Making her fantasy come true

Magically Cole made Ash stay with us and she was happy when they came out of the room.

That means he didn't hurt her or yelled at her.

He too was happy and we saw him smiling for the first time in a very long time.

It was very pleasant surprise, but still a surprise ! We aren't used to see him this happy.

It was different to have a different Cole among us. And I was damn sure this change was only BECAUSE and FOR my love Ash !

He will be the same ass to us !

It's been 8 months now and we still didn't have any news about Rachel !

We were trying so hard to get any news about her, anything.

And one morning Cole had me frying with his curses and bitter words as we couldn't find anything related to Rachel.

Everyone was there when, he was cursing me.

He wasn't ready to stop cursing me for it !

He said what not me.

I am used to hear everything he had to say to me. But he was crossing his every limit today.

It was getting too much for me to take it.

I know I always find everything we need.

And I told him that, I refuse to believe that she is dead.

But he wasn't doing anything at all to search for her and just uttering nonsense for me !

" You are the most useless creature in the world Derek, I hope you are aware of it !

It's been ages you are saying you would find her and get her here.

But you haven't done anything at all about it !

When the fuck you are gonna do anything about it ?

You haven't left the last hope and aren't letting us loose it and denying to do anything about it !

What are we supposed to do ?

Are you gonna say anything about it ? "

Cole said coldly.

" Cole !

What are you saying ? "

Jules said.

" Shut the fuck up !

I am saying the right things.

He just wants to brag his easy done work and don't wanna talk about the ones which have his brains fucked !

Don't you wanna talk anything about it, Derek ? Am I wrong ?

Say something god dammit or else we all are gonna think whatever I just said is all right. "

Cole said crossing his arms.

His every single word was stinging me !

But I didn't had the heart to oppose him nor did I had the patience to wait and answer him back without crying !

His words had broke my heart completely.

Once it was HIM who took my side and OPPOSED the guys when they blamed me for working for mere credits and now ?

HE is the one who is saying this ?

Everyone was opposing him.

" Cole, stop it now !

Enough is enough.

He isn't saying anything that doesn't mean you could say anything you want to.

Derek, why are you quite ?

Say something, baby ! "

Lauren said putting his hand on my shoulder.

" What would he say ?

He have nothing to say !

I have pointed out exactly the same thing he has been avoiding and hiding beneath his easy works ! "

Cole said scoffing.

" Cole, you are crossing the limits now, dude !

Stop it. "

Dominic said.

" Why are YOU GUYS talking his side, huh ?

Have you forgot that few months ago, YOU all were accusing him for the same thing and now... "

Cole said reminding them.

" The situation is different now, Cole !

Stop it now, you really are crossing your limits. "

Ashley said firmly raising her voice.

" Kitten, you too ? "

Cole said surprised.

" Yes, because your accusations are false ! "

Ashley said getting mad.

" Huh !

I don't think so !

He is just a fucking piece of shit.

Don't you ever dare to show your fucking brainless self to me ever again !

Get lost ! "

Cole yelled at me.

I just couldn't take it anymore.

I left the room.

Everyone called behind my back,

" Derek !


Derek ! "

" Cole !

What are you ?

You shouldn't have said that ! "

I heard Ashley yelling at him.

I went to my room.

I wasn't ever expecting this from at least HIM !

Not his,

'get lost and never show me your face'

I am used to it.

But he said I do things for credit and talk about the easy ones and don't talk about the hard ones.

He too knows that I don't do that !

Even if I consider that, he said that just because he wanted to provoke me so that, I would speed up my work and get rid of the case; but he didn't had to use such words !

I locked the door of my room and was sitting in my room alone.

Everyone came and knocked at my door but I didn't wanted to talk to anyone at the moment so, I didn't opened the door.

They started talking through the microphone at the door as the rooms are soundproof !

" Derek, please open the door.

You know he utter shit always when he is angry. Among all of us, YOU are the one used to his words and behaviour and now you are doing this ? Come on, be a man and open the door ! "

" Shut up, you guys !

Derek, please open the door, dear.

Please. "

Ashley yelled at them and softly said to me.

Huh !

My love is so innocent and such a sweetheart.

She never wants anyone to get hurt.

But she doesn't know we are the kind of animals who can't live without hurting or cursing eachothers !

