
"Woah, so that's how a Hobgoblin looks like..." Lock said with sparkling eyes at the three meter hobgoblin and smiled.

The others rolled their eyes when he heard him and saw his stupid expression. He told them to fight the boss, and it was actually his first time seeing a Hobgoblin?!

If the boy was not good at fighting, and had strange mysterious abilities, they would have kicked him out of the party already!

Lock smiled. He had only seen hobgoblins in books and on TV, but now he could see it in real life. Due to his status, he had never saw a boss monster and only heard them from the guards who will often go outside and assist nobles in missions.

Due to them, he was able to gain second-hand experience of monsters.

Lock smiled.

It was very funny how strong he had gotten before, but mostly because of his talent in just fighting, and gaining experience points in sparring sessions.

It was at this moment.

All of a sudden, the hobgoblin opened its mouth, and what came out shocked them all!

A pillar of red fiery fire came shooting out of the hobgoblin's mouth. Thankfully, the fire was not so fast, and they were also not ordinary people, so they were able to dodge in time.

But a hobgoblin that uses magic?!

"Surround it! Kill it as soon as possible!" Orean immediately commanded.

At this moment, no one was thinking of Lock's conditions anymore.

The idea that a hobgoblin can shoot pillars of fire from its mouth was crazy! Unheard of, but it was happening.

"What is happening? Isnt it just a hobgoblin? What happened to it?" the lady archer asked, as she shot arrows at the hobgoblin while running sidewards. Along with her, another archer, a male in his late twenties, was shooting arrows at the hobgoblins' head.

This was their strategy everytime they would fight the boss of the Mujad Ruins. It had always worked, but as soon as their arrows reached five meters before the hobgoblin, it poured flames of fire and turned their arrows into dust!

"Keep shooting!" Lady Archer shouted at his male companion who was a little shocked. After he heard her order, he joined her.

Orean and the others had already separated into three groups, two in each side, and with their melee weapons, they dealth damages on the hobgoblins's legs as if they were slicing a big broccoli for dinner.

Blood gushed out of the hobgoblin's wounds, and he almost lost its balance, before it swung its large ruined baseball at them as if he was swaying at pesty flies.



The hobgoblin roared, and he looked at one man who was dashing to the side, and he took big strides, before swinging his weapon, and hit the man, sending him away in the ground.

But the man had blocked the attack, and he immediately stood up.

The others led by Orean took this opportunity to attack Orean again. Orean brandished his sword, and slashed five times in just three seconds, at the chest of the hobgoblin.

The others then used that opportunity to circle around the green giant monster, and they hopped on its back, and stabbed its backbones, making it shriek in pain, and drop to its knees, drawing blood.

Lock was stunned at first, but the party of mercenaries was so fast at dealing at things. Althought some of them could get injured, they have trust that their friends would get back up and will be fine.

Due to that, they could take advantage of opportunities and attack when it was necessary to make their victory faster.

Lock respected the group more, as he felt that these kinds of teamworks was a product of many fights in the past.

"Now it's my turn!" Lock shouted, "Let me deal the finishing blow!"

The Hobgoblin was powerful, however the Mujad Ruins was already a very weak dungeon. It also only had three floors, and its boss was a mere Hobgoblins.

Its ability to use fire - a magic - was astonishing, but its body stats, reaction time, skin, durability, and skills as a fighter had never improved.

Lock held a goblin bunt on both of his hands, and he came charging in to kill the dying Hobgoblin, but before he could stab the goblin's head, a hot wave of gas suddenly came out of the Hobgoblin's eyes and it almost burned Lockk's entire figure.

"What the hell!!"

Everyone was surprised. The hobgoblin, the weakest of the boss monsters of dungeon, could not just shoot pillars of flames from its mouth, but also with its eyes!

"What happened to you?"

"Did it evolve?"


The teenagers continued their conversation, and Lock stood up only to hear the lady archer shout at him from the distance while she has her bow stretched out, ready for shooting.

Lock touched a few strands of his hair, and could still feel the hot air around it. In fact, some of his hair was even slightly touched by the fire, making them slightly sharper.

"Kill it now!" Orean shouted at him.

He was touched. Even now, they had remembered his conditions, but in reality, he wasn't even listening at Orean or the non-verbal signs of the others.

His eyes gleamed with curiosity, and it puzzled him while looking at the almost paralyzed hobgoblin, which was also contained by the others.

"What are you waiting for?!"

"Kill it now!"

Moon's brows furrowed. Not of anger, but of curiosity.

'Sense Eye.'

As soon as Lock blinked his eyes, his vision turned to something that resembled the vision of a snake, and there he saw a world of greyness, but there were redness, and their figures were people in different ages.

Right now, Lock focused on the Hobgoblin.

'For some reason, I could feel a strange lifeform inside its body. Did the monster eat it? Hm, but it's moving.'

Lock tried to use Sense Eye, but there was limitations to this power. For example, he could not see other lifeforms when they were inside other lifeforms.

Yet, Lock was very curious, and he could feel an extraordinary feeling behind the hobgoblin. This urged him to smile, and he was not going to go away until he could ask and see what it was.

Meanwhile, a red fiery fox - the size of a small puppy - was inside the hobgoblin's body - his mind - and it could see that a human from outside was prying into his existence.

"Can this boy see me?" the red fiery fox - the size of a puppy - looked eye to eye to Lock as if there was a mirror separating them. Just that Lock could not see, or so the red fiery fox thought...

Lock smiled, and his eyes twinkled.

'It's a fire fox! I will make you my pet!' Lock shouted in his mind excitedly.