Since Ancient Times, Lancers Had E-Rank Luck

Fanny didn't think that Nick Fury would trick him with a fake. He was unlikely to do that unless he was also being fooled by Hydra.

Fanny closed the box and moved on to the next topic. "Are you familiar with Nordic mythology?"

"Prosaic or Poetic Edda?" Nick Fury asked for clarification.

"Uh!" Fanny paused, not knowing what to say. He could only scratch his head. "It doesn't matter; forget about it. Anyway, you just need to know that the original Norse mythology was passed down from Asgard."

"And Asgard was basically an alien civilization. It is actually pretty famous in the galaxy."

"They call themselves the gods, just like in the myths. Their longevity, special powers, and physical strength far exceeded ours."

"Take that hammer, for example. Without its approval or ability to overpower its magic, you will never be able to lift it."

"How can a hammer give approval?" Nick Fury interrupted, frowning. "And you said magic?"

Fanny sighed. "Why couldn't a hammer give approval? Even stones could control people and demand sacrifices. Their civilization practices magic and technology as one and the same."

Fanny sometimes wondered if he could prevent Thanos from gathering the Infinity Stones by killing Gamora, but he quickly dismissed it. The Soul Stone required a sacrifice in the form of someone Thanos loved. Without Gamora, it might change to Nebula, and so on. Fanny couldn't eliminate everyone around Thanos.

Moreover, as long as Thanos knew the location, he could get others to bring it to him, so this method would not work at all.

Fanny gathered his scattered thought and returned to reality. "If you can't accept the term magic, you can think of them as genetic locks, face recognition, or whatever. Just think of it as incredibly advanced technology."

Nick pondered for a moment and continued in a low voice, "Then, why did this Thunder God bring his hammer to Earth? How did he come here in the first place?"

"Before that, let me first explain the relationship between Asgard and Earth. Asgard's reach extends to nine realms, appointing themselves as the protector. They called our Earth 'Midgard.'"

"So they have been herding us?" Natasha interrupted. "Like a flock of sheep?"

"Not exactly." Fanny shook his head. "You are also in charge of maintaining the safety and stability of this world, but can you say that you owned the Earth?"

"Speaking of which, their duties are actually very similar to your SHIELD. To protect the safety and stability of the nine realms."

Fanny's answer couldn't erase the unease in Nick Fury's heart—on the contrary, he felt even more endangered. He never knew that the aliens had always been so close to them.

"Asgard possesses a device called the Bifrost. The rainbow bridge. It allows them to teleport their forces to any place within the nine realms. It was also a planet-killing weapon, so you shouldn't bother them if you're not sure that you can handle it.

Fanny didn't mind explaining all about the dangers that Asgard possessed. This should be enough to dispel any reckless thought that Nick Fury had—if he wanted to capture and dissect Thor, he better knows the consequences.

Nick Fury and Natasha frowned with serious expressions.

"Then again, I don't think you would have to worry about the current Asgard." Fanny was also afraid of saying too much, so he changed his tone. "The people of Asgard wish for peace, and Odin had become rather old. He won't have the energy to start a war."

"The Thunder God Thor had only arrived on Earth because of his mistake, which resulted in his exile."

"So Asgard wants our Earth to be their penal colony?!"

Instead of comforted, Nick Fury was enraged. Especially since the forces involved were beyond his expectation.

Currently, the most powerful weapon that Earth possessed was the nuclear bomb. But those weapons would be useless without knowledge of the target. Asgard, on the other hand, had a planet-killing weapon locked and ready at any time against the nine realms.

If a war broke out, they would lose before they even met.

"That's not really how things stand. Thor was a Prince, the future King of Asgard. Odin had sent him to be reformed here because he trusted that the Earth would be able to do that."

Fanny didn't fully disagree with what Nick Fury said, but he still had to show Nick the other side of the problem.

Nick Fury wasn't the kind of man to let his safety be controlled by others, nor would he let aliens determine Earth's fate. But now he had to confirm one last thing.

"How do I know that you're telling the truth?"

Nick Fury stared at Fanny. He couldn't just accept everything Fanny told him.

"That is…"

Fanny was conflicted. How could he even begin to prove it? It's not like he could ask Ancient One to open a portal to Asgard and send Nick for a tour.

Should he try calling Heimdallr to see if he would open the bridge for him?!

"If nothing goes wrong, Thor should have interacted with other people by now, so you can go investigate that. And it's not like Asgard was going to stay silent forever. They should send some more people soon, so you can find them if you're looking properly. If that doesn't work either, just go grab Thor and interrogate him. He should still be wandering around the hammer—it was in our territory anyway."

Fanny decided to abandon all care in the world and gave Nick Fury rather reckless advice. It doesn't matter if Nick didn't believe him; the deal had been fulfilled.

"Alright, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first."

Fanny picked up the box and prepared to leave. With the item at hand, he would have to study the proper way to use it next. He didn't want any dangerous interference to Skye's awakening.

"Wait," Nick Fury called out to Fanny, "If you compare yourself to that Thunder God, who is stronger?"

Fanny paused, touched his chin, and hesitantly replied, "We should be just about equal, but I never fought anyone at his level before, so I'm not sure."

Despite what he said, Fanny actually felt that Thor with Mjolnir would be stronger than him.

Speaking of weapons, 'Demon Armor Incursio' was a longsword in its dormant form. It also had an attached weapon after being activated as armor: the Neuntote spear. Fanny felt that he could almost summon it.

However, he somewhat disliked its style.

The Neuntote was a melee spear, not a ranged firearm. Fanny had never used such a weapon, and he had no intention of learning. He only had so much energy to spare. And it wasn't very useful to his combat style either.

He was a grand mage. Wearing armor was one thing, but if he used a spear, the term 'Knight' would forever be attached to his name.

On top of that, since ancient times, lancers always had E-rank luck, while Archers could get up to B-rank. He didn't want to jinx it.

Most importantly, however, was the fact that the weapon didn't actually improve his strength by any appreciable level. It was a far cry from the output of the 'Explosion Magic.'

Therefore, Fanny didn't plan to summon and try using it even if he could. He was a little worried that it would affect the next extraction.