I am used to his harsh words than these, but I don't know why, today they hurt me.

They broke my heart.

I felt a hard verbal slap on my face.

And my eyes wanted to clean themselves.

Tears aren't ready to stop leaving my eyes !

" Derek please dear, open the door.

Let me in, honey.

Please ! "

Ashley said lovingly.

" He won't open the door, baby.

Let's go.

He'll come out when he feel to.

No matter how many times you'd ask him to open, he won't; unless HE wants to.

Come on, let's go. "

Dominic said.

" No, I won't leave his side !

I won't go until he opens the door and let me in ! I am not leaving him.

You guys can go if you want to, but I will stay right here ! "

Ashley said firmly .

Everyone left my door except my sweetheart.

She is still there.

I can feel her presence.

I can hear her soft knocks on the door.

Her soothing words.

But still I can't collect the courage to open the door and let her in.

I don't want any kind of sympathy now.

I've had enough sympathy.

I need love now !

I know she can give it to me, but I am not gonna beg for it !

" Derek, I am here.

I am not gonna leave you alone there.

I am with you.

Please let me in, we can sort things.

Talk to me, honey.

Please ! "

She didn't stopped talking to me nor did she left my door.

But, I still couldn't open the door and let her in. When it was dinner time she knocked again at my door,

" Derek, come on.

It's dinner time.

Come out and let's have dinner together !

Come on now. "

Ashley said pleading.

I didn't felt like eating.

I wasn't hungry.

But she didn't left the door.

" You go and have your dinner, love.

I am not hungry.

I'll go to your room, we'll meet there. "

I said.

" I am not leaving without you !

Either you are coming with me or we both are gonna skip today's dinner.

I don't mind it.

So what if, I am hungry as hell ?

So what if, I didn't even had proper lunch ?

I'll wait here for you to come out and have dinner with me ! "

Ashley said trying to emotionally handle me.

" Don't act childish, love !

Go and have your dinner.

Why would you starve for me ?

I am not hungry. "

I said.

" She won't starve FOR you, she will starve BECAUSE of you !

Now, finish your drama and come out !

You know she is delicate.

And if, anything happens to her because of starving, that's on you drama queen, remember that ! "

Lauren said blackmailing me.

" I didn't asked her to..."

I tried to say whatever came to my mind as I was mad.

" Now YOU stop being an ass, Derek !

Just because Cole didn't acted as one after morning, doesn't mean you get to be at his place.

Just open the fucking door ! "

Jules said banging hard.

" Take her to have dinner Jules.

I don't want her to faint without food. "

I said concerned about her.

" If you worry about me this much then, come out and feed me with your own hands ! "

Ashley said.

" Come on, love.

Why are you so stubborn ? "

I said helplessly.

" Am I the only one being stubborn here, huh ? "

Ashley said sarcastically.

Oh god, no one can beat this stubborn lill one in word gambling !

She is so tiny but her stubbornness is way too big for her size !

I accepted my defeat and opened the door.

The moment I opened the door, she slapped me hard in the face, hugged me tight and started crying.

I was so confused by her behaviour.

I get it, she was angry and that's why she slapped me !

But then why is SHE crying ?

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her a bit.

She had her back towards the guys and they couldn't see her face.

She pressed her lips on my chest and I caressed her head and pressed my lips on her forehead.

" What is this behaviour, love ?

YOU slapped ME and YOU are crying yourself ! What's wrong ? "

I asked wiping her tears off with my thumb.

" I am mad at you !

You are very bad.

I hate you.

I hate you.

I ha.. "

Ashley said punching on my chest.

I grabbed her hand,

" Please love, don't hate me !

If YOU will also hate me, how would I survive ? Everyone here hates me, please don't join their team in this.

Please ? "

I said.

" Why did you closed your door at me ?

How dare you ? "

Ashley said crying.

" Please forgive me, love.

I was hurt and... "

" So you decided to hurt me ?

How could you ? "

Ashley said hurt.

" Please love, forgive me.

I won't do it again.

Guys, help me out here ! "

I said to them.

" Ofcourse, why not ?

Don't forgive him, love !

Make him pay for your each tear baby.

Don't let him go just like that !

Don't go easy on him ! "

Lauren said smirking.

" When I have friends like you, do I need any enemy in my life ?

Bastard ! "

I cursed.

