The Price of Power pt.2

The preparations were swift and precise. Jasper and Lord Vicar worked late into the night, gathering the necessary items for the Rite of Equilibrium. Nicole noticed the change in Jasper's demeanor, the way his eyes carried a weight she couldn't quite understand, but she trusted him implicitly.

Early the next morning, as the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, Jasper gently woke Nicole. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled up at him, but the concern in her gaze was unmistakable.

"Jasper, what's going on?" she asked, her voice still heavy with sleep.

He took her hands in his, his touch firm yet tender. "Nicole, we need to embark on a journey. It's crucial for both of us and the bond we share. There's something I haven't told you, and now it's time."

She sat up, her eyes wide with worry. "What is it?"