Crazy addiction

It's been three months we returned home.

I have started hating Michael more than I've ever hated him for hurting me this much because, I am not getting what I desperately need !

I don't WANT them; I NEED them now !

It's been too long now and I am started to loose my mind with the desperation.

My body got used to having them CLINGING all over me.

It have became a habit of having them close to me.

Threading their fingers in my hair, kissing me to sleep, cuddle while sleeping, pulling me closer and press tight to their chest when, I can't sleep.

I am used to all this every night !

It isn't only about SEX !

I need them close to me and they don't even sleep in bed with me !

They've pulled the couch closer to my bed and they sleep on it; all of them !

Like they've decided it together to do it.

And neither of them have even kissed me since we returned home !

It is seriously driving me crazy.

I had literally jumped on them whenever I felt they were falling weak, but everytime they stopped !

Now, I have gave up on them.

I don't think they will ever touch me again.

I have even started to hate myself and I even don't know the reason why ?

I think I'll have to live my life like this from now on.

I have touched myself few times and I didn't felt anything.


Not any pain in my stomach nor any relief I have been craving for so long.

I don't know the time, but it's way to early to be up.

But I can't sleep.

My body feels like it's on fire and no water in this world can calm it down !

I NEED touch.

Today I intensionally didn't wore any clothes while I went to sleep yet Dominic stopped himself and didn't gave me what I needed !

I wrapped the sheet around me and clutched it on my chest and went to the window.

Slow and cold wind was blowing and it immediately felt soothing on my hot body; but it increased the fire within me even more !

It was very romantic feel.

I let my hair loose and let them go wherever the wind took them along with it.

I have always been a very fimly creature.

I was imagining that, my hair blowing with the wind would touch to my hero's face as he reaches and stands behind me.

Grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.

Biting on my skin and picking me up in his arms and taking me to bed with him and making love to me...

Does dreaming with open eyes considered as mental illness ?

And I felt strong arms snaking around my waist and pressing me to his chest and biting on my shoulder lightly,

" Mmmm...

Dominic... "

I moaned at the erotic sensation.

" Yes, baby ? "

Dominic wispered licking where bit me.

" Mmmmm... "

I moaned again.

I leaned against his bare chest and immediately melted against his warm skin.

He teased my ear and neck.

He sucked and bited and wispered,

" Why aren't you are in bed ?

What are you doing here, this late ? "

Dominic asked running his finger on my cheek.

His touch was driving me crazy.

As if I was experiencing something like this for the first time in my life.

I was trying to press myself more into him.

He again nibbled on my ear,

" Aaah...


Oh god...

Dominic... "

I suddenly realised something,

" Stop ! "

I said.

But he didn't.

He continued the sexy torcher on my neck and ear and every available part of my bare skin with his mouth and tongue.

" Mmmm...

Oh god, Dominic...

Please stop...



Don't give me...



False hope...

I know you won't... "

He didn't let me finish my words.

He turned me around suddenly and devoured my lips until I was gasping for air.

I tried to hold on him for support as my legs gave up and I was struggling to stand.

He grasped my waist and pressed me close to his chest and my all weight was on him.

I lost my track in that breathtaking kiss and forgot what I was about to say to him.

The next time he pulled away to catch our breath,

" Please Dominic, stop !

You already have torched me by NOT touching me for so long and now...

Please don't give me false hope...

I'll go crazy for real this time, I swear... "

He again claimed my lips.

No matter how hard I wanted to push him away, I couldn't do it !

I was getting what I have been craving for then, how could I...

Yes I KNOW when he'll turn his back on me like every night he has done, and I am gonna cry so bad.

Keeping his lips on mine, he slightly bent lower and lifted me up in his arms and without letting go my lips, he took me to bed and layed beside me !

He continued to kiss me even then.

I was more than ready for him to take me in that moment.

He touched me for the first time in the past THREE MONTHS !

He slowly removed the sheet I was wrapped in and kissed every single inch of my body along with my sex.

It drove me crazy and I almost orgasmed in those few seconds !

He turned me on my side and got behind me ! What the hell ?

He just gave almost an orgasm to me and now he is gonna cuddle with me and expect me to...


I told you to not give me any false... "

" Shut up !

Woman, you have no idea when to stop talking ! "

Dominic said arrogantly and animalistically.

Though, he almost insulted me just now; but it turned me on even more instead of getting mad at him for it !

" I am not...



Oh my god...


I... "

I tried to say something but he didn't let me.

" You still wanna talk, huh ? "

Dominic said clenching his teeth almost as if he was mad at me.

But he was desperate for me as I was for him and it was his sexual frustration which took violent look.

He entered me in that position.

I guess he told me once that it's called the SPOON !

Laying on my side, he behind me pressing his chest against my back and entering me that way.

He said it was very intimate and sexy and gentle way to make love !

Once he was inside me, he calmed down.