" Forgive him baby or else he would start crying now ! "

Dominic said finally taking my side.

" Yes, love.

I know you won't want me to cry, now would you, huh ? "

I said .

Thank god my eyes don't betray me ever.

They don't leave any evidence of me being cried few moments ago.

If they had betrayed me, they all would have known that I cried before opening the door.

I mean, Lauren knows when I cry and he always guesses it right.

But other than him no one ever knows if I cried or not.

And I don't want my love to know that I cried !

" And what about her tears ? "

Jules said putting gasoline in the flame !

" Shut up fucking bastard.

Jules don't gang up against me ! "

I said.

" Why not ?

Thanks Jules !

He is absolutely right.

What about my tears which I shaded for you ? "

Ashley said crossing her arms.

" Oh my poor baby !

I am so sorry, love.

I'll do anything to make it up to you.

What do want me to do for you ?

Anything you want, love.

Your wish my command.

I assure you ! "

I said caressing her back.

" Make him do a hard task, baby girl.

Don't let him get away with it just like that.

Make him pay ! "

Dominic said teasing me.

" Yeah, yeah !

When you are the only one left on the other side, why would you stay there ? "

I said rolling my eyes.

" So, what have you decided sweetness ? "

I asked.

" I want you to feed me with your hands !

And promise me that, whatever may be the situation, you won't ever close your door on me ! "

Ashley said grabbing my collar in a threatening way.

Oh my love !

I call you sweetness for a reason baby.

I love you so much.

But I hate this situation.

I can't confess my love for her and put her in an awkward situation.

I know she loves me too; but she won't accept it because she don't want to break anyone's heart.

I did what she asked me to do !

We went to have dinner and as she wished, I fed her with my hands.

And ooooo, Mr. Cold's face was an overflowing stream of jealousy !

And I don't know why, but I enjoyed him looking defeated and jealous.

I know she doesn't do this ONLY FOR ME.

If tomorrow HE is in this situation, she would do the same for him as well !

After dinner, we went to her room and I grabbed her from behind and rained kisses on her neck, ear, cheeks and lips.

She was giggling and at the same time she was getting turned on.

Her body had raised goosebumps all over and she was gasping and breathing with effort.

She turned around and kissed me deep.

After we pulled away, she wrapped her arms around me and I swear to god, when she wraps her arms around me; kissing her lips fades infront of it !

She huggs me and her face shows expressions of being in heaven.

She closes her eyes and her lips turns into a very sweet and innocent smile.

The way she sighs makes me wanna keep her there and not let anyone else touch her; but it isn't possible !

I can't keep her to myself.

She didn't choose me !

And I know she have slept with Jules, Dominic and Lauren.

And I don't have any problem with that.

After all, I have done the same so, I can't judge her on that basis ever !

She has the complete right to be with whomever she wants and love whoever she wants.

I love her and I just want her to be happy.

It doesn't matter then whether she is happy with me or anyone else or with all of us !

If I were her, I would definitely had fallen for each one of us.

So, if she had fallen for all, I don't have any right to say anything at all about it.

Nothing is gonna change my love for her.

I won't stop loving her no matter what happens.

I am sure, Lauren too thinks the same about this situation; I know him too well !

I love her and that's MY problem !

I didn't asked her to love me back.

So, I'll keep on loving her.

And I know deep down, she loves me too; just that, she loves the others the same and everyone knows it, just not giving it a word form !

We were talking and she picked the current topic and the memories which weren't faded yet became green again and my eyes were about to betray me and shade the tears !

She was telling me that, everyone loves me and they don't want to hurt me and all.

Does she thinks I am not aware of that ?

I very well know that, they all love me so much. But I too have feelings and they get hurt when, anyone of them says such heartbreaking things to me !

They think I am a robot and don't get hurt when they act mean !

And is she showing SYMPATHY for me ?

I don't need one then.

And If, I would stay here and listen to her, I am sure either of the things is gonna happen.

One, I'll scold her for showing sympathy and rubbing salt to my open bleeding injury.

Or I am gonna start crying now; which I am not willing to do at any cost !

So, I stood up and was leaving the couch,

" Where are you going ? "

Ashley asked.

" It was a long tiring day, I need to take shower. Can I use your shower ? "

I asked.

" Ofcourse !

