Beauty and the beast

I am so glad she is finally here under the same roof as mine.

I work stress-free as I don't have to think about her safety.

Our house is the most safe place and one of the guys is always there with her.

I am thankful to them that, they made me stay with her once a week.

It feels very nice to be around her.

Though, I don't talk to her normally, but having her infront of me calms me down.

Whenever it's my turn to be with her, she somehow comes on the topic of me forgiving her ! She doesn't know I already had forgiven her.

What else can I do ?

She wants me to talk to her just like a friend, as the others.

Though, she is having more than friendly relations with them, but that won't change my love for her.

As an adult, she has the right to choose to be with whomever she wants to be.

We had many fight kinda things in past few days. She wanted me to forgive her and talk to her.

And I decided to be the same cold ass beast.

Tomorrow is my turn to be with her.

She fought with me and got frustrated and didn't talked to me even at dinner.

Today in the morning I was in my room doing my work as, I won't go to the office today.

The guys went to their respective jobs and when they returned for lunch, Derek went to call Ashley but she didn't opened the door.

We thought she was feeling sick or having some headache and so was sleeping.

So we had our lunch and before the guys left for the work, Dominic decided to wake her up.

Make her have her lunch and if she was sick, he'd give her some medicine.

He knocked at her door, but she didn't opened.

I went and knocked, but no response.

I closely looked at her door, it wasn't locked, so I pushed it inside and it opened !

What ?

She never leaves her door open like this.

We called for her.

We looked in the washroom, in the balcony but she was nowhere.

Fuck !

Where is she ?

" Lauren, go check the other rooms.

What if she went on a tour ! "

I said that, but deep down I was so scared.

What if Michael have her ?

What if something happened to her ?

Is she safe ?

But no one can get inside without the biometric impression !

Then did she...

Where did she went ?

Oh god what if, she get caught by Michael and he hurts her ?

I'll fucking kill that bastard !

But please god, please let her be safe.

" Derek, go contact your sources and find her.

She mustn't get caught by Michael or her life would be in massive danger. "

I said worried.

He didn't moved from his place and was staring at me in disbelief.

" Why the hell are you staring at me ?

Go move your ass ! "

I yelled.

" Yes, yes.

I am already calling them.

We will find her... "

Derek said frustrated.

" Don't give me just words.

If anything happens her to, I will kill everyone ! "

I said clenching my teeth.

" Cole, relax.

We too are worried about her and Derek is talking with his men and they will find her. "

Jules said.

" But what if... "

I was so worried all negative thoughts were flooding in my mind.

" Don't think so negative, bro.

She'll be alright and... "

Lauren said trying to calm me down.

" Shut the fuck up, Lauren !

Out of everyone, YOU are saying this ?

Weren't you the one who got hurt badly in the attacks on her ?

Don't you know the intensity of the harm he could cause to her, if he finds her alone ? "

I said scowling.

" Yes !

But sitting here and yelling at everyone isn't gonna help much, is it ?

Somewhere you too know that, she might have left because of YOU !

She pleaded you to forgive her and be nice to her; but your false ego and stupid stubborn ass hurted her even more than Michael ever had and ever will ! "

Lauren yelled at me accusing in frustration.

" Lauren !

Shut up.

What is the situation and what are you...

Cole, I'll suggest you should call to department as well and send men to find her.

We mustn't waste even a single moment now. Hurry up, please. "

Dominic interrupted.

I did as Dominic asked me to.

And as much as I hate to admit, but Lauren is right.

I know somewhere I am responsible for what happened; if she left the house, it is because of me !

And yes, my nature is that stubborn and stupid that, I'd hurt people but won't let them in !

Oh please god, please please let her be safe. Lauren's words aren't leaving my mind and they are feeling like someone poured boiling oil in my ears.

I really shouldn't have been such an ass to her fucking every single time !

Whole day finished and yet there's nothing we know about her location, nor her situation !

My heart is sinking with the passing second at the thought of she being in danger.

And Lauren's eyes aren't letting me breath well. Not that I want to forget it; but if he's gonna act like this, I am gonna die the moment I hear anything wrong about her !

No one went to work today after lunch.

We all were trying our best to find her location. She even left her cell at home !

And on second thought, I am getting pissed at her !

If she was mad at me, she didn't wanted to see my face, she should have told about this to anyone among them !

She should have took anyone of among them with her wherever she wanted to go !

