To be safe pt.2

Jasper looked at the girl who had fallen asleep. Humans are nothing more than pests to him but hearing what Duke Noah had done to her irritated him in which he couldn't understand why it did.

He didn't tell her that one of the bullets from Noah's pistol shot through her and his pet owl Slade gave him every detail as to what happened in his mansion prior to finding her. Jasper plans to go to Duke Noah's mansion to visit him later in the evening.

He couldn't help but smile sinisterly at the thought of ripping the man's throat out. Now was the time to keep the girl safe from harm's way he had promised Clarice knowing there might've been a trick up her sleeve.

No matter what Jasper did to change her mind she accepted her fate to stay with Noah. The man wasn't always as angry as he was now, there was something deeper going on in the story than what the rumors had been told.

Jasper lowered his eyes to Nicole seeing the beam of sun hit her melanin-russet skin glistening as curiosity began to get the best of him as turned his head to the window once more as the sun began to set turning the sky dark as night.

Once they reached their destination on the northern side of the mainland, people with wealth would reside there. The coachmen opened the door to let them out seeing that Nicole was still asleep he decided to gently press his hand against her arm shaking her to wake up which she did as she yawned with a slight stretch getting out of the carriage which Jasper did as well. Her eyes widened in amazement seeing the tall buildings that were around, it was costing too much money just to stay in a nice place just like this.

Everywhere she looked people were walking on the strip of the road while carriages passed by where small forms of lanterns were lit by the people on the strip.

They both walked inside seeing a middle-aged man sweating profusely as his expression was dull " How can I help you today?"

" I want one room for several  a few days, how much will that be?" Jasper's tone was slightly harsh but serious wanting to make sure she had somewhere to sleep for the day.

"hmm, how long are we talking sir you didn't specify. ugh, I don't have time to deal with another lord for today-"

Jasper Swiftly pulled out his blade inches from the man's face causing the man to yelp as anger began to rise from his body clenching his jaw tightly and reframing from cutting the man in half " I don't have time to deal with a sweaty piece of shit like you, I want a room now."

"It's all yours stay as long as you need to free of charge you will be in room two! please don't kill me milord" the man cried as Nicole stood behind Jasper afraid of what he might do. He sheathed his sword as he walked away from the man frightened man. Nicole followed closely behind him reaching the room that was at least one story high from the entrance which was on the main floor. 

He opened the door standing aside for her to get inside, the room was small and convenient nothing but a bed with a small desk and chair next to it even a small bathroom. Nicole was grateful that was all that mattered, now she had to figure out how to get her supplies from her home. She was on the other side of town it was way too dark to go outside.

Jasper stood at the doorway seeing her ponder in thought " You should be fine for a week other than that you are on your own. Don't go out of your room in the evening there is something lurking outside so it's best for you to stay in here where it's safe."

Nicole stood there in silence only to smile facing her body towards him lifting her dress and giving him her thanks. Jasper responded with a slight nod as he closed the door, it was time to take a trip to see Duke Noah. 

Not wanting to use the carriage due to a long journey he decided to teleport himself to the entrance of the manor. It was rare for Jasper to use his hidden abilities but this situation he put himself in was dire not wanting to waste any time he knocked on the door. Clarice opened it with a slight smile on her face welcoming him inside as she closed the door.

"Where's Noah I need to speak to him urgently?" Jasper commanded as Clarice bowed her head lightly not saying a word to him and began to walk towards a room with an abundance of light coming from the room. 

Noah stood in front of the fireplace as the flames blazed sensing the Lord of snow had arrived his lips curved upwards as he turned around to face them "Welcome Lord Jasper, how can I help you today."Noah slurred his words as he began to stagger walking to Jasper.

Jasper took a step back with his hand on his sword turning his head to Clarice who stood behind him frightened "Clarice get Nicole's items and get out of the mansion I will be with you shortly."

Those words struck Noah's very core as he pulled out the small dagger he had used on Clarice and pounded on the man only to be hit with the back of his sheath. Noah flew into the case of books, he failed to realize that Jasper wasn't an ordinary pureblood but a hybrid mix with the blood of a black witch. 

Clarice ran to find the guest room Nicole had been staying in only to hear blades clashing together.  Once she found the room she opened it to find Nicole's items on the bed untouched. She let a sigh of relief as she gathered her belongings and frantically ran out of the room heading to the entrance of the mansion to see her butler opened it swiftly for Clarice.

"Thank you!" She said in a breathless tone as she headed out the door only for the butler to close it the same way he opened it.

Clarice waited and stood outside wondering what was happening in her home. Noah was sick as she assumed he was cursed by a black witch of some sort, he used to be so sweet and loving. Does his hatred run so deep that he can't come to terms with loving his human wife? Minutes turned into hours as she shivered due to the cold wind that rushed passed her body.

Jasper's hair was disheveled and his perfectly clean uniform was slightly bloody as he pulled  Noah's collar from behind. Dragging him on the dirt as he made his way towards Clarice. Knowing Noah couldn't handle the beast that Jasper stored within he surrendered to him making sure the curse was gone from the man completely. Jasper's plan wasn't to hurt Noah, not Clarice but to bring them together and to remove whatever spell the black witch had cast on the Duke.

Clarice saw Jasper coming outside as she ran up to him only to stop a few feet from where Jasper stood. He lets go of Noah's collar presenting him to her as she covers her mouth with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Noah crawled to Clarice as she kneeled down to him only to say repeatedly he was sorry for hurting her as she accepted his apology. Jasper took the small bag from Clarice as he took a breath taking a couple of steps back to give them some room. There were more cases where purebloods and humans were getting affected by the black witches' magic that was cast on them which made him wonder what was their place and how to stop it.

By the time Clarice looked to see Jasper once more he was gone like the wind.

Jasper staggered as he teleported to Nicole's room to find her asleep soundly. Taking a small chair from the desk he sits in front of her bed watching her sleep peacefully. She reminds him of a baby lamb in some way.