To be safe pt.1

Nicole slowly opened her eyes as her surroundings were a small room that was very much empty. Rising up slowly she saw lord Jasper talking to a doctor maybe a nurse she thought to herself. How could a human be so lucky for a vampire to find her in the middle of nowhere, even if she could figure out which direction she was running to it was nothing but an endless amount of trees. 

"Finally awake, you should be lucky I found you. " Jasper scolded Nicole softly as if it was her fault that she put herself in the situation she was in.

Nicole frowned at him touching her head and feeling a bandage wrapped around her head "How did you find me, Lord Jasper"

Jasper walked up the side of the bed leaning forward slightly and staring into her eyes as she did the same " My oh my not even a thank you to someone who found you lying in the dirty muddy ground. Clinging on to life, you should be grateful human."

Just as she was about to protest she felt a flash of irritation come his way as he raised his hand making sure she didn't speak nor try to interput " Before you go on a rant I found you in the forest during my long destination back to my kingdom."

Nicole felt a sharp pain in her head causing her to close her eyes tightly before saying "Thank you for your help lord Jasper I am forever thankful. Forgive me for my rudeness"

Jasper leaned back straighting himself up not saying anything except " I will be taking you home and that is all" With that he left the room making his way to the carriage.

Why was he suddenly helping her she didn't understand it. For a man to suddenly care for a human whom he despised made no sense, there's something more to a simple act of kindness. He could have left her for dead yet he chose to bring her here she wondered why.

The nurses got her dressed taking her out of the small building to see a large carriage waiting for her. It was no ordinary carriage but a carriage that was meant for purebloods and those who were higher in society, that she couldn't afford even if she saved up for one.

The coachmen opened the door for her as she held her dress up climbing inside to find Jasper sitting crossing from her with his legs crossed looking outside the window not paying her any mind. The coachmen closed the door as she sat down making herself comfortable for the long ride home.

Jasper continued to look out the window as he said "Did you tell the coachman where you stayed? "

Nicole gulped at his question causing him to look at her which made her even more nervous. "Yes, which is Wallux Town the poorest town west of the mainlands. I hope you don't mind heading there, if not I will walk home if I must" Her eyes diverted to the window looking away from him.

"You somehow piqued my interest with the way you paint. I'm not as cruel as one would think, I wouldn't let a young lady like yourself walk home in this chilly weather. what kind of vampire do you think I am? Tell me Is that all you can afford to stay in Wallux? From what I've heard it's slowly falling into ruin it will no longer be safe for you to stay in." Nodding her head in response causing him to sigh as her answers began to get short and vague. Which he wasn't liking one bit. Why can humans be so stubborn he thought to himself.

"The money I've earned and made is gone everything is gone Lord Jasper I have nothing. I couldn't even get my things what I had left was my whole life in that one bag! Noah injured Calrice and I'm not sure if she's still alive at this point! She was the only family I had left." She winced in pain as tears began to come down her cheek holding her head tightly as the head bandage started to unravel.

Jasper hit the top of the Carriage as it stopped abruptly. Causing her to jump looking at him with sadness that filled her eyes. His face was passive as his lips tightened inwards, she wondered if he was mad at her for causing such a scene. 

"Relax, everything will be fine instead of coming back home how about I take you to a nice part of the mainland and I will buy you a room to stay in the inn. Don't worry about Noah I will take care of him and make sure Clarice is safe. I've never seen a human cry so loudly I'm starting to get annoyed and stop crying You opening up your wound." Jasper looked at her with a serious expression as he handed her a handkerchief from his pants pocket giving it to her as she sipped and blew nose.

Jasper leaned forward opening up the carriage down as the coachman jumped up from the seat to his master who whispered quietly so she couldn't hear what they discussed.

Holding her hands tightly in her lap she felt her eyes get drowsy slowly closing her eyes letting the dreams consume her.