It's YOURS, I am using it actually ! "

Ashley said sheepishly.

" Yeah.

Wait for me.

I'll be quick. "

I said.

" Yeah, no problem. "

Ashley said smiling.

I went to the bathroom and closed the door and immediately my eyes started shading tears.

I started the shower and let the water hide them.

I just stood under the shower without doing anything.

Knock knock.

" What ? "

Why the fuck is she knocking at the door ?

She knows I am taking a shower !

" Open the door. "

Ashley said.

" What ?

Girl I am taking shower here and you want me to open the door ? "

I said.

" Yes.

Fucking open the door. "

Ashley said banging hard.

" Wait.

Give me five minutes, I'll quickly finish the shower and open the... "

" Open right now, Derek ! "

Ashley said impatiently without letting me talk.

What the hell is wrong with her ?

She won't stop knocking at the door.

I turned the shower off and wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the door, angry !

" What ?

What do you want ? "

I almost yelled at her.

" I wanted to take shower too ! "

Ashley said innocently.

" Oh, really ?

Couldn't you've waited for few moments ?

I would have opened the door after finishing... "

She placed her plam on my chest and pushing me back, she made me stand against the wall.

I was surprised by her behaviour.

Yes, we have kissed and all but she have never done anything like this before.

She slowly dragged her fingers across my body, and wispered to me.

" I wanted to take the shower WITH you...

Right now... "

Ashley wispered biting her lower lip.

She turned the shower on, making both of us wet. She pressed her lips to my chest and her touch felt different in water.

More alive.

More intense and more passionate !

She ran her fingers around my trunk and dragging her nails across my body she reached my back and pressed herself onto me.

It was tempting as hell and I couldn't resist her.

But she have NO reason to do this now !

Is she doing this out of sympathy for me ?

If she is then, she is not gonna get her way with me.

I am not a toddler that, she could play with me just to make me happy for a moment and then put me back in trash once I am happy !

I grabbed her hands and pulled them off me and grabbing them tightly in mine, I pushed her away from my body.

" What the hell are doing ? "

I asked coldly.

" I told you, I wanted to take... "

" I am fucking telling you Ashley, don't you dare mess with me ! "

I said clenching my teeth.

" I haven't done anything like that, Derek !

What are you talking about ? "

Ashley said oblivious of what I was saying.

" Oh, don't act so innocent, love !

I am not in the mood to act along with you.

Why all of a sudden you want to take shower with me ?

Do you take me as a fool ?

Don't I know, what are you doing here ? "

I said getting mad.

" What ?

What are you talking about, baby... "

" Don't baby me !

I know you are doing all of this out of sympathy for me and nothing else ! "

I said.

She tried to pull her hands away from mine.

" What ?

No ! .

You are taking me wrong !

And ahhh...

Please leave me hands, you are hurting me. "

Ashley said struggling to take her hands off.

Oh fuck !

I immediately let her hands loose and she placed them on my shoulders.

" Look baby, there's nothing like what you are thinking !

I am not doing anything out of sympathy for you.

I don't have sympathy for you !

Why would I have it ?

You aren't some roadside begger that, I would have sympathy or pity for you !

If anything, I have liking for you !

I like you so much... "

" I am telling you this the LAST TIME, girl !

If, you are doing this out of sympathy for me; then sorry for my language but FUCK OFF !

I don't want anyone's sympathy, got it ? "

I said fuming.

" And I am not giving you one !

Please trust me... "

She moved her hands from my shoulder to my face and cupped it in her hands.

She caressed my cheeks and stood up on her toes and tried to reach my lips to kiss me.

But I wasn't convinced with her words, so I didn't lowered down or picked her up.

She tried for sometime and then placed her feet flat on ground.

She sighed and placed her palms on my chest !

" How could I make you believe me ?

Derek, I...

I am so sorry! "

Ashley said looking down.

" What for ? "

I asked confused.

" I lied to you. "

Ashley said looking embarrassed.

" About what ? "

I asked confused.

" I want YOU to fulfill my deepest and wildest fantasy ! "

Ashley said.

" What are you talking... "

I realized she was talking about the fantasy she told me when she got drunk.

" But you said I can't...

Wait a minute !

You were DRUNK and you forgot everything then how come... ? "

I asked.

" That's why I am apologising to you.

As I said then, I WASN'T drunk !

