Sick bastard

I feel like I am growing possessive about Ash !

I know the others love her as much as I do and she loves back everyone with the same passion.

But I want her to myself !

Completely to me and no one else.

I want it should be ONLY ME watching her beautiful face, only me to touch her, only me to kiss her, only me to own her body and soul !

I can't watch anyone among the guys hugging her, kissing her head to calm her down.

I know...

WE ALL know she shares her body with all of us and I DON'T WANT that !,

I want her all for myself.

I don't like anyone else entering her room at night as we all know what's gonna happen after that !

I can't take it anymore, I need to talk to her.

It's been a few weeks I've decided to talk to her, but everytime I try I can't find words to say. Everytime her innocent face and loving kisses make me shut up and focus on her instead of anything else.

Today it's my turn to be with her and today I'll tell her about my feelings !

Everyone left after breakfast but Dominic was yet to leave.

I finished my breakfast and after finishing the dishes, I was about to go to my room when, I saw Dominic pulling Ash in his arms.

I couldn't stop myself from going there and see exactly what's happening.

As I went closer, he pressed her onto him and kissed her lips hard and rough !

The scene boiled my blood and my hand landed on the wall in a fist !

They looked at the direction and found me standing there fuming !

She pushed him away and asked me to stop as I stormed to my room,

" Jules.

Jules, wait !

Jules... "

I didn't stopped nor slowed down.

I rushed to my room and locked it.

After sometime, I think after Dominic left and she knocked at my door.

But I didn't wanted to talk to her right now.

I was way too mad to talk to anyone at this moment !

I didn't opened the door and she left after sometime.

When it was evening time, I decided to talk to her about it.

Either she accepts me or...

I went to kitchen and prepared her favourite coffee with chocolate sauce and went to her room.

" Your favourite coffee, honey.

Just the way you love it.

Have a taste."

I said smiling at her as usual.

" Jules...

I... "

Ashley was looking embarrassed and tried to apologize me.

But I didn't let her.

" Come on, taste it already ! "

I said handing her the mug.

She took it from me and praised me for the taste. I didn't let her talk about what happened in the morning.

We talked for a long time.

We had dinner after the guys came.

I prepared all of her favourite dishes for the dinner.

She enjoyed them and loved them.

We then went to her room and I pulled her in my arms.

I started kissing her cheeks softly.

I kissed her lips so delicately and passionately. She was pulling me closer to her and asking me to do more than that.

I slowly undressed her and placed soft kisses on her naked body.

I kissed her whole body and made her ready me to enter inside her.

I slowly began to move after being completely inside of her.

It was feeling so amazing.

I was kissing her again and again.

Kissing her every favourite part.

I didn't increased the pace.

I kissed her soft boobs as I made love to her.

I moved closer to her ear and wispered softly,

" I love you, darling.

I love you so much...

I love you... "

She gasped and placed her hand on the back of my neck pulling me more closer.

She did everything but replied to my words.

I thought she did not hear it properly, so I said it again,

" Ash, I love you honey.

Say something. "

She didn't said anything but kissed my lips as if, to stop me from saying anymore.

But I won't let her do what she want.

I'll make her say something.

I pulled away and kissed her neck.

" Please baby, say something.

I need you to say something. "

I wispered.

She didn't responded and shut her eyes.

I need to provoke her to say at least a single word !

I didn't stopped moving in and out of her in slow and gentle way.

" I know baby you love me too then, why aren't you saying it ?

Who is stopping you ?

Whom are you afraid of ?

Is someone threatening you ?

Please say something, honey ! "

I wispered.

She finally opened her eyes and looked at me.

She was feeling the pleasure I was giving her.

She was pulling me closer to her and suddenly few tears left her eyes.

I kissed them away,

" Hey baby, what's wrong ?

Did I said something wrong ?

Am I hurting you in someway ?

What happened honey, why are you crying ? "

I asked softly.

" No.

You can never hurt me Jules.

Nothing's like that. "

Ashley wispered.

" If that's the case then, tell me why aren't you telling me that, you love me too ? "

I asked.

" I DO Jules and you know that but...

I can't say it !

I am sorry. "

Ashley said softly.

" Why can't you say it ? "

I asked.

The scene Dominic kissing her hard and she clinging onto him again striked my mind and I started to loose my senses.

" I can't tell you that, Jules.

But I can't say it... "

Ashley said.

" Because you don't wanna hurt the others, huh ? Is that why you can't say it to me ? "

I asked.

" Jules, what are you... "

Ashley said getting red as if she got caught red handed.

" Oh don't act so innocent !

Do you really think we don't know that you have slept with everyone of us ?

We DO know that, just we haven't said it yet !

We know everything. "

I told her.

" What ?

Do you guys... "

" No no, we don't share the private things we do behind the closed door with eachothers.

But we have shared this house way too long to know the,

' I got fucked so hard last night '

fave whether it's of a girl or a guy ! "

I said coldly.

" Jules you are... "

Ashley tried to say something but I didn't let her.

" You love all of us, huh ?

But I want you for myself.

I can't take it anymore you sleeping with anyone, but me !

I want you all to myself.

I don't want to share you with anyone else ! "

I said clenching my teeth.

The possession and the anger took over and I started fucking her so hard, I could see her discomfort and pain on her face; but I was too busy trying to make her realise that, I want to claim her forever !

I knew she was in pain but I didn't stopped or even slowed down even when she was begging me to stop !

" Aaaah !

Jules, stop !

