to boil it so it was drinkable.

Feeling Clarice's hand placed on hers, she smiled "Clarice how is the duke treating you? I'm sorry I missed the wedding."

"He treats me okay, please don't worry it was a small wedding nothing more, you probably would've been bored to death by the pastor. Noah is sick at the moment so he has been more angry as of late. "

Nicole frowned knowing there was more than what she was telling her. "I hope he feels better, Please let me know if anything happens "

Clarice nodded as the carriage stopped at a small mansion very close to Lilith's kingdom. She smiled with joy returning home to the beautiful mansion that waited for her, Nicole couldn't help but look in amazement she would have to paint the scenery when she got a chance. The mansion stood in the forest with a lake that was next to it, having multiple windows as the exterior was dark in color.

As they both came out to the carriage they were greeted by a butler named Petra. "Welcome back lady Clarice, I see you brought a guest."

Nicole bowed her head deeply as Clarice said "Oh yes! This is my lovely friend Nicole she will stay with us for the time being. Please make her feel at home and if she needs anything I want you to take care of her or have the maid's help. Is Noah here?"

Petra bowed "Yes Milady I'll make sure to see Lady Nicole is taken care of, The duke is in his study he wishes to speak with you as soon as you are inside."

"Oh my, I guess I'll have to leave you for now Nicole. I'll let you get yourself settled in, please enjoy your stay here."

Before Nicole could say anything back to Clarice, she had already walked away in a hurry. They were making her feel uneasy about Duke Noah she had seen the man once people and he was somewhat stunning to look at but not worth wild. She remembered seeing him with a scar on his left eye and slightly pale skin that made him look more awake with green eyes almost like a gemstone. Therefore Petra walked her inside the mansion giving her a slight tour of where things would be and where her room would be.

Petra bowed his head as he said"Please let one of the maids know if you need any help and they will assist you. Have a nice day madam."

Nicole smiled "Thank you, same to you as well" As he closed the door behind she couldn't help but feel overjoyed. It was sudden no doubt about it but if what Clarice said was true about Lord Charles then it would be good for her to paint him for the money that he may give to her. 

She couldn't help but clench her hand against her chest tightly. It wasn't the money she was worried about but the lord of Lilith himself. Nicole started to wonder if it was a good idea to go through it.

There were too many stories about how he would torture people to death in such a brutal way that she couldn't understand it. She placed her hand on her hip as she continued to think of the best ways to paint Lord Charles without upsetting him, she's a human so it was already bad enough as it is but if she could somehow get on his good side then would be even better. 

She has a big day tomorrow and must get a lot rest as she possibly could for tomorrow. Laying down on the soft bed Nicole couldn't help but feel at ease softly falling asleep.

The next day came as Nicole started to get ready for her appointment with Lord Charles and the patron that she had. She was anxious but ready to tackle the day, a knock was heard on the door and she opened it to find Clarice smiling widely at her.

Nicole noticed closely a small bruise on her cheek a gasp left her mouth " Did Noah hit you, Clarice"?

Clarice immediately covered her bruise with her hand forgetting to cover it with makeup "Nothing for you to worry about Nicole, he found out about the money I gave you. My vampires can be so violet at times but we need to depart lord Charles is waiting for us. Oh, don't worry about painting tools and canvases they will provide that all for you just paint and get out of there. " Causing her to laugh her joke which Nicole didn't find the situation she was in a laughing matter more worried than anything above the sun.

Before she could say anything once again, Clarice left the room leaving her in the room to finish up causing her to take a deep breath before heading out of the bedroom and going to the carriage.

Once they reached the castle they headed to the glass room where Lord Charles sat waiting for the mysterious painter that he had heard about. The butler opens the door bowning to Charles "Lord Charles the painter is here"

"Thank you Ruben you can leave now" Charles got up from the wooden chair as the butler bowed his head as he left the room closing the door behind him. She looked the man up and down he was tall and slightly bulky with long purple hair that was tied from the back having icy blue eyes that pierced her dark obs instantly causing her to bow her head once he reached where she was. 

Lifting her hand to Shake his he looked at her with such disgust to think a mere human who Painted dukes and lords her skill must be tested. He shakes her hand back with a lot of pressure making her wince a little. " My name is Nicole Lord Charles, I will be painting your portrait today. I don't want to waste any more time shall we get started"

Charles looked at her with no emotion as she was speaking to him he despised humans to his very core, to think a human could be capable of painting "Ah yes the human painter let's hurry up I have a meeting. " 

"Yes milord" Nicole hurried up to the canvas and paint that was already set up in place for her with Charles standing in the middle of the room posing for her she started to work her magic. Seeing her look at him continuously with her hand moving rapidly as joy and excitement filled her face as painted the Lord of the lands a violent man with nothing to lose evil resided in this very castle but there was no time to think of that she just need to concentrate on painting.

Once she had finished she wiped off the bead of sweat that started to drip on her forehead having a bit of paint over her face and clothing.

"Would you like to see the painting lord, Charles, I hope you like it. It was a pleasure to paint you" She bowed her head as she moved away from the canvas as Charles walked to the painting. Once he saw the portrait his eyes widened only to cough to contain his composure. It was like copying and pasting where did this girl learn to paint he asked himself.

" I'm honestly impressed for a mere human to paint like this is a bit worried some. I don't like your kind but you are a decent painter. I will pay you your fair share of money put your hands out ." She did what she was told as he reached into his jacket breast pocket pulling out a big pouch of coins plopping it on her hands she bowed her head deeply to the lord.

Lord Charles was being generous though she shouldn't question it this is probably the only time he is like this with other painters as they were somewhat valuable to the kingdoms and villages as their paintings told stories many stories that only one could imagine.

"Thank you, milord, I will depart now" Nicole put the pouch in her makeshift bag about to walk away when she suddenly bumped into a man by accident.

"Oh my please excuse me!" She backed away immediately bowing her head multiple times.

"It's quite alright humans can be clumsy at times but I will accept your apology for now"

She looked up to see a handsome man slightly taller than Charles with platinum blond hair that was halfway towards his back and violet eyes with beautiful pale skin. He appeared to look young wearing a battle uniform with a sword on the side of his waist with a crest that was from the Snow Kingdom. Meaning he was the Lord of the land that Charles wanted to speak to urgently. He even had a cross on the center of his collar she had assumed he was maybe religious or it was decorum she thought to herself.

"Thank you for your kindness Lord Jasper I shall depart" Nicole bowed her head once again as she hurried along seeing Clarice standing by the door slightly listening but wanting to support her friend.

Nicole walked out the door startled to see Clarice standing beside the door seeing her smile widely from one corner to the next. They walked side by side taking a slight tour of the castle.

"How did the painting go? Lord Charles seemed pleased" Clarice said as they began to walk to the carriage after a long walk from the castle.

"It was nice, I was a bit in a rush since Lord Charles was going to have a meeting with Lord Jasper. Have you met him before? It's my first time seeing him, I need to paint him. I don't think he liked me"

Clarice laughed "You know we were watching you paint, Jasper is a good person at heart. He was mesmerized by the painting. I always tell him about you, where do you think I got the basket of fruit and bread for you? He has given it to me to give to you he will help those in need. I will have to talk to him sometime this week you can paint him he would enjoy some company every once in and while"

"He seems so young for a lord, but tell him my thanks when you have the time Clarice "

"They reach a certain age and they pretty much stay that way for centuries. Of course my dearest friend" She smiled at her as she did the same she they headed back home for the day.