I remember each and everything we did that night ! "

Ashley said without looking into my eyes.

" What ?

But you told me that, you didn't remember anything happened that night ! "

I said feeling as a fool.

" I am sorry. "

Ashley wispered guiltily.

" You fell ASLEEP ! "

I said crossing my arms.

" No, I didn't !

I couldn't sleep the whole night and that's why I slept the next whole day ! "

Ashley said.

" But you... "

" I am really very sorry.

Actually back then, I wasn't sure about taking things to next level...

And I had started everything and I didn't know how to stop after myself taking few steps without hurting you !

So, I pretended to fell asleep.

You were already thinking that, I was drunk.

So I...

I was awake and I remember everything happened then. "

Ashley said biting her lower lip.

" What ?

You fucking BRAT !

You lied to me for this long ?

You could have told me later ! "

I said frustrated.

" I couldn't gathere the courage to talk to you about it again, after turning you down like that ! "

Ashley said feeling guilty.

" But your behaviour still hurted me !

What about it ? "

I asked crossing my arms.

" I'll do anything to make it up to you !

Anything at all. "

Ashley said.

" Oh really ? "

" Yes, absolutely.

Please don't be mad at me, baby.

I am really very sorry.

I am feeling horrible for doing that to you.

But it's ONLY YOU, who can make my fantasy come true. "

Ashley wispered.

" But you said I couldn't fulfill it, because I am not the MOST HANDSOME GUY, huh ! "

I said reminding her words.

" I lied about that too !

Yes, you are.

You are the most handsome man I've came across !

You make my heart beat faster like no one ever made.

Your mere presence make my loose my mind and I can't concentrate on my work. "

Ashley said blushing.

" For the LAST TIME I am saying, don't you dare say or do anything out of sympathy for me ! "

I said coldly.

" For god's sake, don't give me hopes and break them again just because you don't know how to stop after initiating this...

Mmmm... "

She caught me off guard and pulled me lower and kissed me.

And I couldn't resist her soft and juicy lips and I kissed her back.

After pulling away she wispered,

" I am not doing anything out of sympathy for you. I want you.

I need you... right now ! "

Ashley said pulling my hair hard.

Oh fuck !

I never thought, her simple words would do things to me and make me wanna do filthy things to her body !

I grabbed her by waist and kissed her again passionately.

She grabbed my towel and pulled it off.

I grabbed her top and took it off her body and exposed her beautiful body to me.

I didn't wasted any time and pressed my lips to her neck.

I know she loves me kissing her neck.

Biting it and then sucking the pain off her skin.

I snaked my hands around her body and placed them over her bra-hook about to unhook it.

But I stopped and pressed her onto me and wispered in her ear,

" If you aren't doing anything out of sympathy for me, then promise me one thing.

If we are going for this, there is NO GOING BACK !

So, if we are doing this NOW, promise me that from now on, you won't DENY me the pleasure I desire so much from you and your sexy as hell body !

Promise me, this won't be a ONE TIME THING ! "

I sucked her ear lobe and bit there.

She gasped and barely wispered back,

" I promise. "

" Promise what ? "

I asked sucking on her neck.

" Oh fuck... I... Mmm...

I promise that, this won't be a...


One time thing...

Oh god... "

Ashley moaned.

I just love making my baby girl gasp and get her out of voice with my mouth on her neck and ears ! Her moans and her expressions are enough to make me hard as an iron rod !

I bet she could feel my hardness pressing against her stomach.

I unhooked her bra and the most beautiful and gorgeous and soft and plump boobs were exposed to my eyes and my mouth.

And I couldn't resist tasting her beautiful boobs.

" Oh my god love, your boobs are so soft, like dough.

And fuck they are looking so yum and tasty.

My mouth is just watering at the thought of kissing and sucking on them.

Feeding on them like a hungry beast I am for you, sweetness !

Oh fuck baby....

Mmmmm "

I grabbed one in my mouth and started kissing, licking and sucking on it and the other in my hand and started fondling it and massaging it.

She was moaning so sweetly and squirming so much.

I grabbed her with my one hand and turned around, pressing her back up against the wall.

She dragged her nails across my back and made me gasp and arch my body and pressing onto her.

She reached down and grabbed my erection in her hands and started stroking it.

And fuck, her hands are so soft against my hardness.