He started moving so slowly and everytime he got inside me, he placed a soft and sweet kiss on me.

I could feel his breath on my neck so close and so warm, it was arousing me even more.

I turned to look at him and he grabbed my face with one hand and kissed my lips while, his other hand was busy playing with my,

'so so so soft boobs'

he always told me that, he just loves them and could play with them his whole life !

It was a complete different feeling.

We haven't ever tried this position before.

My eyes were closed in the immense pleasure I was getting.

He was surprisingly gentle and completely opposite of how he started.

I thought he was gonna fuck me senseless; but he is making love to me ever so gently !

It was feeling heveanly to finally have him this close to me, touching me, kissing me, making love to me !

It got very overwhelming for me and I felt wetness on my cheeks which he kissed away.

He took care that, he won't be hard on me and made sure that, he won't thrust into me and so that my injury won't trouble me.

But it have stopped troubling me and he doesn't know it; yet !

Once he'll see me in immense pleasure and see me coming down from my orgasm with satisfied eyes and wanting more of it, face he'll finally get it !

He made love to me for a very long time.

As it was the first in three months, my orgasm was pretty strong and made me shiver and jolt for a long time.

And I don't know what happened next, but when I opened my eyes the sun was high up in the sky.

It was the BEST sleep I got in last few months !

Cole brought my soup with him.

I smiled at him,

" Good morning, Cole ! "

I said softly.

He didn't returned smile at me, instead he was looking at me very suspiciously and checking if, I hid something to throw at him when he comes in my FIRING RANGE !

I don't blame him for being suscpecious about my changed behaviour.

Because I've been doing this for some time now.

Whenever anyone of them come in my room in the morning, I throw anything comes in my hands at them; without even thinking once, what it is and how bad it can hurt them !

It's the first time I've welcomed him with a smile and wished him good morning; after making so many mornings bad for him !

I am a bit relaxed.

I won't say SATISFIED, because one love making after such a long dry spell isn't gonna make me satisfied, but I am better than many previous mornings.

" Don't worry, Cole.

I am not hiding anything and won't throw anything towards you, you can trust me ! "

I said assuring him.

" Are you sure ? "

Cole asked suspiciously.

" Yes, absolutely.

I swear to god.

Come here and give me a kiss, please ! "

I said pouting.

He DID approached me, but his confusion and doubt didn't left his face.

Once he reached me, I reached out my hands asking him to take me in his arms.

He placed the soup tray on the table beside by bed and sat on bed and wrapped his arms around me loosely, so that he won't hurt my injury.

I pressed myself onto him very strongly.

He tried to keep me away, but I didn't allowed him to.

I KNOW his weakness !

I sat on his lap and kissed his jaw close to his ear.

He gasped and grabbing my head, he pressed me there not letting me go; as if I WANT to !

I made him so vulnerable and make him take me ! And my god, I can tell he was craving for me as much as I was !

After we came down from our orgasms, he kissed me softly and wispered,

" What had you make me do !

We shouldn't have...

Are you hurt ?

Is it aching ?

I am so sorry kitten, I couldn't stop myself... "

Cole said feeling guilty for he thought hurting me !

" Mr. Cold, do I look like someone in pain ?

Can you spot any uneasy or painful expressions ? And you very well know, I can't hide my pain !

I am perfectly alright.

It doesn't hurt anymore.

What hurting me is, YOUR DENIAL TO MY NEEDS !

You gave my body some nasty habits of having you close to me and then, you start keeping distance from me and still expect me to accept it without any problem ?

It is not possible !

You have to understand.

I have some NEEDS.

I need you.

I crave for you !

Your soft touch, you sudden unexpected kisses, patting me while I sleep and much more.

I need it back !

Tell me something, are you going to keep distance from me forever ? "

I asked horrified at the thought of him saying YES !

" No, kitten.

I don't plan on doing it.

But I don't want to hurt you !

Your orgasms will clench your insides so much and it could hurt you.

And I don't want to hurt you instead of pleasing you ! "

Cole said caressing my face lovingly.

" You won't hurt me, Cole !

If it had hurted, wouldn't have I stopped you ? Why would I have let you make love to me ?

It doesn't hurt anymore, please keep it in your mind and don't keep me away from you ! "

I said grabbing his hands in nine.

He kissed me and then I took shower with him.

He cleaned me thoroughly, making sure that he doesn't apply any pressure on my injury.

I had my soup and the cycle continued !

I know it feels like I am some whore asking all of them to start fucking me again; but at the same time, it is the NEED of my body !

I didn't had such needs before I met them.

They have made my body ADDICTED to theirs !

I can't keep my hands off any of them.

It have became a habit of having them clinged onto me all the time !

I feel like I am some drug addict who goes crazy if, missed even a single dose.

I need them just the way the drug addict needs this dose or he goes insane !

They had stopped giving me my dose for quite some time and I went crazy.

But as they have resumed my dose I am gaining back my sanity !