If Michael is responsible for her being missing; then he is a dead man !

But if, she did it on purpose; then I swear to god, I am gonna get super mad at her and no one could save her from me this time !

We didn't got a single news about her the whole day.

I was on the edge of crying at the thought of loosing her !

I was facing the window and others were sitting on the couch and everyone's face was like someone died !

I grabbed my nose bridge in a pinch and tried to stop the tears leaving my eyes.

Suddenly the door clicked open and everyone gasped in unison.

" Oh my god, where have you been the whole day love ?

We were so worried about you !"

Everyone started talking the same.

What ?

She is back ?

She is...

She is safe !

Oh my god !

Thank you god.

Thanks a lot for answering my prayers !

" Yeah.

I wanted to find a place for me to stay so, I went in search of it.

Sorry I am late. "

Ashley said casually.

What the fuck did she just said ?

Does she thinks it is this casual ?

She was missing the whole day and what did she got to say ?

' Sorry I am late ' ?

What the hell does she thinks of herself ?

" Oh baby if, you wanted to go out why didn't you told that to anyone among us ?

We would have been with you and won't be scared as hell all day long like this ! "

Jules said.

" Exactly, that's why I didn't told you guys.

I didn't wanted me to be a burnden on you guys. "

Ashley said.

My worry turned into anger.

I turned around and glared at her.

Nobody dared to say a single thing to me this time.

I stormed to her, grabbed her hand and dragged her with me and yelled over my shoulder,

" I better not hear a single knock at my door.


I said menacingly.

" Leave me, Cole.

You are hurting me.


Leave my hand ! "

Ashley struggled to get her hand free.

I dragged her to my room, pushed her in and banged my door close.

She was rubbing her wrist which, I had grabbed so tight, it left marks there.

I approached her and she backed off.

And stepping back, she reached at the wall and couldn't step back anymore.

The anger on my face was visible.

I was trying so hard not to yell at her, but I don't know how long would I be able to keep it in.

She was sure as hell scared to look at me.

She was shaking and swallowing hard and breathing shallow.

" What do you think of yourself ?

Are we stupid here to put our lives at risk to just save yours and you would go out on the roads wandering and presenting yourself to Michael to hurt you ? "

I said clenching my teeth trying hard not to yell.

" I...

I don't want to put your lives...

At risk for me... "

Ashley said swallowing hard.

" You are saying this after, we got almost killed TWICE for you ? "

I said coldly.

She looked shocked and her scared expressions turned into anger.

She looked at me at raised her voice.

Earlier her voice was shaking with fear but now, it was shaking with anger.

" I didn't asked you to do that !

I haven't asked for anything from you, now have I ? "

Ashley yelled loudly.

I couldn't find any comeback to it and so, I punched on the wall beside her face.

She screamed and put her hands over face to cover it from getting hit and closed her eyes.

What ?

She thought I was gonna punch HER ?

How would I ever hurt her ?

How could she even think like that ?

" Why did you had to put your life at risk ?

Don't you like this place ?

Don't we fulfill your requirements ? "

I asked getting myself together.

" I have everything I need ! "

Ashley said looking into my eyes.

" Then why the fuck you went outside just like that ? "

I said getting mad.

" Because of YOU !

I didn't wanted you to know about it. "

Ashley yelled in frustration.

" You have a problem with ME then, couldn't you have told this to anyone among the others ? "

I said hiding the hurt I felt to hear that.

" They are loyal to YOU not me !

Even if, I had told them not to tell about this to you, do you think they would have kept quiet ? No !

Because they are afraid of you and don't want to piss you off ! "

Ashley said scoffing.

" And you aren't afraid of me ? "

I said getting closer to her.

" Not at all. "

Ashley said staring into my eyes.

" But that still didn't justified your going out like that ! "

I said lowering my voice.

" You aren't forgiving me, you don't talk to me normally, you don't even respect me !

Then why should I stay at a place where the owner doesn't respects me ?

Why should I stay where I am unwanted ?

And the owner is letting me live here just because, he is GUILTY for hitting me on the road and he has the RESPONSIBILITY to find my Mom and nothing else ?

So, let me tell you one thing Mr. Miller, I have recovered from that accident a long ago !

And I don't need to stay at your place until you find my Mom.

So, I am not gonna stay here anymore ! "

Ashley said coldly.

Her words shook me inside out.

My body started shaking.