If her hands alone are feeling this great, what it would feel to be inside of her ?

I don't have to think about it, because I am gonna go inside of her soon !

I dragged the back of my hand down her body ever so slowly and she shivered at the touch, raising goosebumps along the path.

I ran my fingers across her clit and she jumped at the contact, as if she haven't been kissed or touched down there !

If that's the case, I'll show her how good it feels to be touched and kissed down there...

But I am so hungry for her that, I don't think I can wait anymore to get inside of her sexy body.

I'll show it to her the next time !

I grabbed her right thigh and wrapped it around my waist and moved and pressed my hardness against her sensitive sex.

She dug her nails in my shoulders when our sex touched.

So, innocent and sensitive my love is !

She closed her eyes in anticipation, but I wanted her eyes locked in mine as I take her !

I grabbed her thigh in one hand and her throat in other and make her look into my eyes.

" Eyes on me, sweetness !

Don't you dare take those marvelous and gorgeous eyes off mine.

I want you to look into my eyes when I am deep inside of you and making you mine ! "

She gasped and shivered at words and looked away from me and her cheeks were as red as tomatoes.

Is she...

Blushing ?

Fuck she is blushing !

" Are you blushing, baby girl ? "

I asked with a nasty smirk.

" No...

I am...

Not... "

Ashley lied.

" Whom are you kidding, love ?

I've tried what not to make you blush and what it took ?

Only a few filthy words ?

Some dirty talking ?

Fuck love, you look so edible when you blush like this.

Looking at you blushing is just making me wanna eat you up right here and right now ! "

I said biting my lip at the thought.

She blushed again and hid her face on my chest.

I caressed her head and slowly dragged my hand on her throat and made her look at me again.

I slightly bent in my knees.

She is so short, I can't take her at this height.

I squeezed her throat a bit harder and she gasped but her eyes didn't left mine.

I leaned in and claimed her lips and slowly pushed my head inside her and she pulled away from our kiss and screamed a little,

" Oh my god !

This is...

Ahhhh... God...

You are so big... Ahhhh...

Fuck fuck fuck it hurts !

Oh my god...

Ahhh... Ohhh... "

Fuck she is so tight !

How is that even possible ?

I am sure Michael had raped her multiple times. She had shared bed with Jules, Dominic and Lauren.

She shouldn't be this tight !

Fuck, it's hurting me as well.

But, these guys should have loosened her up because, they all have nearly same sized boys !

Which aren't small.

They are fairly big.

Just that, Cole is daman huge and I am nearly as same as him just difference of few centimetres not much.

But fuck she is feeling so good around me !

But she is looking so uncomfortable, shall I stop ? Well, I don't want to but I can't hurt my girl for my pleasure !

" Fuck baby, you feel so good around me.

So fucking tight.

Is it hurting too much, love ?

Do you want me to pull out and stop ?

We can stop if, you don't want to go on. "

I said caressing her head.

" Ugh...

Fuck... No...

Don't stop...

I want you... "

Ashley grunted.

" Fuck baby...


It won't hurt my feelings...

If you aren't ready or can't take me...


We can stop... "

I said assuring her.

" No no no.

I want you to take me.

I am greedy for you !

I am craving you, honey.

Please don't deny me the pleasure ! "

Ashley said clutching my hair and pulling me closer.

" Fuck baby, don't say such things to me I won't be able to stop myself after that !

And think about it, it's only my head in now, we have got so many inches yet to get in your small body !

It's gonna hurt you so much...


It's painful for me too... "

I said trying hard not to unleash the animal within me on her.

" Ahhh...

Don't you want me, Derek ?

Have I done...

something that you don't want me ?

I mean yes, I've done...

Ahhhh... so many things I shouldn't have.

I guess... Mmm... you are aware of those too !

Is it because of IT, you don't... ahhh... Want me ? Ahhh.. "

Ashley said referring to her being with the others.

" Shut the fuck up !

How dare you say such stupid things ?

I've always wanted you and I will always want you baby !

Oh god...

I am saying this because...


It'll hurt you and nothing else ! "

I explained her.

" I am ready for the pain !

I deserve it...

For everything I've done to you and...


Over all. "

Ashley said.

" You don't deserve pain at all love !

If anything It's love...


If you want me...

I am gonna give it to you baby...