You are hurting me, Jules...


Please stop Jules, you are hurting me so much... Get off me...

I beg you...

Aaah... "

Ashley said digging her nails in my back trying to make me stop by hurting me.

She began to cry and still I didn't stopped.

I was turning into a senseless beast who doesn't care about anything but what he wants !

And I wanted HER; all to myself !

I started thrusting myself even more forcefully into her.

" You want THEM as well to take your body, huh ? I'll show you whom your body belongs to !

You WON'T sleep with anyone else but ME !

You understand ?

Tell me !

Say it ! "

I yelled thrusting hard with the intension to hurt her so that, she realizes that she is mine alone !

" I...


I understand.

Please let me go Jules !


You are hurting me so much... "

Ashley said crying out loud.

" Good girl ! "

I said and slowed down and tried to kiss her, but she turned her face away.

" Do you know what the are girls called who are sleeping with more than ONE GUY guy at the time, huh ? "

I said coldly.

I don't know what happened to me but I was loosing my sanity and saying whatever came to my mind !

She looked at me surprised and hurt.

Her tears weren't stopping.

" Your Mom was a WHORE, right ? "

I said smirking calling indirectly HER the whore.

She slapped me hard on the face and pushed me away.

Her slap was so hard, it brought me back to my senses and I realised what have I done !

Fuck !

What had gotten into me ?

How could I hurt the precious thing I care about too much ?

Fuck, what have I done !

She would never forgive me !

I tried to touch her hand but she slapped them away and wrapped the sheet around her.

" Don't you dare touch me !

And how dare you talk about my Mom that way ? How could you, Jules ?

How could you ?

Among all of the guys, YOU ?

YOU are talking about her THIS way ?

I don't care what you think or talk about ME, but you really shouldn't have brought my Mom up !

Get the hell of my room Jules, right now ! "

Ashley screamed her lungs out still crying.

She was mad.

Ofcourse she was mad.

After whatever I've done to her and said to her, it would be surprise if she wasn't mad at me.

She trusted me the most that, I won't break her trust; and I proved that she was WRONG about trusting me this much !

I tried to talk to her,

" Ash, honey, I am so sorry.

I didn't meant to say that..."

" I said get the hell out of here.

Leave me alone ! "

Ashley yelled.

" Please, listen to me Ash, I was mad.

I know none of my words could justify what I did, but I don't know what happened to me and I became such a beast hurting you like that... "

I said feeling like dying out of embarrassment for saying such horrible things to her.

" I am not mad at you for what you did to ME; I am mad because you insulted my Mom !

The person I love the most in this world.

And you insulted her in the WORST way possible ! I don't want to talk to you Jules, leave. "

Ashley said coldly.

" Please let me... "

" I said LEAVE, Jules !

I would have left the room, but I don't have any other room to go, you have your own and you can go there.

Leave ! "

Ashley screamed.

I tried to talk to her but she literally pushed me out of the room like some unwanted and disgusting cat !

I was so scared after that.

I've hurt her so much.

The way she kicked my away, she isn't gonna forgive me ever !

I need to tell this to the guys.

She might do something stupid and I'll need them to help me.

And if, they won't know what exactly happened, how could they help me with anything ?

I went to my room and call everyone from our system.

I told them what horrible things I've done and what kind of monster I became and hurt her physically and mentally !

I was still telling them what have I done and as expected, Cole stormed into my room in punched me hard in face and started punching and kicking me in the gut.

Fuck, he is stronger than I thought he was !

The others rushed after listening to my pained screams.

They tried to stop him but he was way too furious to listen to anyone.

And everyone knows, when he is mad he is most likely to listen to only me and right now he was mad ME !

He beated me brutally and once he was a bit tired, he stopped and sat on the ground with his face in his hands.

I wanted to go to him, but my injured leg didn't let me to.

" Are you fucking out of your mind, Jules ?

What have you done ?

You called her a WHORE on her face !

Are you insane ?

And you literally RAPED her !

How could you, Mr. Judge ? "

Lauren said disgusted with me.

" You've really lost it, Jules !

When you already knew everything happening all the time and you had this much objection to it; why didn't YOU stopped going to her ?


Derek said almost spitting on me.

" I knew you'd do something stupid when, I saw you hitting your hand on wall after seeing me kiss her this morning !

But I never thought you'd cross your limit to THIS extent !

I had thought about asking someone else to be with her tonight after seeing your reaction; but you were fine at the dinner table !

So, I thought you've forgotten about it, but you took it out on HER like THIS ?

Shame on you Jules !

I really haven't expected this from at least you ! You were the MOST SANE and CALM person among us ! "

Dominic said fuming.

" You called her a WHORE, right ?

And YOU have problem with that.

Then let me remind you that, you were FUCKING the SAME whore for a while now !

And that too, after KNOWING she was one !

And now you are COMPLAINING about it ?

What kind of sick trash are you ? "

Cole said disgusted.

They all were mad at me and Cole had beaten the shit out of me and I DESERVED it !

But now that, I am in my senses and they are telling me what have I done; it is making me wanna die in guilt of hurting her at this level !

I couldn't listen to their accusing anymore !

They were absolutely correct; but I can't listen what have I done to her !

It is feeling worse listening it from someone else.

After they were done accusing me and cursing me, not forgetting that he was a doctor as well; Dominic dressed my wounds and gave me some painkillers.

It was quite early to be called morning, but neither of us returned to our room and nobody could sleep.

They were all disturbed; and I was in pain as well !