I could feel my eyes wet.

I tried to say something but my voice won't come out.

I wispered to her.

" Please...

Please don't do this to me...

Please don't...

Don't go...

I beg you...

Please don't... "

I said with shaking voice.

Her anger turned into surprise.

I've never talked anything like this to her ever before.

I haven't begged anyone else before in my life but this girl ?

She made me beg her to stay !

I am not liking that, I am loosing the control over myself.

Nobody have controlled me ever, but she is controlling my behaviour !

She is changing it.

I am hating it as much as I am loving it.

I just fucking hate not being in control anymore.

I can't control my thoughts, my behaviour, my feelings, my emotions and my TEARS


They fucking rolled off from my eyes.

She was trying so hard not to give in,

" Cole... I don't...

I can't be here.

You... Just...

I really can't...



Look, you've never treated me as an individual. You never talked to me properly.

And now you are...

What am I to you, some road side shit that you'll talk properly with whenever you want and throw away whenever you want ?

You can't treat me however YOU please !

Till yesterday, you were pushing me away and now that I am leaving; why are you performing this drama all of a sudden, huh ?

Don't I have emotions ?

You always have crushed my emotions beneath your foot then, why are you begging me to stop now ?

I am MERE A RESPONSIBILITY for you, right ?

I am going to release you from it today.

I've found a place and I am gonna move there today !

I won't bother you anymore.

I won't do anything to piss you off and get on your nerves !

Sorry for the inconvenience I caused, but from now on I won't ever bother you.

I am very thankful for whatever you did for me, but I would have been very happy if, you had done that without treating me like an non-living creature ! "

Ashley said feeling and showing me all the pain she felt with all my heartless words have caused her.

I didn't wanted her to go away from me so, I put my hands on either side of her face and caged her between me and the wall.

" Leave my way, Cole.

I am not gonna stop here and bother you anymore. "

Ashley said trying to take my hands off.

" Please, please, please don't leave me !

I am very sorry, for everything I did.

I know...

I have always been an ass to you but...

I always wanted you to stay infront of eyes 24*7 !

I swear to god if, you'll leave me...


I don't know what would I do.

I know you won't believe my words, my actions were completely opposite of what am I saying now !

But trust me kitten, I've always wanted you to be safe and happy.

And I knew if, you would be around me that was never gonna happen !

And I am so sorry I blamed that on you, but it wasn't YOU because of whom I have acted as a beast with you; those were all my insecurities !

I didn't wanted you to come close to me and when I open my heart for you, you'd betray me just as others.

And I have had more than enough betrayals to take one from you... "

I was telling her the truth why I acted like an ass towards her.

" What ?

Because of YOUR insecurities, you treated ME as a trash ?

How stupid of me !

I always tried to make it up to you for what I did !

I have been blaming myself for, what I made you to go through !

I have been cursing myself for hurting you and always tried to get forgiveness from you.

And you ?

You were afraid of a HEARTBREAK and made me go through an EMOTIONAL HELL for almost 4-5 months !

How could do that to me Cole ?

You sick bastard... "

Ashley said feeling stupid for blaming her for my insecurities.

She started punching on my chest and shoulders. It wasn't hurting me; but nobody dared touch me and this little kitten is hitting me ?

I can't hit her back so, I grabbed her hands and locked them behind her back with my one hand and cupped her face in other.

" Calm down, kitten.

I know I am a sick bastard !

I mustn't have done what I have.

But please calm down."

I said wanting her to calm down.

She wasn't ready to listen to me or stop struggling in my arms.

I grabbed her neck and pulled her in and kissed her lips.

She slowly stopped struggling and started kissing me back.

I slowly loosened my grip on her hands and she wrapped them around me.

Her hands are so tiny, she couldn't grab me completely in her embrace.

She ran her hands all over my body.

Once she stopped struggling, I felt how different and beautiful this feeling is.

Having her this close to me, in my arms, kissing her !

I've never kissed anyone ever before.

And this thing is going to be addictive for me.

She is kissing me back with the same intensity as mine.

And I am glad she didn't pushed me away !

I then moved to her neck and fuck, she smells heavenly !

I rained small and quick too many kisses on her neck and got her gasping and moaning and pressing my face to her neck for more.

I snaked my arms around her waist and picked her up, as if she was some feather.

So tiny and weightless !

I took her to the couch and sat there.