And I am apologising to you in advance for all the pain...

I am gonna give you.

Are you ready for me to go ahead ? "

I asked.

" Yes... Ohhh...

Go for it...

Go slowly... "

Ashley said.

" No baby.

I'll go in, in one single hard go...


It'll hurt you less in one go baby.

And if I'll go slowly...

It's gonna be much more painful.

You ready ? "

I asked.

" Mmmm... Yes...

Oh god... "

I started telling her what am I gonna do to her body and kissing the part I mentioned.

" Don't think about it, love.

Look at me...

Look into my eyes and feel my lips on your body and feel the shivers down your spine...

I am gonna kiss all of your body, love.

I love your body.

Staring from your lips...


So soft and tasty.

Your neck...


Smells so good.

I could smell this all day long, baby...

Ohhh... So addictive...


Your soft as cotton balls boobs...

Fuck baby, I fell for these seperately...

Oh my baby girl has the best and softest boobs I've ever felt in my mouth...

Tasting so damm good...

Oh girl...

I can stop eating food if, you promise to feed me with them everyday...

Fuck baby...


Feel me sucking them and teasing them and licking them...


Your small tummy...

And fuck baby your belly button !

I am gonna suck it in my mouth baby...

Oh my sexy babe...

Putting my tongue in your belly button... Mmmm...

Fuck baby...

Oh and your sides baby...

So sexy.

Each and every cell in your body is meant to be kissed love...

Please allow me to...


Fuck ! "

I pushed myself completely inside her small and tight body and oh she was so wet I slipped easily inside her.

She didn't know when was I gonna enter her so she wasn't anticipating that.

Dominic told me once that, it's human psychology.

If you think something's gonna hurt, you anticipate it and it feels much more painful that it actually is !

So, it hurted her but she wasn't thinking about it. She was concentrating in my words and my lips on her body.

" Oh fuck !

Oh god...

It's... It's too big...


Oh Derek... "

Ashley moaned my name.

God her moans made me even more harder inside her.

I tighten my grip on her thigh and pushed all the way in her and stayed there without moving, letting her get used to my huge thickness.

She was shivering uncontrollably.

I grabbed her by waist with other hand and pressed her against me.

" I've got you, baby.

You are safe here.

Let your weight be on me.

You ok, sugar ?

You want to.... wait ?

Or shall I....

Start moving ?

I want you to be comfortable first . "

I said kissing her forehead.

" Yes.

Yes I am good.

You can start moving. "

Ashley said wrapping her arms tighty around me.

" Ok. Grab onto me, love.

If at any moment you want... me to stop or you feel it's getting too much and you... can't take it just let me know and...

We'll stop...

Right away... "

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I started moving in and out of her slowly.

Making her feel good.

She eventually started moaning with my each stroke.

She was feeling so so good around me.

I haven't felt this good with any of the girls I've ever been.

She is something else !

" Yes baby...

Moan for me...

Oh love...

You are incredible...


Oh sweetie, I don't ever want to stop making love to you !


This feels heavenly love...

Fuck baby...

Come on...

Open up for me and let me take you to heaven baby...

Oh god... "

I said kissing her neck.

" Mmmm...

Yes... Ohhhh... Fuck...

It feels really very good... I...

I can't even feel the pain anymore...

Oh Derek...

You are so good...

Mmmm... Fuck baby...

Ohhh god... "

Ashley continued moaning.

I slowly increased the pace and started moving faster and harder making her gasp and moan even louder.

She was moaning in my ear and fuck it was such a turn on.

I just got on fire and increased the pace even more and fuck she was trying to match her moves along with mine !

The slamming sound of our bare skin and her moans were like a melody to my ears.

She started shaking too much and I knew she was so close !

" Derek...

Oh... I am so...

So close...

Baby...Let me...

Let me have my release...

Oh Derek please... "

Ashley pleaded me to let her have her orgasm.

" Oh, not just yet, sweetness !

You've lied and teased me so much.

And as I told you, you are going to pay for that now girl ! "

I said smirking.

" Oh no... Please...

Don't do this to me...

Oh Derek please don't stop...

Let me... Let me... "

Ashley was so close that she couldn't even talk properly.

I took her to the very edge of getting her release she wanted and stopped.

I pulled out and she was trying so hard to get me in back.

