Awaking the Embodiment

The garden was in full bloom, a picturesque setting for Clarice's tea session with Nicole and a few other esteemed guests. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of roses and jasmine, and the gentle hum of conversation floated around the table. Nicole, though smiling and engaging in polite conversation, felt a gnawing unease deep within her.

Weeks had passed since the ritual, and she had not felt right since. An inexplicable fatigue weighed her down, and an occasional, ominous twinge in her chest made her wonder if something dark lingered within her. Today, the feeling was worse than ever. She did her best to maintain the sickness she was feeling.

Clarice, seated beside her, noticed the slight pallor to Nicole's usually vibrant complexion. "Are you alright, Nicole?" she asked softly, concern etching lines on her forehead.

Nicole forced a smile. "Just a bit tired, Clarice. It's nothing, don't worry."