Made her sit on my lap and she never seemed this comfortable with me.

She grasped my hair and started playing with them with one hand.

At the same time, she dragged her nails along my back with other and my god, this feeling is out of this world !

Finally when, our passion calmed down I pulled away and cupped her face in my palms and started creasing her cheeks with my thumbs.

She looked into my eyes and I wispered to her,

" Please forgive me, kitten !

I know I don't deserve it, but if you'll leave me, I am gonna die without you... "

I was saying but she didn't let me finish and placed her fingers over my lips to stop me from saying that.

But I need to tell her few things about my past. She must know, why do I have these insecurities ?

I grabbed her wrist, kissed her fingers and pulled her hand away.

" No, lill one.

Let me talk today.

I've kept so many things from you for so long, let me vomit it out once and for all !

You just know that, I am an ass, I don't have feelings for anyone, I am heartless !

But, what you don't know is the reason behind all this.

As you know, we all are orphans.

My insecurities were born in my childhood itself !

My biological Mom gave birth to me and left me in my orphanage, just because she was too young and she made a MISTAKE !

So, she couldn't live with that mistake and left that mistake to an orphanage to live a life of on orphan, just because SHE made a mistake !

After a few years, my adoptive parents adopted me, because they were married for 20 years and didn't had their own child !

They adopted me and took me home.

They loved me as their own, gave me everything I wanted, everything they COULD give me; WANTED to give me !

And I was the most happy and luckiest child in the world to have such loving parents !

But then, after a few years, Mom gave birth to a very beautiful baby girl.

Everyone started loving her more than me !

I accepted it, because she was so small and couldn't take care of herself.

But just a few months after she was born, they thought I might not love my sister; as I was adopted and would hurt her !

So, they left me again at the same orphanage from where they had adopted me few years ago !

That broke me heart again.

Was I THAT UNWANTED to everyone ?

My biological mother thought of me as MISTAKE. My adoptive parents didn't wanted me, because now they had their OWN CHILD !

The thought grew stronger in my mind that, at some point, everyone who is gonna come closer to me, is going to leave me one day and is gonna leave me hurt and with a broken heart !

Did they thought of me as a TOY that, whenever they were bored they wanted me to ENTERTAIN them and when they got SATISFIED, threw me in the TRASH from where they PICKED me up ?

And from that day, I don't let anyone come close to me.

I become an ass and a heartless beast to them and they leave me themself !

I didn't loved anyone from that day !

But then, these kids joined the orphanage and they didn't left my side even though I was an ass towards them !

So, I decided to never leave them.

But, I was still afraid to trust anyone with my heart and emotions and so, I wore the mask of the heartless beast and always be an ass to everyone !

And when, I saw you the first time I felt something.

Like I could never see you hurt or won't let anyone hurt you, ever !

Like I wanted to keep you to myself and away from the mean world.

I felt responsible for your happiness and safety !

But my insecurities popped up and I needed some reason for you to hate me.

And so, I dragged the useless thing and expected you to hate me for it; but you silly girl, you kept on trying to get my forgiveness !

My plan was failing and I didn't wanted you to come closer and break my heart and leave just like others !

I am so sorry for I put you through the hell.

I know what I am asking, I surely don't deserve it; but if you won't forgive me and leave me like this, I am gonna die, kitten !

I am gonna... "

She didn't let me finish my sentence and pressed her lips to mine.

I couldn't control myself and started crying while kissing her.

This was a very overwhelming experience for me. She caressed my back and patted my head and tried to calm me down and continued kissing me.

Her lips on mine was the only proof from her side that, she won't break my heart and leave me ever !

I crushed her onto me.

I am not used to such situations so, l forgot that she is too tiny and delicate and I am a huge beast.

She couldn't take my embrace and she started gasping for air.

I loosened my grip on her and when she caught her breath, she hugged me tight.

" I am so sorry for what you faced !

But you can't apply same law to each and everyone !

Without knowing that person, how could you decide that he's gonna break your heart and leave you alone ?

At least give him a chance to prove himself.

I know you can do that ! "

Ashley said caressing my face.

" You are absolutely right, ill one !

But the fear was so huge and nobody ever tried to get me out of it and so it went on increasing ! "

I said sadly.

She stood up from my lap and continued to say that she was leaving me.

I stood up too.

Why ?

Why ?

Just now I felt she won't...

But I won't take NO as an answer !

" But I have had enough of it !

