Nobody Said that Mages Can't Wear Armors!

Nick Fury calculated Fanny's threat level from the abilities that he explained. Nick wondered if he could really take Fanny on in an open conflict.

Then again, he couldn't be sure which one of Fanny's words was truth or lie. That teleportation gate was especially problematic; if Tony Stark supplied Fanny with armaments, the two could easily destroy a country.

Nick's mind wandered towards a certain woman who could destroy a battleship with her bare hand. Compared to her, Fanny wasn't really a big deal.

Nick Fury had no idea that Fanny was also backed by a powerful woman—a bald one at that!

"I need a way to reliably contact you," Nick said. Fanny had refused to join his initiative, but from the beginning, his mission was simply to make a connection with the mysterious Silver Knight.

"Just call this number," Fanny recited his cell phone number. Tony had modified his phone to encrypt calls and defend against tracking.

"Oh right, there is one more thing." Fanny suddenly recalled something after Nick saved his phone number. "Think of a way to change my 'Silver Knight' nickname. I don't use any sword or ride any horse, so I'm obviously not a knight."


Nick was utterly perplexed. He was the dignified director of SHIELD, the leader of the world's largest secret organization. Why would he waste his time taking care of people's nicknames?!

"Well, what do you want to change it to?" Nick humored Fanny.

"Silver Explosion Mage!"


Tony, who had been silent until now, choked on his wine. Fanny was a little embarrassed. "Is it that bad?"

"I think Fried Chicken Wrap Man would be a lot better," Tony shrugged and suggested his own ridiculous nickname.

"Get lost!" Fanny cursed at him. Although, Tony wasn't entirely wrong. The name he came up with was a little too long.

The nicknames of Marvel superheroes are generally simple but catchy, such as Captain America, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, War Machine, Thunder God, Black Panther, Spider-Man, etc.

There don't seem to be any superheroes with three words.

"Ugh, forget it. Just keep that name for now."

Tony's mockery made Fanny question his own naming sense—but he also thought about how despite he had been wearing 'Demon Armor Incursio' ever since he acquired it, there might come a time when he wouldn't be using it anymore.

Nick was speechless when he saw Fanny seriously brooding about the nickname problem. All preconceptions he had about the mysterious 'Silver Knight' had been thoroughly shattered.

"Agent Romanov already knew your name, so it should be fine to tell her your identity. I'll have her handle the transfer of the stuff you asked for."

"Through her?!" Fanny slightly frowned. His impression of Black Widow wasn't very good, especially since she was so adept at social engineering and information gathering. Moreover, she was the primary reason that his identity was exposed.

"Why wasn't it the half-bald Coulson?" Fanny asked. The honest Coulson was much better. He was also a secret agent, but his sincerity wasn't an act.

"He has another mission," Nick replied.

Fanny's heart skipped a beat. Concern entered his voice, "What mission?"

"It's classified!" Nick frowned at the changes in Fanny's expression.

"Is it related to a hammer?" Fanny asked brazenly. He wasn't going to intervene anyway; he just wanted to confirm whether Thor had been banished to Earth.

Nick looked straight at Fanny. He was deathly curious about where on Earth Fanny got his intelligence from. Coulson had only arrived and reported about the hammer yesterday.

"Do you know what it is?"

"Yes—it's a very famous weapon. You should have heard about it." Fanny glanced at Tony's curious face. "Mjolnir. The hammer of the Thunder God."

"You're saying it was a hammer straight out of a legend?" Tony half-laughed, thinking that Fanny was joking.

"Yes, and its master is here too." Fanny looked at Tony and continued with a mocking tone, "I told you long ago that there were many aliens on Earth, and this Thunder God is one of them."

"Wait, you mean that it is an alien weapon, and there was an alien that came to Earth along with it?" Nick's face stiffened. He didn't expect aliens to be involved in this matter.

"Don't worry too much about it. Hey, how about this? If you can bring me the thing I want tomorrow, I'll give you some information about them in exchange."

Fanny looked at Nick with interest. He was also afraid that things would get out of hand, so he hoped to get the 'obelisk' as soon as possible.

"I'll talk to you about the consultant fees later. I'll be leaving first," Nick Fury left after saying that to Tony. He hadn't put his faith in Fanny, but he didn't completely distrust him either. No matter what, he had to investigate everything carefully.

"Was that true?" Nick had left Tony and Fanny in the villa. Tony couldn't hold his curiosity in. "A hammer and an alien Thunder God came to Earth?"

"Well, if I remembered correctly, he was exiled to Earth."

Fanny could not guarantee that things were exactly the same as the original work, so he did not say too much.

"Exiled?!" Tony frowned. "Are you saying they've been in contact with Earth the entire time?"

"Something like that." Fanny was afraid that Nick had left some hidden surveillance in Tony's house, so he didn't dare to say much. He changed the topic, "How's your building?"

"It's fine. I was planning to renovate it anyway."

Tony obviously didn't have any money problems.

The two talked for a while before Fanny returned home. Most of the damages happen in Stark properties, so Tony would probably be busy for a while.

Moreover, Tony also had to deal with the public impact of the battle. This was the price of announcing his identity.

It took some time, but the news about the battle eventually reached other places.

For example, Kamar-Taj.

When Fanny came to train in Kamar-Taj later that day, he found that many mages were secretly watching him. He expected this to happen, but it was still uncomfortable.

This was one of the reasons why he did not want to reveal his identity.

"As you all know!" Fanny had no choice but to face the masses. "Please keep it a secret, my mages comrade. Do not reveal my identity."

"Venerable Fanny, how did you conjure that spell?" A curious mage took the opportunity to ask, seeing that Fanny was already addressing everyone. The magical formula that appeared when Fanny used the Explosion Magic was somewhat reminiscent of Kamar-Taj's spells, but it was fundamentally different.

"Sorry, that is a secret." Fanny spread out his arms helplessly. It was normal for spells to be kept secret within limited circles, so everyone understood Fanny's refusal to share it.

"Fanny, I heard that you got a new nickname as the 'Knight of Divine Punishment.' It seems that someone has established the Church of Divine Punishment."

"What?" Fanny was dumbfounded. Even with the clear display of Explosion MAGIC, how come people still call him a 'Knight?' Do people really think everyone in armor is a knight?!

Nobody said that mages couldn't wear armor, damn it!