But I scooped her up in my arms and took her to the basin counter edge and made her sit there.

I took a handful of her beautiful curls and pulled her for a deep and long kiss.

I pressed my tongue against her lips and she willingly opened her mouth for me and let me in just like that.

From the way she was reacting, I am sure no body kissed her this way !

She was moaning so much in my mouth.

She foud the correct space to breathe and was letting her breath into my mouth and fuck it was so sexy !

It was like, I was breathing for both of us !

I danced my tongue in her mouth and made her tongue to dance along with mine and I must say, she is a quick learner.

After few moments of awkward movements of her tongue, she sucked my tongue so skillfully and made me feel so good !

I positioned my hardness against her opening and while kissing her, I pushed myself back in her and started pounding her so hard, she was almost slamming against the wall behind her back.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and dug her heels in my hips as if, she didn't wanted me to get out of her !

She thinks she could wrap her legs around me for so long that, she could make me stay in there as long as she wants.

But what she doesn't know is, I have hell of a stamina.

She wanted to get fucked all night long in her fantasy and guess what, she is going to get it !

I AM gonna fuck her all night long !

I let her keep her legs around me as long as she could and when she got closer to get her release, her legs started shaking uncontrollably.

I grabbed her ankles and moved and fucked her hard and she was on edge and shaking.

" Shall I stop, sugar ? "

I wispered teasing her.

" Oh... No...

Baby... Please...

Please let me get the release... "

Ashley wispered.

" Well, beg me to let you have what you want ! "

I wispered nibbling on her ear lobe.

" I just did ! "

Ashley said frustrated as she wasn't getting what she wanted.

" You gotta have to do better than that, girl !

I didn't find it convincing enough.

How bad you want the release baby ? "

I wispered erotically in her ear.

" Ohhhh I want it so bad...

Please let me have my release Derek...

Oh... Derek please...

I need it badly... "

Ashley begged.

" Now that's a good girl !

And guess what good girls get ?

Exactly what they want !

Here it comes baby...

Take it deep...

Ohhhh... Fuck baby ... "

I started going hard and fast.

" Ohh god...

It feels... It feels...

I am gonna... I am gonna burst...

Oh I am... I am...

Mmmm... "

Ashley moaned.

" Yes baby...

Moan for me...

And yes baby you can get our release...

I've got you, love...

Let it out...

Let it all out... "

I bited her neck.

As she got her release, she was shaking uncontrollably.

She grabbed my shoulders and arched her back pressing her soft boobs onto my chest.

I gave her few moments to recover and lifted her again in my arms and took her into shower as she wanted to get fucked in shower.

I turned on the shower and picked her up and had her wrapped around me.

Her ankles locked into eachothers behind my back and her arms around my neck letting her put all her wait on me and had her clinged into me like she was some feather light.

I pressed her back on the wall and fucked her once again in the shower.

The water had a different effect on me.

Every feel and touch was intensified a thousand times !

She was feeling incredible against me.

The slamming sound of me hitting into her was making me even more harder.

I kissed every inch of her body which was in reach of my lips.

I licked her skin and she started gasping and moaning to my touch.

I sped up and made her get to her orgasm.

She dug her nails in my shoulders and was squirming in my arms.

When she caught her breath I put her down.

" Let's get you nice and clean, sweetness.

Come here, I am gonna help you get clean. "

I poured some shower gel on my hands and started rubbing it all over her body.

And my, not so anymore innocent girl got turned on, just after I fucked her brains out twice in an hour !

But she needs to rest.

She is still in daze from our earlier encounters. Her limbs are betraying her and she can't even stand on her own without wobbling.

So, I must stop now !

I know she would be disappointed with me, but I must let her rest now; because it's not the end !

I am not done with her yet.

We have just started !

And the night has just fallen and we have so much time to have each others before the sun shows up !

I didn't let her kiss me when she tried.

Because I know if, I let her kiss me, I won't be able to stop myself from touching her !

I am at the edge of loosing my mind already and I must let her have some rest.

I washed her body and wrapped the robe around her body and a dry and soft towel to her hair.

" There you go, love.

Nice and clean.

Now, let's go to bed now. "

I said.

She had surprised and disappointed face.

I know what is she thinking, but I must let her think whatever she wants and don't let myself be weak now.

I stepped out of the bathroom but she didn't followed me.