I can't stay here anymore.

Let me go ! "

Ashley said determined to leave.

I kneeled infront of her and grabbed her by waist and pressed my face to her stomach.

I couldn't stop crying.

It was the first time I was crying from the time I remember after childhood.

And that too with the fear of loosing someone !

" Please...

Please don't leave me...

I can't live without you kitten...

Please don't do this to me...

I swear, I won't ever hurt you...

I never wanted to but...

Those were my insecurities...

Please don't...

I can't...

Please... "

I couldn't talk as I was crying out loud.

I held her tight in my arms as if, I'll let my grasp loose, she would get out of the room and my life as well.

She placed her hands over my head and started caressing it.

She tried to make me stand up but, I wasn't going to do it until she says she forgave me and won't leave me !

" Cole, please get up !

Don't do this, please.

Please dear get up. "

Ashley said softly.

" I won't, unless you forgive me and promise me that you won't leave me ! "

I said gripping her hard.

" Don't act childish, Cole !

I am not gonna do anything like that.

You always wanted to get rid of me so, I am fulfilling your wish now !

Get up and let me go.

Please. "

Ashley said.

" No, I won't !

Please don't leave me, kitten.

I am so sorry.

I'll do anything you say, anything you want me to do.

Just, forgive me and don't leave like this ! "

I said crying.

" But I am mere your responsibility, right !

Then why... "

Ashley said sarcastically.

" I was lying !

You aren't mere my responsibility !

You are my... "

I almost said my love !

But I shouldn't let my guard down just yet !

" I am your ? "

Ashley asked hopefully.

" You are the reason, I want to breathe and live !

If you'll leave, you will take with you the only reason I am living for !

I lied to you, Ash.

Please don't do this to me. "

I said crying hard.

She couldn't say anything anymore.

She too started crying.

She grasped my hair in her hands and tried to sit down.

I let my grasp loose so that she could move as she wanted.

She sat in infront of me in my arms !

She hugged me and placed her head on my chest. I took her in my arms and pressed her onto me tightly.

She pulled away from me and pecked on my lips.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I have had more than enough restraints on myself and kept myself away from her as much as possible !

But from now on, I am not gonna do the same stupidity again !

I cupped her face and wiped her tears with my thumbs and pulled her for a deep and long kiss.

I lost my balance and we fall on the ground, she on my chest.

I still didn't let her lips go, I turned and put her on the ground and started kissing her passionately.

She was pulling me onto her more and more.

But if, I'd let her do what she wanted, I'd end up crushing her beneath me !

I pulled her up in my arms and sat pressing my back against the wall.

And now she could press in whatever way she wanted.

She crawled up and sat on my lap and pressed herself onto me so hard, I could feel her pressure.

It wasn't gonna affect me in any way, but she would have her soft and delicate body aching afterwards; and I can't see her in pain and I don't want to be the reason of her pain anymore !

So I grabbed her hands and pulled them away and placed them on my chest.

She wrapped them around my neck and continued kissing me.

She slowly dragged her hands down my trunk and placed them on my very well built muscular body and moved her lips onto my neck and sucked there.

I lost my mind and moved to her neck and bited her.

It turned out to be more forceful than I wanted.

" Ahhhhhh ! "

She cried out of pain.

Fuck !

I didn't wanted to talk and ruine our beautiful moment so, I kissed where I bited her and sucked there slowly and she melted in my arms like she was a piece of ice and I was fire.

She melted and clung to me and I swear that, was the most beautiful feeling in the world I've ever experienced !

She started moaning with pleasure at my touch then and I was relieved that she wasn't in pain anymore.

I continued to kiss and suck her neck and moved my hands up and down on her back to soothe her. She was moaning in my ears and it was driving me crazy and made me want to do mean and wicked things to her body.

" Cole ? "

Fucking Jules !

What the hell do he want now ?

I clearly told them not to knock at my door then, don't he love his life ?

" What ? "

I barked at him with pure rage.

I hated him for ruining my beautiful moment with my precious little kitten.

" Is she alright ?

We all are worried for her. "

Jules asked doubtfully..

Yes I know I am a heartless beast, but have I ever hurted any girl ever before ?

Then how could they even think that I'll hurt my kitten ?

" Yes I am alright, Jules.

Don't worry about me... "

Ashley said roughly.

Her breath was so high, she barely wispered and my wicked mind asked me to do something wicked !

As she was answering back Jules, I nuzzled at her neck and sucked hard there, making her gasp and moan at the same time !

" Fuck !

Oh god...




Ashley said digging her nail in my back.

I am sure the guys heard her screaming 'oh god', everyone started banging hard on the door !

" Ash !

What's wrong ?

Cole open the fucking door ! "

Derek yelled.

" Cole, stop being such an ass to her.

Let her go ! "

Lauren yelled louder than Derek.

" Come on Cole, open the door.

We can talk, you don't have to choose the violent way ! "

Dominic said knocking.

I didn't stopped sucking and kissung her neck and now she had to decide whether she wanted me to stop and open the door.

Or she would say something and they will leave us alone for sometime and then, she'll explain it to them !

And I think she was enjoying herself way too much to let go of me.

She bited on my shoulder hard and I had to let go her neck.

She placed her hand on my mouth and catch her breath and answered them,

" Don't worry guys, I am absolutely alright.

He isn't hurting me.

We are talking...

Give us some time, we'll open the door once we are done talking... "

Ashley said breathing heavily.

Oh, so we are TALKING, huh ?

Let's talk some more then !

I leaned in and nibbled on her ear lobe and sucked it.

Kissed behind her ear and grabbed her hair and moved them to a side and kissed her skin below her hair line.

She couldn't stop her moans at my touch.

God knows what did the guys understood, but no one knocked at the door again.

I kissed her again long and deep.

After sometime she felt she was feeling weak. She didn't had her dinner last night nor did she had her breakfast today !

I stood up with her in my arms, like she was some baby and I am her...

Daddy !

I took her to the door and put her down and opened the door.

As soon as I opened the door, all of the guys came rushing towards us.

They were about to yell and scold me, but they saw Ashley smiling and happy and they changed their attitude.

" What happened ?

What did he do ?

Did he hurt you ?

Why did you screamed like that ?

What... "

Jules asked impatiently.

" She isn't leaving the place ! "

I said.

" What ?

I mean, it's a very good news.


You were... "

Derek said to Ashley.

" I made her stay here. "

I said plainly.

" But how ? "

Lauren asked surprised.

" It's between me and her.

You guys only need to know that, she isn't leaving and won't leave in future ! "

I said leaning on the wall.

" It's a miracle ! "

Dominic said surprised.

" Yes.

And now, if you guys had dinner ready, she is starving ! "

I said.

We had dinner together.

I made her eat more than she eats everyday. Everyone was looking shocked by my behaviour.

But they were happy at the same time !

My kitten had PLEADED them, to ask me to forgive her.

And now that, she had what she wanted from day one, why won't they be happy ?

After dinner we went to her room and I took her in my arms immediately.

I sat on the bed pressing my back on the headboard and have her sited between my legs. Pressing her back on my chest, she let her head rest on my shoulder.

We talked about many things.

I haven't talked to her yet properly and so, I had so many things to tell her.

But, as I fed her too much she was sleepy already!

I was upset at it, but then I told myself she is mine now and I could talk to her whenever I want to. So, I turned her around and let her sleep on my chest and caressed her head and back.

She fell asleep in no time.

But I couldn't sleep having her so close to me.

I was feeling her warm breath on my chest and feel her heart beating against me.

She is so tiny and weightless !

I am not feeling that, I have someone sleeping on me !

She is so small and cute.

I look like a monster infront of her !

May be we have our BEAUTY AND THE BEAST version of ourselves !

And I love this version.

I was admiring her beauty while she slept.

I couldn't take my eyes off her beautiful face. After a very long time I felt my eyes being heavy.

I kissed her forehead and wispered to her,

" I love you, my little kitten ! "

As I never had anyone else than myself in my bed, I didn't wanted her to be crushed beneath me if, I turned over while sleeping.

So, I put her on the bed and tried to take my arms off her to let her sleep peacefully.

But she didn't let me take my arms away.

She is so damm cute.

She clung to me even more after that.

When I opened my eyes, she was sleeping on my chest again !

She made me her bed and slept on me even after I had placed her on the bed !

Her head was on the centre of my chest and her legs didn't even reached to my feets !

She had her hands around my trunk and grasped me as much as she could.

She was looking so peaceful laying on my body.

I slowly turned and unwillingly put her on the bed, as I needed to get up and go to department.

I got off the bed and pecked her lips one last time before leaving.